Colebrooke Band Poster

by Greta Hammen
At the beginning of the semester, I would read the weeks assignment list and count the number of tasks that needed to be fulfilled. Some weeks that might be nine things, such as three daily creates, read an article, watch a video and make a video or an audio. It seemed like a lot at that time, but once I began doing the assignments, and the blogging, it was an enjoyable experience that added value in my life.
To make this video, I first created an avatar on www.d-id.com, with the prompt of blonde lady with blue eyes on a university lawn. I used text-to-speech generator on www.elevenlabs.com to share my summary of a favorite project by another student and one that I made as well. The ending brings in our class theme. Then on d-id.com, to create the video, I selected the “create a video” prompt, and the avatar I you wished to use, and uploaded the saved mp.3 audio just created. The website syncs the two files and makes a mp.4 that is downloadable. I then uploaded the video to YouTube, copied the link and embedded it in the blog.
by Greta Hammen
by Greta Hammen
BeFunky.com has a large variety of art tools to transform your photos! It is one of my favorite sites to use and is worth the subscription fee.
by Greta Hammen
The Multicultural Fair of 2023 had many events on campus. The food was delicious and the people with different crafts and unique menus were a delight to talk to. I was in a class group of three others, but they could not attend the fair. One girl was getting married and went home to plan, hire the cake maker, etc. The other girl had just gotten a job that started the day of the fair. I barely knew how to use the video camera! Some footage was blurry and I deleted it. Amazingly, this video turned out this good.
by Greta Hammen
One of our headlines in the AI takeover final project is “AI-Powered Healthcare Innovations Transform Patient Care”. On Tuesday evening, I created a poster of nurse robots in a hospital and wrote about it https://gretahammen.com/ds106/progress-report-fp/.
Each of us in the group contributed by individually making videos and posters that would fit together like a puzzle at the end. We communicated on Discord and after completing any steps, we updated the Google doc for our final project.
I made comments on peer’s blogs https://www.kelbellz.com/uncategorized/final-project-matching-game/#comment-99, https://ds106.hurkledurkling.com/blog/uncategorized/final-project-update-laughing-bricks-are-creepy/#comment-159, and https://cat-on-a-moped.com/uncategorized/final-video-project/#comment-75.
It’s Friday and the final project is complete https://gretahammen.com/ds106/final-project-%f0%9f%8e%a5/. I appreciate this group and all that was done for the final. So far, it has been the most responsible group at UMW, that I have been in. My memory is strong and I will always remember this experience.
by Greta Hammen
In ds106, I have learned to do many digital tasks, I had some video editing experience from a prior class, but the experience this semester, solidified my skill. The websites that I used several times were www.elevenlabs.com and www.d-id.com, to create talking avatars. These were used again in the final project to put together the news reporter.
Poster designs are my favorite to envision and produce. AI makes it a breeze and I love it! Adobe Firefly and Adobe Express are my go tos’ for poster design. I tapped onto those for the robot nurses poster advertisement. My spouse whistled when he saw them and commented that he would like that group tending to his needs.
Watching the sci-fi movies from the list early on and also wathcing. Black Mirror, episode Be Right Back was entertaining. I would not have looked for these things, without the prompting of needing to do so for this class and I did enjoy this activity. Lastly, I enjoyed the variety of daily creates and the unique websites that were in the prompts to visit, to be able to do the assignments. Overall, this class was satisfying and added to my foundation of skills for future employment and for creative ventures.
by Greta Hammen
Our group’s final project is an AI takeover situation. We have a news anchor who reports breaking news from all over the country, I embedded the video below, that I made last week. It will be edited by group members to include stories and propaganda posters, that each of us is creating. One of the headlines is “AI-Powered Healthcare Innovations Transform Patient Care”. I created the above poster of robots in nurse uniforms in a hospital in Adobe Firefly, then I added text in Adobe Express. The font is Source Sans 3 in black with a shadow effect in blue #1D06CC. Imagine if all healthcare providers were robots.
by Greta Hammen
On Thursday evening, I wrote the script for the news anchor to say in the video. I put the video together on elevenlabs.com and d-id.com to have an avatar and my script come together. The news room video needed to be put together first, to provide a foundation for the group to insert their videos of AI issues that have taken over. “C:\Users\greta\Downloads\AI Take Over Breaking News.mp4.
I watched video projects from last week and replied https://ds106.hurkledurkling.com/blog/video-assignments/video-project-origins-of-evil-bricks/#comment-153, https://melealineberry.com/uncategorized/video-project/This was a great combination of various elements! I especially liked the book opening up at the beginning and closing at the end. The lip-syncing was well done too. I encouraged an upcoming project https://www.kelbellz.com/uncategorized/signing-into-a-show-final-project/#comment-88. My reply did not save on Lineberry’s or Leese’s blogs, it says error with a long list of computer language.
A pretty view for Friday’s tdc, that I’m thankful for. We board one horse and she is in the pasture on the other side of the horse fence in my daily create https://social.ds106.us/@gretahammen/112299433494628688. She will stand near to us to hear talking and to be a groupie. If you look closely you will find her, through the first lantern near to the top.