Week 7 to me went by super quick. I think only having three assignments played a role in the week flying by. Despite only having 3 assignments I enjoyed this week. The propaganda assignment and the PSA assignment were enjoyable to complete. For the Propaganda assignment I wanted to incorporate Leo Storm. My quote for my poster was ” Believe in Yourself” I wanted to create a poster that would be useful to myself and anyone viewing it. As I explained in my blog Leo had some experience with the quote as he had to do a lot of believing in himself has, he attended Harvard University and had to overcome a lot of adversity, forcing him to doubt himself at times. However, he still believed in himself and that is what ultimately led to his success. I felt a majority of people could relate to this poster as everyone goes through their own struggles and sometimes, we just need that little reminder to get through it. For my PSA assignment I did a simple background of AIs and their pros and cons. As for how I created my audio, I used Audacity, Pixabay, and speechgen.io. My first step was to find some background sound for my PSA announcement, using Pixabay I found a sound a liked. After that I used speechgen.io to create my text to speech of what I wanted my announcement to say. Once both were complete, I uploaded both to Audacity and meshed the two audios together. I’m excited to see what next week has in store. Until next time!
Category Archives: Weekly Summary
Week 7 Summary
This was a lighter work week, and I really appreciated that as many of my classes had midterms and last minute assignments due.
First thing I completed for the week was a propaganda poster.
Tapping into my research of color usage on posters helped me create something that my course character would advocate for. I went more into detail on the reasoning behind the message in my post.
Next was the PSA. This one also related to my course character and allowed me to add a new layer of depth to Hwei as someone who has a messiah complex. I used technology that I explored during the audio week of the semester, and it all meshed nicely into a very convincing audio clip.
Here are my daily creates for the week. I went into more detail on the roundup and Mastodon posts.
Finally, I did my usual weekly commenting and also created a post on how Hwei would react to my classmate’s posts. One of the propaganda poster designs in particular was very relevant to my character, and I wrote a reflection on how it related to my own story.
I’m hoping that maybe I can collaborate with the creator of Isaiah Beacon for the upcoming group project, as I can see both of our characters bouncing off of each other’s ideas in a very natural way.
7th Week Summary
When I saw the assignments this week, I was really excited to get started. I did a lot of research and was trying to do some crazy things with the assignments. For starters I was going to do a deepfake video for the propaganda, but I just couldn’t find a software that was good enough for what I wanted to do. At las though I decided to do a video because during my research I found a lot of things about sensory contrast and overload. If you go to my post about it, you can see the video for yourself and see what I mean. I decided to make it against my character’s beliefs because I wanted to try and gauge how it would make him feel if he just received this in an email or something. I know he would go on some rant on his blog or podcast and I kind of want to hear it.
For the PSA assignment I had some trouble because all of the iterations I made, came out like advertisements and was trying to avoid that. The one that I decided to emulate was the AARP PSA from the archives. Talking about problems and how Aggressive Technologies can solve them and just offering more info fit into that category pretty well. Here is my post about it.
Then lastly, I did my 3 daily creates. Fun as always, especially the one with the sound dudes. Here is my post.
Again, fun week. I am disappointed though I couldn’t find a deepfake site that could do what I wanted. I have a feeling that would have been unsettling and really hammer home some of the dangers of AI. Like really, can we even trust video anymore…
Weekly Summary #7📅:
by Greta Hammen
After giving the propaganda assignment some thought, I was inspired to create a bumper sticker, however my classmates see it more as a poster. The steps of the process are detailed in Propaganda – gretahammen.com. It was a good thing that last week we thought about what role our character might have in relation to Aggressive Technologies, that helped with the creative vision for the bumper sticker.
Creating the Public Service Announcement was a rewarding experience and I hope that everyone will try the sites that I did to produce a video like the one on Public Service Announcement: – gretahammen.com.
Let’s be creative each day, in some way. Examples of mine are shown at Daily Creates 7: – gretahammen.com.
Commenting came natural to me for Xander’s Propaganda – Creative Bytes: Exploring the World of DS106 (rishicshankards106.com), Propaganda picture – Leila’s Corner (the-comeup.com), WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED – Leila’s Corner (the-comeup.com), Pure – My blog (andrewpoon.org) and Postage Stamp – My blog (andrewpoon.org).
Natasha and I conversed before finalizing Reaction to propaganda: – According to Greta (gretahammen.com). We have a positive vision for Aggressive Technologies and will not go along on the road popularly followed. We agreed with aggressive tech: propaganda poster – here and there it’s everything (feigrace.com).
Week 7 Summery
I started the week with a daily create. I asked my children for input. It was fun we created lots of different combinations for about half an hour. It was so random and fun. I picked the combination to be used as the final submission. I posted some of their favorite images in a post.
Sunday night I sat down and enjoyed some alone time. So naturally I did the daily create.
The poster that I made for AI are people too is something Lady Alice would see in her daily life. Since she is wealthy and comes from a wealthy family, she would be part of the targeted market for this product.
I got tired of words and just made a imagine for the daily create on Monday.
More daily creating happened on Tuesday.
I finally got back to work and worked on this post for a few days. I like the results.
