Category Archives: Weekly Summary

Bottom of the 9th… Week Summary

This week was really cool because I got to start working on the radio show with my group. Our show is called “Logic Pod: The Tech Podium” and is all about discussing the good about AI and what it can do to move forward etc. Also, as I mentioned in my show update post, I have a great team with Robin, Melea, and Mustafa and I don’t think I could have asked for a better group. They have phenomenal ideas, and their characters will create some fun dialogue with mine. I am looking forward to recording with you guys next week.

This week I had to make a logo for our show, and I had a great time using Canva. That program is pretty intuitive once you get the hang of it. Anyway, here is the post about my logo design.

This week I also made a new bumper for our show. I liked the one I did before for DS106, but I wanted to advocate for the show within the show. Idk why, just seemed fun. I also made a commercial for the site 3D AI Studio which was the program I had my character try to have Aggressive Technologies acquire last week. Thes audio assignments were fun because I got to go back into audacity after a few weeks of not using it. Here is my post about them.

I also did 3 TDCs this week. Not much to say other than it was really cool to look up dying languages and give them some representation. Here is my TDC post.

All in all, it was a very successful week. My group had some great collaboration and some great ideas, and I am looking forward to getting more work done on it next week.

Week 9 Summary

This week was the start of our DS106 radio show group projects.

I went into the majority of the process in the Radio show progress post below. The main thing we did was get together on Discord to figure out which narrative direction we wanted to take the show, and what to complete for week 1.

As an addition to this post, I just wanted to mention that we’re thinking of taking the podcast into a different direction, where the recording process would not be as much of a hassle. I will document this more in the week 2 post if we decide to go with it. We may not be directly having a dialogue with each other, rather, we may have our own segments and splice those together, but we would still be reacting to the other participants.

For the design assignment, I decided to make a poster for our podcast.

In hindsight, I would have added an actual podium, but my options were limited with the tool I was using.

For my two audio assignments, I made a commercial for the show, as well as an audio segment to be used for either the intro or a transition.

These were relatively quick and easy to make, but I know that we’re gonna have to make a lot more of the audio transitions and background sounds to fill the show, so that’ll be a challenge for next week. I especially liked writing the script for the Hwei commercial to sell AI augmented body parts, and I think we’ll be doing a lot more of that scriptwriting in our actual show.

And of course, here are my daily creates for the week summed up in a neat package.

All in all, this wasn’t a crazy busy week, but I know that next week will be one of the most hectic in all of DS106 history, as we’re all going to be scrambling to finish our radio shows.

Weekly Summary 9☢️:

Adios Week 8

Looking back at this week it was definitely a short one. I felt like I was able to complete my work in a timely manner. The three daily creates I did for the week were fun and interesting in my opinion. My favorite would have to be the one about something we can’t go a day without. I felt like everyone could relate to this daily create. I said my addiction was coffee. I always have a cup in the morning, as it helps me get through the day. I feel a good amount of people definitely could relate to a coffee addiction as it is essential for me and others. For my AI proposal to Aggressive Technologies, I chose to go with Gemini. Gemini is a text AI by google that provides a large amount of publicly available data and can communicate and generate human-like text in response to a wide range of questions. I chose to use Gemini because I have used this AI in the past and it is easy and simple to use, so I thought it would be a perfect fit for Aggressive Technologies. For my radio show I am working with Jackson Beale and Andrew Johnson. Our show’s objective is to talk about the day in the life of our AI created characters for DS106. I am excited to work with them to give an inside scoop of our three different types of characters. I’m eager to get a start on our show and look forward to the results. Overall, this week was short but intriguing. I’m looking forward to week 9. Until next Time!

Weekly Wrap Up from the Charlotte Airport

So, this week was kind of tough for me because I was out of town for work. I would leave my room at 6am and I wouldn’t get back until about 7pm so very night I had to scramble to do the daily creates and other class assignments before the deadlines. That was an interesting challenge to navigate. I was glad this week was light on the work so I could get everything done, despite having to do some of it in an airport. That was a new experience for me so I’m glad I got to do it.

So, the first thing I did was the daily creates. I was worried I wouldn’t get these done because of the time difference and I didn’t know how they would be counted if I missed the mark. I feel like i did them on the right days, but I’m not so sur since my computer time didn’t change with the regional time. Here was my post about them.

