Category Archives: WeeklySummary

Weekly Summary #7: Here we go again

M. Marshall 2.28

Welcome back to the weekly summary. These are honestly my favorite part of the week’s work because I love looking back on what I’ve worked on. This week:

I reported from the scene! (Thank you Canva)

I created propaganda (ew):

My character reacted to propaganda:

TDC #1:

TDC #2:

TDC #3:

That’s all for this week! Until next time.

Week 7 Summary

My disabilities and off and on month long illness caught up with me to the point that the health center and ODR sent me home to recuperate and be closer to my doctors, so I have not had a very productive week unfortunately. However, I was able to at the very least get my propaganda assignment done and I feel quite good about it. I’m really hoping that being home and on spring break will help me finally recover and get better so that I can finally start getting back in the swing of things.

Weekly Summary- 2/28

This week I used Canva a lot to create media to represent how I would format a movie scene into a news article, and to create my own propaganda that connects to Eric Little. Although these were 2 separate assignments, I thought it would be a cool idea to combine them into one, having both the new article and propaganda on the front page of this website’s newspaper, The Digital Canvas Times. For the movie scene, I used the nightclub scene from The Terminator, and used a sense of ambiguity behind the event to frame the shooting as a real event that was trying to be published as soon as possible even without having all of the information. Furthermore, the propaganda I put together had a prominent theme of structure that resonates well with Eric Little and his backstory as someone that’s only done what he is told. I also wanted to add different teasers such as identifying the conspiracy Eric is caught up in being an underground anarchy against the societal elites known as The Arrow, and adding a wanted poster of him in the bottom of the newspaper cover.

I also did the 3 daily creates this week which I will show below, as has become tradition.

Seventh Heaven

This week was fun! I really liked getting to look at everyones propaganda, PSAs, and newspapers. I think everyone did a good job with their assignments and you can tell they put a lot of effort into their projects. I had fun with the projects this week too and I think they were some of the stronger projects I’ve done this semester.

Daily Creates

For this week’s Daily Creates, I did Tuesday’s, Wednesday’s, and Thursday’s. Tuesday’s Daily create was taking a picture from the opposite perspective. I chose to take a picture of my laptop, which normally isn’t perched on an Adirondack chair outside, but the weather was really nice on Tuesday so I did my work outide that day.

Wednesday’s Daily Create was to make your own Fairytale. At first, I was really struggling to come up with a story, so I decided to look at writing prompts on Pinterest, which is a common fix for me to get out of a writers block. I landed on writing a short story about Hansel and Gretel where the witch is their savior instead of the villain. Writing the short story was hard given the character limit on Mastodon, so it took me a few tries to write it out and edit it down. Eventually, I was able to cut the story down without losing any major parts.

The last Daily Create was on Thursday and the prompt was to showcase your kaleidoscope. My initial idea for the prompt was to take the Kaleidoscope camera from Apple Photobooth, point it at the sky, and call it a day. However, I decided that that choice wasn’t personal enough. I ended up deciding to make an acrostic to better depict what my kaleidoscope would show. I incorporated colors, shapes, objects, and description words into the poem to give readers the best depiction possible.

The Daily Creates were fun this week. I wanted to do Monday but the day slipped away from me before I got the chance. Maybe I’ll try to do some DCs over Spring Break. Maybe.


I loved the assignments this week. I found them so enjoyable to craft. The Character Commenting assignment was interesting but also a tad challenging. The hardest part was finding assignments to write about and then coming up with reasons why my character liked those assignments. As the assignment went on, it became easier and easier to get in the headspace of my character but writing the first paragraph was tough. Still, it came out fine. You can view Krissy’s Comments here.

I liked the newspaper assignment, it was fun to portray a fictional movie like a serious event. This assignment also made watching the Terminator scenes different because I was forced to look through a lens of realism. Normally in shoot out movie scenes the audience isn’t supposed to dwell on the lives being taken in the background. However, because I was focused on the events happening in the scene, I was forced to consider everyone who had died. The police shooting scene had so many deaths, I’m not sure anyone was left alive. It was interesting to consider the lives of the people in the background. To make the assignment I used Canva. I included a few easter eggs in the report and on the side, that I’m curious to see if anyone picked up on. I explained one of them in my blog, which you can view here.

