Category Archives: Assignment Bank

The Better Radio Bumper

This is now my I think third radio bumper I have made so it was pretty easy to make using clip champ and natural readers.

This week I redid the bumper to use for the radio show because the bumper(connect with page to week 9 bumper) I had already created was not my best work. I throw that one out and I used this one.

I started this bumper with making some lines to use in natural reader:

“You are now listening to DS 106 Radio. Whether you are on the go or just sitting down, hopefully you are enjoying the talks and even the commercials, Some of the commercials in this radio are a great way to help business grow Including Aggressive Technologies, the main company right now to expand their Artificial Intelligence usage. We all know how AI is becoming a huge thing in the world today, which is what The Digital Agencies Podcast will mention. Now back to the main show.”

(Emma online natural) 

After I recorded the lines then I headed over to FreeSound and I found this incredible sound:

Of course, I head over to Clip Champ to put them all together. Which gave me this amazing audio and I believe it turned out great! However, I am unsure what exactly happened, but the music was supposed to play through the entire bumper but that was not the case. I had sent it to my group to use for the radio show and no one said anything about it missing music…maybe they just thought it was supposed to be like that.

When I was listening to the radio show and my bumper came on I knew that I had messed it up somehow. I asked my group if I should fix it and they said no it was okay. Deep down though, I wanted to fix it so badly. I did not want the person who put together all the sounds to redo the radio show because I sent them a bad audio, so I did not bother asking them again.

All in all, I really enjoyed making this and if I had not messed up, this would have been my best one yet…in my opinion!

Flying Cars Commercial

The first thing I started with was a script I wanted my commercial to say. I knew that I wanted to add Artificial Intelligence along with Aggressive Technologies. Down below is the script I used for this commercial:

NOW!  Introducing an affordable flying car! Josh is giving away flying cars to the first 3 people to call 1-800-fly-cars. With their new Artificial Intelligence navigation and voices to make you never feel like you are the only passenger in the car.  With only having to pay 200 a month to Aggressive technologies, this car is the breakthrough of public transportation for the sky!

*talks fast*: 200 a month for 5 years, no warranty, tires for the road are not included and you will have to pay your own insurance. Colors are limited edition year to year.

Call or go online to buy yours now!

After I got my wording down for this assignment, I used FreeSound to find this audio:

I then moved back to my script, and I put it in Natural Readers and recorded it on my phone. I then emailed myself the audio of the script. Once that step was completed, it was time to push the two audios together using ClipChamp. I was able to successfully create my commercial for the ds106 Radio Show.

This assignment was very easy because I have done this before, but it was more of a PSA and it had images that were connected. Which made the commercial way easier in my opinion!

Bumpin Along

I first started with the Radio Bump by looking at some good songs I could use to give the feeling that the song was on the radio. However, this proved to be more difficult because all the sounds that are on Freesound are weird sounds and not someone actually singing a song. So, I ended up settling for the audio below:

She had a lovely voice and it was very calming and then came the easy part in my opinion because I have websites I stick with when I create audios.  The first thing I did was open up a Word and I started typing a little script on what I would like the host to talk about:

(guy online(natural)) Host: Good evening, thank you for joining us today while we listen to Ds106 Radio. We have a special guest to talk to us about AI technology. Josh take it away.

(Christopher online natural)) Josh: Thank you for inviting me to the beloved DS106 Radio! We can change every single pitch on DS106 Radio if we want to but of course will not change the lovely song that is playing.

After I created the wording I put it into Natural Readers. Then I chose the voices I wanted and recorded it on my phone. Once I got the audio from my phone to the computer, I put all the audio into Clipchamp. I chopped up the clips, formed them together and made sure the music was not overpowering what the host of the radio was saying.

All in all this assignment took me about 2 hours to complete. Which is not that bad from start to finish however that does not include me typing all of this.

Terms and Conditions Apply – Radio Commercial

Today, I worked on a Radio Commerical for Ravioli Radio! I don’t think we will end up using it, but it was fun to make regardless!