I also wrote my character’s proposal for an interesting AI tool that could generate models form words or images. This was interesting since I didn’t really see the value in the tool outside of toy making until I got into my character’s head and thought a bit more critically for the future of the tool. Kevin’s optimism for AI is making me think differently and I kind of enjoy that. Here is his proposal to Aggressive Technologies.

I also joined a group with Robin, Mustafa, and Melea for the radio show project. Our show is called “Rikaro’s Thoughts – Featuring….”. We will put in the character names when the group is finalized, I’m pretty sure. I thought this would be good because I feel my character is highly opinionated on AI and a forum to discuss his thoughts is exactly what he wants. To get his voice out there and recruit for his cause. He is confrontational so this will be interesting. We intend to communicate through text and email and discord to work together to make a great show. I can’t wait!

So, overall, this was a successful week. It was rough trying to get the stuff done while traveling, but I managed, I think.

Back From Spring Break and Back to Work – Weekly Summary

Welcome back from Spring Break! This week we didn’t have a ton to do, since this week mostly revolved around creating groups for the radio project. I am part of Aggressive Testimonials with Feli and Alton Murray. Aggressive Testimonials is a tell-all show about Aggressive Technology featuring two “neutral” employees.

Other than that, below is a summary of this week’s posts.

  1. I did three daily creates.
  2. I created an AI pitch about BeforeSunset, an AI tool.

Creating the AI pitch was a considerable process. First, I looked through this list of AI tools. I chose BeforeSunset because I wanted a program that didn’t generate text or images since I’d already worked with those before. I tested out BeforeSunset. In all honesty, it didn’t go super well for me and I am not planning on using it more. The program had several issues and I think it is easier for me to just organize everything my way, no robots needed.

Nonetheless, I wrote up a proposal. I then put it into Grammerly and did two rounds of AI editing, with the prompts “make it persuasive” and “make it professional.” I combined the results to create the final pitch.

Overall, this week didn’t have a ton of stuff but I worked effectively and I learned about a new program, even if I’m not planning on using it.

Weekly Summary: Week 8 (DS106)

This week has been a breeze. I enjoyed everything I did for this class. The daily creates were very good and they made me be creative. I am looking forward to the radio show with my group mates Andrew Poon and Andrew Johnson. I think we have a really good group and we will have plenty of topics to discuss.

One thing I have noticed about the daily creates is you can make it personal! I am a guy who loves all sports especially the NBA. I love watching Kawhi Leonard break his opponents ankles on the way to dunking over the tallest centers. The way he plays is special so I decided to make a piece of art after him.

Week 8 Summery

I started off the week with a daily create on Monday. I think dragons make everything better. The 3 little kittens lost their mittens and then the dragons arrived.

I also in Canvas emailed 3 people that had said they were interested in being in the same group for the radio project.

Gremlins had continued to plague my computer on Tuesday.

Tuesday I also had some progress getting my radio show group finalized.

I got the gremlins under control enough to get my sales pitch to Aggressive Technologies finished.

Wednesday arrived and there was no sign of the gremlins in the morning. The Daily Create 4443 was completed.

The group I am in decided on an outline for our radio show project. I think we have potential to make a really fun show to listen to. I look forward to hearing how it all plays out.

Weekly Summary Numero 8

Week 8 Summary

This was another relatively lighter week just to get us back into the swing of things. First off was the sales pitch to Aggressive Technologies:

I feel as though this assignment’s entire concept went against the moral compass of Hwei, as he is completely opposed to the idea of selling out his ideas to a huge corporation. However, I decided to add more depth to his character by making him realize that he doesn’t have the funds to continue to invent robots, and he needs the cash to continue his master plan.

Here are my daily creates for the week, as usual. More detail within the post itself.

I also took spring break to figure out what I’d like to do for my radio show. I looked through some of the blog posts on radioshowideas, and I stumbled upon Mustafa’s post. His character is a fugitive that is hiding from the government, but has strong opinions on AI and it’s dangerous potentials. Mustafa highlighted how he wanted to create a show about individuals talking about AI technologies, but then having more of the character’s stories and personalities come into the equation to create more of a story driven show with drama. We’re currently thinking about having our two characters interact, but Hwei will get a bit aggressive and try to assert his intellectual dominance, creating tension while Rikaro will slowly unintentionally reveal that he is running from the law. We’ll have to find a third member that can round out our show, but I’m looking forward to what we can create as a team!

For the week overall, I’m proud of how I worked on small things over spring break, and for the first time ever in my DS106 career, I’ve turned my weekly summary in on Monday! Here’s to more good work and less procrastination.