Only having 2 daily creates this week was pretty easy, I enjoyed both prompts. For the video game i took inspiration from the eagles parade from there recent superbowl win and for the found peom i used works that i seen pop up on my
For the video essay I picked apart a scene I found interesting based of the music that was being used to create the scene I got the idea for the video about the marvel symphonic universe
This week was all about the video essay, which I felt went rather smoothly! I utilized OBS, ClipChamp, and Audacity to create my final product, which was uploaded to YouTube and embedded in my blog.
Besides that, I worked on only two daily creates. I really liked a lot of the prompts this week, but had a hard time engaging with them. I find myself enjoying TDCs that involve actually making something like an image or an audio file, but several of the TDCs this week seemed to involve just writing. Perhaps my issue is that I’m “not being creative enough” and just taking the prompts at face value, but who can say.
Honestly, I think the most difficult part of this week was the snow days. I wasn’t motivated to work on this class when I “wasn’t in school,” even though that’s pretty much the whole point of taking an online class. I think I ended up stressing myself out about the video essay timeline and having enough time to work on it, which I shouldn’t have been stressed about. The only other time I’ve made a video essay it took me at least a week and a half and involved much more extensive editing, and that likely contributed to this stress.
Happy Valentine’s day everyone! I am looking forward to my Valentine’s day plans with my girlfriend, I hope you all are getting to enjoy your Valentine’s day with your partner, friends, and/or family.
One thing I love (but am not good at) is video editing. In high school, there were a few days where I filmed “vlogs” and sent them to my friends. It was pretty ridiculous but I enjoyed it and everyone was entertained, so I was excited to get back into iMovie.
This is my video essay, definitely not the highest quality but I did my best!
If you’d like to read what I wrote about it, visit the blog post for it!
I emailed Professor Bond and he showed me how to make the embedding a little less ugly, so hopefully if you click on the picture(s) it will lead you to the post(s)!
Day 2:
Hopefully anyone that has seen Kim Possible will find my response entertaining.
That’s it for the week! I hope everyone has enjoyed their week, I felt much less overwhelmed this time around. Again, have a happy Valentine’s Day!
If last week was “photos, photos, photos,” this week was “audio, audio, audio.” And that’s not me complaining! I’ve been using Audacity since middle school and the software really hasn’t changed much, so jumping right in with the audio story assignment stretched a creative muscle that had atrophied. I expressed some frustration with getting the ideas in my head into the search bar at Freesound, but it just took time.
I said it multiple times in the blog posts for both assignments, but I was so happy this week included some podcasts. I am a self-identified podcast girlie, so this was right up my alley. I wish I had something more articulate or academic to say, but Moon Graffiti was just really interesting and well put together. I had to do a make-up listening of ds106 radio, so I listened to the first two episodes of Limetown on my own time (and will be listening to the rest of the series at some point soon!). Again, nothing too intelligent to be said besides “podcast good.” I’m not sure if my brain just wasn’t on when it came to writing those review/reflections or if I’m just unfamiliar with engaging with podcasts in that way. It could be both!
I have definitely enjoyed getting to learn about and experiment with audio. I had never done anything like this before so it was very cool to learn about. I particularly liked Audacity, it seemed like a great place for people trying things out and I look forward to continuing to try it. Here’s what the week looked like!
I started with the daily creates for this week.
Post #1
Post #2
Post #3
Honestly, I hate how the posts look embedded into the page, I may need to go to the DKC again just to figure this out. It is so ugly it makes me unreasonably frustrated and I’ve tried everything I can figure out. This is just a learning curve, but still frustrating.
I tuned into the DS106 radio on Tuesday which I enjoyed a lot!
I listened to Moon Graffiti by the Truth Podcast. A line that was super eerie to me was, “How many people do you think they’ll bury by the time they’re through?”
I’ve really been enjoying this class. I’ve definitely struggled to connect my posts to the TechNoir theme of the class and my character, but I think as time goes on I will get better at it.
This week was different becuase we were doing more things with audio. I was not used to doing audio I have never done anything with audio before so it was new but I was able to get the assignments done.
I appreciated the focus on photography this week, as I have been trying to take more pictures this semester. Perhaps it’s the senior regrets, but I feel like I hardly have any pictures of the last four years! I spent some more time with my course character, Bethany, as I worked on finding her a house that I know she would love! I also took the time to scan in some of her IDs, just to keep them on my laptop in case she looses her wallet. Neither of these assignments required any intense technical skills, as I just used browser based programs for both.
Along with my time with Bethany, I spent some time deciding which of my things I would save in a fire. I discussed this in the assignment post, but I opted to work on my iPad (and in bed) instead of on my laptop (at my desk), so I likely didn’t approach this in the most efficient way. However, I enjoyed reverse coloring much more than the lasso tool!
I could see myself continuing to check back in with the photoblitz tool, as I think the collection of prompts combined with the idea is so interesting! I think it could be fun to do in a bigger city or someplace that I’m unfamiliar with, as this assignement felt more like a seek-and-find than a true act of detection. I didn’t find myself using the whole time because of this, as I already had ideas in my head.
In terms of design, I feel like all I think about is design design design. Lighting design, graphic design, “does this look good on the wall here?”, crafting- the list goes on. I always enjoy reading about these things, if just to fill in trivia facts.