Category Archives: ds106

Collateral coincidences

I watched the Michael Mann neo-noir classic Collateral last night. I was thinking about the idea of noir characters, and how this film shows a great example of the Innocent Bystander, a cab driver, a man with a plan, whose life is turned upside down by a random fare.

This segment, starting at 1:23 of the video, struck me as a metaphor for customizing our blog spaces: Taking the standard ride, seeing how the controls work, closing the door to focus, and adding the personal touches. As Jim put it:

Figuring out how to design the space wherein you live, work, and learn remains crucial and remains at the core of the ds106 experience.

How’s that for an unexpected coincidence?

I also wanted to do a visual or design assignment using the film. I told myself I would go to the fifth page of assignments and do one I found there. I was taken with the initial cab ride scene with Jamie Foxx and Jada Pinkett Smith and thought it would be good for the Storytelling Collage assignment. Pinkett Smith does an impressive job of communicating with eyes and expressions, so I tried to capture some of that. Here are the shots I used:

  1. She tells him how to do his job
  2. He suggests a better route
  3. She barely gives him attention as she responds. The plexiglas partition is a concrete symbol of the divide between them
  4. But she thinks about it. Note that she’s no longer behind the partition.
  5. Exterior view of the tangle of roadways
  6. There’s a seriousness and depth about him that she finds attractive
  7. Another exterior, would not be out of place in a tech noir film
  8. There’s an openness and connection between them – closer together horizontally and also depth-wise. Note how the background is completely out of focus, All that matters is the tow of them.
  9. Love this shot, with the noir feel of shadow and light and the symbolism of the green light ahead of him and the red light behind

And here is the collage:

an arrangement of shots from the movie Collateral, illustrating a conversation leading to personal connection between a cab driver and passenger

I was thinking of it in terms of a page from a graphic novel, so the layout is a little more formal than the average collage. I pondered cropping images, but the director and cinematographer had them framed so perfectly that I thought it better to use them as is. I did try to use the arrangement to show them coming closer together.

Fortunately for me the scene was on Youtube. I used yt-dlp to download the video. At first the command didnā€™t work, so I looked up some directions.Ā  They werenā€™t exactly what I needed, but they gave me the idea to put single quotes around the video URL, and that did the trick. I imported the video into iMovie and selected about twenty frames from the scene. Then I used PowerPoint as a canvas to arrange the stills, and exported the final arrangement as a JPG.

I think it works. Iā€™m not sure if it says collage, but it conveys a version of the story. Iā€™m not sure if the decision not to crop was the right one. I could have been more creative and expressive with design and arrangement otherwise, so perhaps I will consider revising it later. It was worthwhile though to give the scene a close reading and look at how the shots work internally and in combination.

Revving Up the ds106 Engine

The tech noir edition of ds106 is in full swing this spring, and I’m feeling locked-in. It’s been a while since I have felt energized like this, and so much of that is rooted in commenting. Not only has ds106 given me a bunch of reasons to blog and comment, it has also re-connected me with creating a course site premised on the venerable RSS syndication bus. Last year when I was supposed to do some of this stuff for AI 106, I couldn’t look at the innards of a WordPress site. I ultimately reached out to Martha Burtis with a pleading email on a Friday evening last January to re-design the site and get the assignment bank back up and running. On Monday she had re-built the entire assignment bank in Elementor and re-designed AI 106—you shall know your friends by their awesome.

This year I’ve been going to the well yet again, but not with the same desperation, thankfully. I have no idea how to work intelligently with Elementor,Ā  and for various reasons I refuse to learn. So I’ve reverted the site back to the TwentyTwelve theme which represents an era when I could actually try and hack WordPress.* Both Tom Woodward and Alan Levine have been helping me wrangle FeedWordPress (still alive and well!) to get the desired effect, and that’s part of the magic. Figuring out how to design the space wherein you live, work, and learn remains crucial and remains at the core of the ds106 experience. It continues to be the reason why each student gets their own domain and cPanel hosting and spends the better part of a semester building out a home on the web that’s as much about owning the design of the space as it is about shaping the tenor of their voice. Some folks might think of this as a harkening back to the “good old days,” but for me it’s a simple reminder that the web is what we make it. A bag a gold in, a bag of gold out.

Open Media Ecosystem GIF from the Reclaim Edtech series

Another sign I’m feeling the ds106 bug is that I spent the morning migrating the ds106 multisite and sites back to Reclaim Cloud so I can ensure they have more than enough resources. There was nary a glitch, which is always nice. The other sundry pieces of the ds106 environment are ds106radio (Azuracast), (Mastodon), and (PeerTube), all of which are open source and we self-host which means we can provide an exploratory, yet safe, space that can act as a buffer from some of the insanity playing out presently in the world of social media. Thinking through how to integrate the various parts of this Open Media Ecosystem to create a multi-faceted view of the course experience is going to be the major focus of my work this semester.