The propaganda assignment was my favorite. I think it’s one of the best assignments I’ve done in this class so far. I chose to make my propaganda about egg prices because they are so, dramatically high right now which is really frustrating. One of my favorite parts about my poster is that the coloring I used is reminiscent of pro-America propaganda. I decided to use that coloring in an ironic way because many Americans are suffering while our leaders are worried about other issues. Also, not to toot my own horn, but I thought my slogan, “Crack and egg, Make it rain” was funny and I know it made me giggle. You can view more of the thought process behind the poster here


People made commenting easy this week. There were so many good posts! Sam’s Club did a great job on his newspaper and we both used Canva to do the assignment. I told them, “This looks great! I love Canva, I use it for almost all of the assignments in this class and outside of class too!” It’s fun getting to bond over having a commonality in your process, it helps create connections in an asynchronous class. I was really impressed with Live it Up With Liv’s Propaganda. I said, “This is so good! “The system protects the powerful. Who protects you?” and “Justice isn’t blind, it’s bought” are amazing lines that unfortunately mimic current events. As always, you did a fantastic job on this assignment!” The wording Liv used to make her propaganda hit so close to home, I was taken aback by how meaningful it was. Flower Bed also did a good job on their propaganda. I commented, “This is so interesting. I think you did a great job relating to technoir themes because this gives me black mirror vibes. Great job!” I can tell that they have a good understanding of TechNoir themes because they were able to effectively capture Black Mirror vibes in their propaganda. Next, I commented on Rylie’s Riveting Region, I told them “This looks so good! Iā€™m really impressed, and Iā€™ll be using this as inspiration for my project. Amazing job!” This comment was in response to the newspaper that Rylie did. It was the first one I had seen that week, and I thought it looked great. Lastly, I commented on You Weekly Adrenaline Rush, asking, “Your photos of Sapphira Mae are all so beautiful and consistent. Do you draw them yourself or get them from a specific place? I’d love to know!” Their character is always consistently drawn and I am curious how they are able to do that. I have a hard time finding a character design for Krissy, so I’m interested to see the process of how they came up with one for Sapphira Mae.

Final Thoughts

Heading into Spring Break, I am definetly ready for a break. I’m looking forward to coming back rested and recharged to finish the semester strong, especially in this class. To say goodbye, I’ll leave you with one more pun to hold you over until I’m back for the Week 8 Summary.

Seven days without a pun makes one weak.

My Creative Journey: Week 7


For week 7 I was able to once again use my newly learned photo and video editing skills. In my post You Are What You Eat I created a propaganda poster. For video editing I made a digital news article in my post called Breaking News. Lastly, I made a post called Runa Reacts where I have my character comment with her own fake Twitter account on other propaganda posters.

New Experiences and Discoveries

  • Used Canva for video editing
  • Learned how to make gifs
  • Used ArtBreeder
  • Used a Tweet generator

Daily Creates

This week I created 3 Daily Creates which can be found in my post called Inside My Creative Mind.

Week 7 ā€“ As A News Anchor

For assignment #1, I took it a step further than reporting The Terminator in a news article and I reported on the scene of The Terminator with a Police Station Shootout as a news anchor. The video I created represents how I think this news would be reported.

For the next assignment, I created Femme Fatale Propaganda. This propaganda would come from those that are femme fatale haters and those that support the patriarchal system and feel like FF should be punished for challenging this way of thinking. Although, jokes on them because Sapphria, along with the other FFs, will not change for these systematic patriarchal standards. This was one of my favorite creations yet!

Daily Create Shenanigans šŸ˜‰ are always fun! I made 3 daily creates this week. I have an opposite view post where I posted a pic of myself that my phone would see if I was talking to my besties in a group chat. I also posted a cute little fairy tale story and a favorite movie gif from Miss Congeniality! #Classic!

Letā€™s Check Out the Classes PSAā€™s! Sapphria Mae Edition! I checked out the PSAs from the class and I chose a few that Sapphria would like/love and why. Overall, we learned that President Trump would most likely become one of Sapphria’s next victims… and he’ll be losing a lot more than the skin of his ear LOLLL. We also learned this week (Nothing new) that Sapphria like to watch men beat each other up (In sports) and Sapphria agrees that people are on their phones WAY too much. Although, it doesn’t necessarily affect her, so she doesn’t really care.

This week was awesome! I voted and I commented back and forth with my peers. Woohoo!

Week 7 Weekly Summary

Starting Off

This is rare for me to say, but I was actually motivated to start the week. I started off with commenting on other people’s posts, as well as starting to think of ideas for the assignments this week. My mind started flowing with ideas for what to do, so throughout the weekend, I will start narrowing it down to the story and propaganda poster that I truly want to do. I also started on looking at other people’s creation in order to find ones that my course character, Veronica Malone, would love! I talk about it here, Vee’s Favorite Digital Projects.

Making a Scene into a News Story

For the news story, I decided to do a article about the Black Mirror episode, Hated in the Nation. I talk about it more in my blog post, Social Media Turns Deadly, but I used Canva in order to create the poster itself, and then wrote out the article basically summarizing the events of the episode, making it sound like an actual newspaper story.

