Weekly Assignments

dr oblivion is part cyborg now

I asked Dr. Oblivion if digital storytelling students should continue to experiment with AI in making art, and got responses from both sides of him.. . .

dr oblivion is part cyborg now

I asked Dr. Oblivion for his thoughts on the final project. I don’t know how helpful they are though. So here are the final project. . .

dr oblivion is part cyborg now
This is now my I think third radio bumper I have made so it was pretty easy to make using clip champ and natural readers.. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now

1. ds106radio The class shows will be broadcast Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 7pm. I would like to do it at noon, but so far. . .

3/15/24 – 3/29/24 For weeks 9 and 10 we will be working on producing long-form audio narratives, AKA radio shows. The shows will be broadcast. . .

We may get a video posted later. 3/11/25 – 3/15/24 There are two main projects this week. One is to investigate AI tools. You may. . .

Propaganda. N. From the Latin propagare, meaning “to go viral.” A communication intended to influence or persuade, to further an agenda, usually through an emotional. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
“Cheers, I guess,” says Dr. Oblivion as he introduces the video segment of ds106. Snarky Dr. Oblivion comes first, letting you know that video, done. . .

from friend of #ds106 @floatingtim 2/2/24 – 2/9/24 All work is due by midnight on 2/9/24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U78BzLNWPJ8  This week we will dig into audio storytelling.. . .

dr oblivion is part cyborg now

1/26/24-2/2/24 All work is due by midnight on Friday, 2/2/24 This week we will be looking at visual storytelling, specifically storytelling through images and design.. . .