Get Your Kicks with ds106

So anyway, I guess it’s time to rev up that blog engine and take to the road on the web less traveled. Get your kicks with ds106! #4life


*It is also a symbolic return to an era when the idea of working collaboratively online with others using one’s blog as the starting point and source of an online identity was not as crazy as it seems thirteen years later. Some of us are still believers.

You Canā€™t Go Holm Again

This weekend I finally watched Alien: Romulus (2024) given I thought it might give me something to talk about for Tech Noir, I was right. I enjoyed the return to the original Alien (1979), which in many ways is one of the pillars of the tech noir genre with its focus on greedy hi-tech companies; sleeper agent androids designed to do the powerfulā€™s bidding; and a dark and claustrophobic atmosphereā€”oh yeah, there are also the aliens that the corporation secretly direct the android to return to earth for seemingly dubious purposes. But more than anything for me from the original Alien is the beautiful visualization of the technology of the future, like the captain Dallas seemingly immersed within the MU/TH/UR 6000 computer.

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First Week Doneā€¦

This was an experience to go through, but luckily, I had fun! I learned that, unlike work, I do indeed need to work in posts, not pages (thank you, Maddie). I also learned about themes, got a better idea of tech noir, and that watching this type of content is incredibly existential yet entertaining. Until I realized that I needed to work on posts and not pages, I was very confused about where I was supposed to put my tags. I was happy with the fact that I had already learned how to use the majority of WordPress basics. This definitely helped me to quickly build pages in how I imagined them. Still, I am excited to explore more and get a better bandwidth of skill with everything.

So far, knock on wood, nothing has totally driven me crazy yet. I know that if I had been clueless about the basics, I definitely would have struggled a lot more. I have really enjoyed looking through designing themes and figuring out more ways to apply different blocks through my posts.

Mostly Relevant Goals!

Actually relevant goal

I really hope to get more used to WordPress controls as I use it for work as well. I am a Lab Aide in the Psychology department and while I know how to use the basics of WordPress, I trust that this class will allow me to have much more creative liberties with my designs! For work, we have designated hero blocks that we design around. I am excited about this class because I get to choose my own themes, designs, prompts, and can be more silly-goofy than professional.

School goal in general

I would like to start getting these tasks done earlier in the week, not just for this class. I didn’t quite realize the extent of the work I wanted to put into the different classes I was in. Now that I have been in it for a week, I feel more able to properly time manage my assignments; especially whatever these ones might include!

Helping hand goal

I would love to be able to learn more technological/creative feats to help my mom in her website endeavors.

Definitely a star critic

I would like to figure out more of what it’s like to truly review something. At least much more than the simple point of something was just good or bad. Hopefully, this will provide more practice in this endeavor!


M. Marshall 1.17.2025

My goal for this class is to become more digitally adept and get to enjoy the storytelling part of it. I obviously cannot say for sure what this class will be about until Iā€™ve done it, but I am looking forward to storytelling and I am hoping to get to exercise creativity in this course. Ideally, by the time this is finished I will have a whole blog that looks like nothing I could have ever imagined being able to create before starting this class, maybe that I can show off to friends. Maybe after TikTok goes blogging will be the next big thing. Maybe a goal would be to have the little widgets leading to a real link/page that isnā€™t just my main page? I can feel a reflection on this post coming at the end of the semester, so I am trying to think of quantifiable goals that can or cannot be met. Maybe to be able to somehow incorporate my cat, Daisy into this blog? Maybe increase my media literacy? I hope to accomplish at least a few of these things.

To start: Here is little Daisy about a day after I adopted her!

Weekly Summary #1: Hello!

M. Marshall 1.17.2025

Hello, and welcome to my blog. In all honesty, this is the most technologically advanced thing Iā€™ve ever done. When I was younger, I wanted to have a blog, but my mom wouldnā€™t let me. Similar to Ryan and Creed, from The Office, my mom allowed me to share my thoughts on a Word document. I guess the world was not prepared for whatever I had to say.

(Me, 2007) What would she have had to say?

Beginning this class was definitely anxiety inducing for me, as I have little-to-no experience in terms of anything related to tech. Maybe in my younger years, Iā€™ve changed the color of a Tumblr blog or figured out how to use Minecraft, but those days are not representative of my current skill set.

I was able to guide myself through creating this website; however, pretty much immediately I hit a wall: I realized I had no idea how to edit the website or even access WordPress. I ended up booking an appointment with the Digital Knowledge Center. I met with one of the students working there named Feli. They were very helpful and I was able to give my blog a little theme which was very exciting! This was very helpful for getting started and learning the ropes. I do not have a crystal ball, but I see many DKC appointments for this class in my future.