A photo of Lady Liberty with her scales tipped by money, and a large silhouette behind her.

I knew that Veronica Malone would appreciate a poster that talks about the justice system. Specifically the corruption that comes with it. I go more in depth about it in my poster, Propaganda, but I created the design on Canva, and used an iconic symbol of justice, Lady Liberty, with her scales being tipped by money as well as the powerful people behind it. She would support it because she has worked in the justice system, and seen the corruption first-hand. She believes in standing up for the forgotten, as well as making sure that those who do not have power or money have a voice.

Daily Creates

Daily Create #1

A photo of the state of New York in districts, renaming the city of Buffalo as "Snowfalo".

For the first daily create of the week, we were asked to rename a place on a map, which sounds pretty familiar as to something that happened recently. I decided to rename the place where my parents grew up, as well as I did for practically half of my childhood, Buffalo! I renamed it to ‘Snowfalo’, which as you can tell, implies that there is snow for pretty much most of the year.

Daily Create #2

A gif of Chris Evans in the movie Knives Out.

For the second daily create, we had to make a gif from our favorite movie! My favorite movie of all time is Knives Out! I love murder mysteries, so when I saw Knives Out for the first time, I was immediately in love with it. The cast is stacked with stars like Christopher Plummer, Jamie Lee Curtis, Chris Evans, and so many others. The details behind it truly makes it shocking when it is revealed who the culprit is, but yet you are mad that you didn’t see it sooner. For the scene I picked, I did a scene that I quote a lot, which is Chris Evans just saying “…yup!”. A simple, yet effective line delivery!

Daily Create #3

A photo of a chair, with a computer and keys on it outside.

For the last daily create, we were asked to take a photo of what it would look like opposite of our own perspective. I was sitting outside since it was so nice out, so I thought this picture was cool!


Overall, it was a pretty good week! I was able to manage my time wisely, and I had a lot of fun making the propaganda poster, as I could relate it to the times we live in now, as well as something my character would support. So ready for spring break (and hopefully) warmer weather!

Lots of Creativity

I really enjoyed all of the assignments this week. I love editing posters, videos, newsletters, etc which is what this week mainly consisted of.

To start off I completed e daily creates this week Monday ā€“ Wednesday. I loved all the prompts especially the short story. I feel like iā€™m getting much better at the daily creates when it comes to creativity.

This week I created a GIF based off my favorite movie, took a photo of the sunset from the grasses perspective, and wrote a short story about the mystical land of ā€œNeverwinterā€.

For Wednesdayā€™s create the only problem I ran into was the word count error. I wasnā€™t aware that there was a limit to the amount of words you can use, but it makes sense. This caused me to have to make 2 parts.

Click here to check out the creates for week 7!

The two poster assignments this week were super fun to create. I created one sports related poster and one newsletter based off the movie ā€œThe Terminatorā€.

I created both assignments on Canva since iā€™m familiar with the site. For the sports poster I based it off my course characterā€™s favorite activity after work, which is watching football with her dad.

In that poster I explain why I used the colors, fonts, specific teams, and pictures to convey a certain emotion. Check it out here:

For ā€˜The Terminatorā€ poster I created it was a bit harder since iā€™m not as familiar with the film. I had to do some background work on the film to fill in the missing holes that could make my poster more exciting.

In this newsletter I explain why I used the color schemes I did as well as the photos I chose to convey a certain emotion. Check it out here:

Overall this was on of my favorite weeks so far in terms of editing. I also loved seeing everyone elses daily creates and posters! Some honorable mentions are Rebeccaā€™s Radiant Realmā€™s newsletter and @Coniā€™s Wednesday daily create short story.

Hope you guys enjoyed week 7, see you in a couple of weeks!

Sincerely, Kristen

Week 7

It’s the week before spring break, I have been very involved with Canva this week using it for almost every project, so that was interesting, I have used it throughout college be consistently forget how helpful it can be, mostly cause a lot of it requires getting the subscription and people tend to remember the bad and forget the good. The daily creates this week were good too nice to have options of what fits best with a schedule or what interests you most so that’s nice. I enjoy simplicity so I do actually quite like my propaganda. This week is much better than last week energy wise, so I was able to enjoy the work I was doing yay! Me and Canva became buddies I look at way too much propaganda and I got to read some funny work and comments. Going spend my spring break doing papers though sigh, won’t stop me from lollygagging though! 6 to 9 page paper nah more like 6 to 9 days getting it done, pfft kidding kidding.

Hopefully everyone goes out and does something fun!

Have a great spring break!

I made a logo in Canva too pfft