And now it is Thursday. I am finishing up my week a little early with Spring Break just around the corner. I spent a lot of time looking at my classmates’ stuff this week. I enjoyed it. I took the last assignment having my character react and wrote the post as her privet thoughts. I wanted to give more insight on who she is. She is not a nice person. She knows she is better than everyone. Her privet thoughts are very revealing to that end. I did pick work from my classmates that I thought were good.
So ends this week and see you after Spring Break!
Another Week Down – Weekly Summary
Because we’ve already done design, audio, and video assignments, these assignments didn’t take me much time. I was able to combine the tools I assembled these last few weeks, including a video downloader, a sound website, and photo editing tools.
Here is a breakdown of what I made:
- I did three daily creates
- I made a propaganda poster and a public service announcement video
- My character reacted to Greta Hammen’s propaganda
Overall I think this week was successful. I had a lot of stuff going on outside of this class, so I’m pleasantly surprised with how efficient I was. I have four exams this week and working on all of this was a nice break from studying.
Week 666 Summary
For the weekly summary this week I would say it was successful. I had a lot of setbacks with some of the tools again, but I think I made it through ok, kinda.
For the assignments is decided to do the three videos instead of the one with Dr. Oblivion. I had already done that assignment the previous week, but I didn’t want to go back and do it again but to turn it into a video. I also chose the three because I wanted to try and test my skills with 3 different types of video assignments. Yeah, it was probably more work, but I feel that is the point of a course like this, to try and experiment and get your reps in with the tools. So, the 3 assignments I decided to do were intro video, top 10 list, and something scary. For the intro video I decided to make it like my character was introducing himself for his new blog. Here is the post. For the top ten list, I had my character give a top 10 ways AI is already helping us and that if you do not see why this is important, you are an idiot etc. Here is the post. And then for something scary I decided to record myself playing Alien Isolation. But after recording for 2 plus hours I realized I didn’t have my microphone on high enough so you couldn’t even her me talk over the gameplay. So, I decided to re-try with another game, The Forrest. Here is the result of that.
For my daily creates I decided to do the ones that had old timey pictures and one added a caption, and for the other I uploaded a video of a song that might be playing for it. It was fun, especially the one with the song. Here is my post about it.
Then finally I wrote my post on how my character would interact and think about the company Aggressive technologies. Long story short, he is supportive, but worried that may not allow AI to have freedom because they want to control it for profit. Here is my post about it.
So overall, it was a lot of work for me this week. Again, I really am lacking in video editing skills, at least in terms of speed. I think I know what to do and what to click to make things happen, but I just do not have the muscle memory yet. So yeah, fun, tough week, but I can’t wait to see what we do next. I honestly hope its more video so I can work on the skills a bit more.
Week 6 Summary
As I look back on the week, I felt the week went by really quick. This week was another week based on video. As far as the assignments go, I thought they were fun and creative. For the first assignment, I chose option B, 3 video assignments from the assignment bank. At first, I was unsure which to pick. I wanted to do something that wasn’t too hard, so I didn’t have to stress but at the same time I wanted to do something that was a little bit challenging to test my creativity. I ended up choosing VideoAssignments2408, VideoAssignments2746, and VideoAssignments846. I would have to say my favorite was VideoAssignments2746. Just the overall process of creating a video of Leo Storm talking was fun and in my opinion was one of my more creative approaches to an assignment. I used a website called blabberize.com to upload a picture of Leo Storm, this website allowed me to make an image look like it was talking. After I uploaded the photo, I used an Ai text to speech to record the poem. Once that was complete, I uploaded the file of the voice over of the poem and created my video.
Developing Leo Storm was an interesting assignment. The goal was to connect Leo to Aggressive Technologies. I decide to write about him getting a job offer there but he is torn about keeping the job or leaving due to Aggressive Technologies ethical ways of doing things. This week was a lot of fun and can’t wait to see what is in store for next week. Until next time!
Weekly Summary 6📅:
by Greta Hammen
This was a challenging week, as I wrote two papers for other classes. I hope that these assignments are well done too! My daily creates are found here https://bit.ly/3uGPdmR and at https://bit.ly/3OSZVgV.
Thinking about how my character could be involved with Aggressive Technologies added some fantasy and “what if” to my life. I created an avatar of Natasha Sidorov on https://www.photoleapapp.com and wrote about it https://gretahammen.com/ds106/sidorov-cyber-mission/.
In Premiere Pro, I worked on Pictures >: – gretahammen.com. Then I created two that involved my character Poem Video: – gretahammen.com, A Toast for Colleague: – gretahammen.com.
I shared my support by watching Video Assignments Week 6 – Cat On A Moped (cat-on-a-moped.com), Talk to the Bot – Giving Dr. Oblivion an Offer to Become a Super Robot to Take Over the World – AI106 Blog – Robin Yu (robinsyu.com), One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish – My blog (andrewpoon.org),
Bulking Up My Youtube Channel – Weekly Summary
This week was a lot. I have to start there. I made three videos this week and each one of them really pushed me. To start, I got actual audio recording equipment from the HCC, which was both helpful for my videos and a lot more work in general. Hopefully, the audio quality will reflect how much more work I put into the audio. I also learned how to use OBS, which was a challenge I discuss further in the gaming post.
Here’s the rundown:
I did two daily creates.
I expanded my course character’s story.
Most of my time was spent making three videos. I made a gaming video, a ranking video, and a video discussing my course character’s prized possessions.
While it was very stressful, I am proud of what I made this week and I hope you all enjoy!