The Assignment in the Assignment Bank that I followed as this one, which stated,

When you are driving in the car and a radio commercial comes on you might start to tune the radio out. But, if you were the person selling what the commercial was offering would you want people tuning it out or listening intently? Well, I would want people paying attention to my commercial! So, for this audio assignment pick a product or business you would like to promote and sell! Use a audio recording software such as soundcloud to record your commercial. Add in background music, edits, and provide full information of the business/product/services you are advertising. Try to create a radio commercial that grabs and maintains the audiences’ attention. On the side, write why you chose the object or business you are promoting and the process you used to create your commercial.

Part of Dr. Ravioli‘s whole story is that he rides a moped, he gives away mopeds at his Radio show, and they are just apart of his identity. We already have a Moped Commerical that we will be using, but this is just another if we need to throw one in for more time or anything! So, everyone gets a free moped (terms and conditions do apply)

I used FreeSound to find a commercial-sounding audio that was a little upbeat and motivational. Get you inspired, make sure you want that free moped and you will go get that free moped. So, I used this audio for that tone and mood.

I ended up using ChatGPT and my brain to come up with a fun, inspiring script to follow, and then used the ElevenLabs voice Jessie for the voice. I like this voice, I think it’s pretty funny. Originally, I was gonna voice it myself, but this one is just so funny, and it actually added character to some of the words instead of just reading them boringly.

I put this all together in Audacity, but I really feel like some of the voice audio’s could have been closer together, but I didn’t feel like it fit with that part of the song, so I don’t know. Regardless, it was fun to put together! Really easy stuff, mostly just twiddling with the spacing, making one audio quieter and the other louder, and then adding a fade out at the end.

But yeah! This was fun! You get a free moped! (not from Dr. Ravioli… so no guarnatee that it works… this is real sketchy).

weird product ad meets 80s radio show

Create a 30-45 second radio commercial for a product from the 80’s. Add in some background music and/or sound effects to make it sound like a real radio commercial.

80’s Product Radio Commercial

For this assignment, I decided to venture into the realm of nonsense to come up with the most bizarre ad I could think of. Meet the Jetpack Jammies.

After painstakingly putting that vague vision into words, I used Voicemaker to create the narrator’s voice. I then used Audacity to create the old-timey radio effect on the voice and to speed up the disclaimer.

I got my music and the jetpack sound here. I used the same radio effect on both. Finally, I used Lexica to make the weird image you see now.

good morning aggressors!

For my first audio assignment this week, I choose to do the Good Morning Message for The Village. I of course had a lot of fun making more ominous brainwashing content for this company and I hope other people do too!

It is always such a wonderful thing to hear a bright cheery voice delivering the Good Morning Message in The Village. Why don’t you bring some joy to the day and to your fellow Residents by creating and recording a wonderful message of community and cheer. Share your audio via Soundcloud and tag it appropriately. 

Good Morning Message for The Village

Making this assignment was pretty simple since we’ve had time to get used to the various tools available.

First I used this text-to-speech tool to generate that cheery voice I knew this message needed. I then found that classic morning I needed music here. After getting both of those I did some quick editing using DaVinci Resolve’s Fairlight. And I know that that tool is generally used for far more complicated projects but I had been using it so much recently that it was where my cursor led me.

Finally, at the end of this assignment when I was about to upload it to SoundCloud, I felt that it was missing a photo for that final touch. So I generated one on Lexica and then edited the text on Photopea.

Assignment Bank: 80’s Product Radio Commercial – Definitely Not the 80’s but Close Enough?

Create a 30-45 second radio commercial for a product from the 80’s. Add in some background music and/or sound effects to make it sound like a real radio commercial.

I made a commercial fitting for my character, Hwei. He is attempting to sell AI powered prosthetic body augments with the promise of alleviating pain and enhancing performance. I think something like this is how Hwei would first introduce his inventions to the market, but not necessarily for monetary gain. This type of advertisement, if successful, would slowly introduce his inventions to society, and eventually making all of society accustom to getting this procedure done.