(The Wizard of Oz, 1939)

I feel much less nervous and much more prepared for the class after that visit. I am now excited and intrigued for what the rest of the class will look like. Iā€™m still waiting for the aha! moment for the name of my blog title, only time will tell, I guess.

I decided to watch Black Mirror (S3E4, San Junipero) for my Tech Noir media choice. I really enjoyed this episode and connected with some of the considerations about eternal life and whether or not to upload oneā€™s consciousness into a cloud (side note: I probably wouldnā€™t). It was very beautiful and I really appreciated the LGBTQ+ representation.

Iā€™m kind of running out of things to talk about, so this is where I will end it. I feel really good about this so far and hopefully I will continue using my resources and find a sense of confidence within this sphere.

Show us the Tech Noir

The point of the film review assignment was to get people thinking about the Tech Noir concept, how it has been portrayed in media, and what it means to us. It’s not meant to be a generic or conventional film review as much as a way for you to think about the theme and connect some dots.

It’s also an opportunity to practice some blogging skills like linking and embedding images and other media. If we’re going to discuss video, incorporating clips or screenshots of the points we’re discussing is a good idea. In some cases you can find usable clips on Youtube, which can be easily embedded in a post. You may be able to find images of scenes through Google. My Mac is giving me a hard time about taking screenshots of Netflix and some other services, but it appears that the Windows Print Screen function works. In order to get the shots I used in my post, I found the video on an alternate site and recorded a portion with Quicktime. Then I imported the screen recording into iMovie and saved relevant images. I really need to find a better process.

As evidence of the power of tagging, you can see our group’s film reviews at Tags are a great way of organizing posts, and allow us to bring them together. We can see how we as a group see the idea of tech noir in various media.

One review found a Black Mirror episode dealing with transhumanism ideas, which may be utopian or dystopian depending on one’s point of view. This review also adds images and links, exercising the power of digital media. The post from My blog (not my blog) discusses a Black Mirror episodeĀ  which touches on issues of surveillance, identity rights and terms of service, and the dystopian possibilities of a corporation claiming ownership over one’s life story. Another person looked at a 90s classic, The Matrix, noting its twisted reality and impressive effects. I wonder, if a term made up for the movie makes its way into the dictionary, is that an indication of living in the matrix? These posts show a good start to blogging, but we can push it further – more links, more media, more connections. Keep the reviews rolling!

Film Review: San Junipero

M. Marshall 1.16.2025

For my film review project, I decided to watch season 3, episode 4, of the show Black Mirror. I chose it because I had heard good things about it before, and I hoped it would be an interesting watch, it was. I googled ā€œBest Black Mirror episodeā€ and found this article by William Earl, Meredith Woerner, and Jennifer Maas. It said this episode (San Junipero) was one of two Black Mirror episodes to have a happy ending, which was good enough for me.

As a queer person, I was pleasantly surprised to see LGBTQ+ representation between the two main characters of the episode, Kelly (left) and Yorkie (right).

It was fun to be taken through the 80ā€™s, 90ā€™s, and early 2000ā€™s. Of course, it takes you a bit to understand whatā€™s going on. They reference that there are only a few hours until midnight, Kelly asks Yorkie if her pain (something) is set to low. Evidently, it is revealed that theyā€™re in a simulation, called San Junipero for elderly people and people who have passed and uploaded their consciousness into this simulation.

Kelly and Yorkie meet at a nightclub, the episode follows the two of them falling in love with each other. Yorkie is only a few months from dying, and wants to stay in San Junipero; however, that requires the sign off of a family member or a spouse. For religious reasons, Yorkieā€™s family did not approve of her being gay, nor her desire to stay in San Junipero. Eventually, in real life, Kelly marries Yorkie so that she can stay, Yorkie dies and her consciousness is uploaded into the cloud. Kelly struggles with whether or not to join Yorkie or her husband in the afterlife, but ultimately decides to join Yorkie in the cloud.

It was very freaky to think about existing for forever, and what forever even means. As a child, I was raised going to church, one particular hymn contained the lyrics, ā€œWhen weā€™ve been here ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun, weā€™ve no less days to sing Godā€™s praise than when we first begun.ā€ (John Newton, 1779) I no longer attend church, but when I thought of this prospect then (and now) I was horrified. It was uncomfortable for me to think 10 years into the future, let alone 10,000. Add on uploading my consciousness to a cloud, forever existing in some kind of limbo state? I think I would pass.

I would be very interested to learn about advances made involving uploading oneā€™s data into an online sphere. Iā€™ve heard of advancements in medical technology causing longer life expectancies, or the man with no plan to die. I would also be interested to learn about advancements in virtual reality, it is a curious idea that one day we could fully experience another reality inside of our own rooms. I wonder if the creators may have been hasty having it be a small magnetic coin to go on the forehead, and not a large VR headset.

Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by my enjoyment of this episode. I could see myself enjoying another episode of Black Mirror if there were more happy endings.