The first task I choose to do from the assignment bank is titled “Your Favorite Photo.” The title speaks for itself, and the instructions are really straightforward: just share your best picture. Above is my favorite picture of the exterior of the Philadelphia Phillies ballpark on a gorgeous summer evening. I have several reasons why this is my favorite picture, but the main one is that I love the Philadelphia Phillies. I have been a lifelong Philadelphia Sports supporter who was always really interested in baseball in general and the Phillies in particular. The Phillies were among the top MLB teams at the time I started following sports, and they even took home a world series title in 2008. Even though baseball games are extremely slow, I always enjoy watching them since it gave me something to do for a few hours while I relax. The second reason this is my favorite picture is that it reminds me of all the wonderful times I had with my dad when we used to go to so many Flyers, Eagles, and Phillies games. Growing up, I had the good fortune to attend Phillies playoff and World Series games, so I have always loved attending the games. This picture simply reminds me of all the wonderful childhood memories that my dad and I were able to create. Last but not least, this is my favorite picture since, come summertime, who doesn’t enjoy baseball games? Nothing like lounging back, enjoying some hot dogs, and watching a baseball game. Go, Phillies!
Category Archives: VisualAssignments2152
A Favorite Photo
by: Greta Hammen
This is one of my favorite photos taken by me, because these are horses that I board at my home
Sierra and Marra were running and looking especially beautiful on a warm day!
Visual Assignment: Your Favorite Photo
The prompt I did for my first visual assignment was easy: “It’s simple. Choose your faveourite photo you’ve taken and tell everyone why you love it so much.” So here is my photo.
I took this on campus at UMW behind the psychology building last year back in August, around the first week of classes. I remember what I felt when I took it: I immediately saw the picture in my mind before I even took it. As I crouched down to take the picture, seeing both the destroyed bear and the light pole in the frame, I was instantly transported back to my photojournalism class during my junior year of high school. I remember my teacher teaching the class about rule of thirds, to put the subjects of the pictures on that 1/3 line, as well as to use lines to build dimension and depth. I’m fairly sure I was giggling in excitement while taking the picture, because it was set up like this without me having to even adjust anything.
One thing that’s really special to me about this picture is the backstory on that bear. It was there for a week, then it was gone. It looked dirtier every day, but it was seemingly untouched outside of minor movements. Sometimes it would be laying flat, other times sitting up, sometimes upside down. And the honest through is, I have no idea what the story is. And I think that’s what I like most about it, because in a way, you get to sit and think about it and make your own story for it.
I think it’s also kind of eerie. It’s a child’s toy with it’s face gone, dirty and ragged, alone in the forest, sitting upright. It’s completely out of its element, and that’s what is so special about it. There are just so many questions about it, and yet I have none of the answers, so you get to fill in those answers yourself.
I just think it’s really cool and fascinating when a picture gets you thinking, so I think that’s why it’s my favorite. I just love love love the idea of putting something out there and allowing people to make their own conclusions off of it.