Most of the lines I chose were not sales tactics that you’d normally see in advertisements other than the intro that poses a question and then a solution. That is what makes Hwei’s commercial unique; no upselling, no monetary value mentioned. This also definitely isn’t from the 80’s but I took Professor Bond’s offer of bending assignments to meet our show, so I just did a regular commercial for this.

Assignment Bank: Sick beat – Making the Logic Pod Intro

"Make a sick beat, using whatever you can find on, and whatever you can record around you! I don’t care how long it is, just get groovy dood."

I bent this audio assignment a little bit to meet our needs for the podcast. I decided to go on to find a suitable introduction song to our podcast. Actually, as we’re still in the process of splicing things together and deciding on which audio files would work for each scenario, I think that this may end up being a transition of some sort. There are a few other audio clips from the website that we have in mind but we won’t know for sure which ones to use until the rest of our show is structured.

I think this sound in particular has a very tech-y sound signature to it, and it’s almost stereotypically high tech with the synths and chords that go into it. We’ll see where this goes in our show, but I’m glad to have one piece of audio that would suit many aspects of our show.

Where Creativity Never Sleeps – Radio Bumper

Today, I worked on a radio bumper for our radio show!

This might be the first time I’ve ever heard Dr. Oblivion sound a little enthusiastic! (I put the same prompt in over and over until he didn’t sound dead inside)

I use the CC Search and looked up “futuristic,” originally for inspiration, but then I found this which linked me to a Freesound audio that I ended up liking enough to use! It’s the only music I used, and I only really fiddled with fading in and fading out at the start, start of Oblivion’s message, end of Oblivion’s message, and the end of the bumper.

The only other thing I did was talk to Dr. Oblivion and convince him to give me a radio bumper and end it with the familiar phrase “ds106 for life!” This took a while, because sometimes he told me he couldn’t do it, other times he would, and other times he’d just spit out something that wasn’t quite what I wanted. I ended up using two different responses he had, both where I had to tweak a little to get the sort of message or tone that I wanted.

I put everything together in Audacity. It was pretty simple, but I wish I could get rid of the slight background noise for Dr. Oblivion. I also wish I could just make him speak with a little emotion . . . but I know, he’s literally an AI, of course he’s not gonna be full of emotion.

Not sure what else to add for this, but it’s what I’ve made!

Interview Yourself

Yesterday, I interviewed myself for this Video Assignment, where the prompt was:

“Each year since 2017 Vanity Fair interviews Billie Eilish, and in many ways it is an introspective in which she is talking to her former self as the years go on. I hope when you’re reading this they are still doing them! But now it’s your turn. The first part is easy, make a list of questions you want to aks yourself, turn on the camera and hit record. A year from now, take the same questions and record yourself answering them again. Feel free to edit in responses from the previous year and even reactions to those previous answers. As the years go on perhaps you’ll learn more about yourself and who you are becoming.”

Here is the link!

This was actually fairly simple. I took questions from the 2022 Billie Eilish Vanity Fair interview (oddly, the 2023 one is not out . . . so maybe they’re done?) for myself and asked myself the questions. Well, most of the questions. I skipped the ones revolving around fans or about being an artist because I have zero fans and I am not an artist nor am I famous.

Filming was easy, I just filmed it on my iPhone 15 Pro camera and edited it using iMovie. I don’t think I ran into any errors in this or any trouble, it was fairly easy after having practiced using video editors for the class!

This was actually more like a reflection for me, and it kind of forced my to uncover things about myself that I wasn’t aware of our hadn’t voiced. I hadn’t really understood that I put so much work on myself just to escape overthinking thoughts until I, well, thought about it, and this made me think about it.

Obviously, I can’t fast travel and show you 2025’s interview of me, but I’m excited to see where I’ll be then, and I hope 2025 me will feel like I’ve come a long way.