Author Archives: Digital Storytelling:
Week 5 Video Essay
Black Mirror: Hated in the Nation (season 3, ep. 6)
Daily Create: January 13, 2025
“The BBC tell us a tale of a plate of bananas that appears on a street in Beeston once a month. Why do you think they are appearing? Tell us the backstory to the bananas.”
At exactly 2:13 AM, a shadowy figure on a bicycle rolled up, reached into a sack, and gently placed the bananas on the pavement before riding off into the night.
The next morning, Tommy followed the peels left behind—to the local zoo. A guilty-looking zookeeper shrugged.
“Leftovers from the monkey enclosure,” he said. “Figured someone could use ‘em.”
Daily Create: February 12, 2025
“Find a photo of a famous building, work of art or statue, cut it out of its environment and paste it into what’s clearly not its proper environment.”

Weekly Summary: Week 4
Radio Show Ideas
One of my ideas that best involves the use of the Tech Noir theme and also tying in our characters is to go into the making of our charters. To be a clearer, why did you make the character you did? Each one of us was given a list of different archetypes while also given the full freedom to create whoever we wanted. Are these characters based off of traits we have, based off of someone we aspire to be like, or even just because we thought the description was cool. Personally I look at my character as someone that embodies a lot of traits that I have while also being able to step into this world of Tech Noir where things are very different in compared to my average life.
Sound Effect Story

Radio Bumper

Reflection: Feb 6
After listening to Moon Graffiti I was able to form an understanding of what the videos of Jad Abumrad were talking about. One of Jad Abumrad’s first comments was that he liked pictures with words. He enjoyed films, which I could agree with. He then goes on to describe a scene with only his words allowing the viewer to create their own image just based off his words. I am glad that I watched his videos before listening to Moon Graffiti because then I was truly able to listen to someone else’s words and create my own picture. The use of tone, background noises, and sound effects painted the perfect picture for me to really understand the scene they were trying to portray. The sounds of crashing and panicked voices depicted the fear in each character.
Assignment Bank: Week 4