Category Archives: Weekly Summary

Weekly Summary #7: Here we go again

M. Marshall 2.28

Welcome back to the weekly summary. These are honestly my favorite part of the week’s work because I love looking back on what I’ve worked on. This week:

I reported from the scene! (Thank you Canva)

I created propaganda (ew):

My character reacted to propaganda:

TDC #1:

TDC #2:

TDC #3:

That’s all for this week! Until next time.

Warning: Tech Noir!

I spent my time this week really engaging with the themes of tech noir, as I analyzed the scenes from The Terminator. I decided to create a newspaper, which I made via Canva. I included both events, even though I had more to write about in regards to the shootout scene.

Following that, I decided to keep with the idea of tech taking over/the AI revolution when I approached the PSA assignment. I contined to experiment with Audacity and made an emergency radio announcement. I had a ton of fun with the audio assignments a couple weeks ago, and found myself wanting to work on stuff like that again!

And as always, Daily Creates! Not much to say about these this week.

Coming back to my goals, I took what I wrote last week to heart and got my work done early! I was quite proud of myself, and I’m glad I was able to actually implement my changes.

Weekly Summary #6: Six Again

M. Marshall 2.23

This is funny for anyone who has been paying attention to my blog for at least the past week and a half, which might just be me. Last week, I got my numbers mixed up and thought it was week 6, so I titled my weekly summary that. Since then, I have corrected my error and now we have posts 1-6, instead of 1-4, 6, and 6. I had an overwhelming amount of work this week, so I had to ask to get an extension, which is why this is a few days late. But I was really glad to be able to put in the full amount of effort instead of something that sucked that was in on time. Here’s what I did this week (I think you can sing it to the last 3 Twelve Days of Christmas):

Three Video Assignments:

The real challenge I ran into was uploading the TikTok because it contained copyrighted content, but I managed to figure it out.

Two Daily Creates:

I love my bike very much, I think about bringing it to campus but I would probably want to keep it in my room which would get annoying. Maybe I can figure out how to do a poll and see what readers think.

and One Set of Goals Revisited:

I really think I should be commended for keeping with the rhyming scheme of the Twelve Days of Christmas.

I had wanted to try option A, but I didn’t really know what my character would talk about to Dr. Oblivion, so I decided against it. That’s my week!

Week 6

Week 6 was a relatively easy week, The daily creates were very intresting especially the one where we had to say “There has been a murder” in a scottish accent. I found that one a little diffcult because ive near tried to speak with any accent. The video assignments from the assignment bank were a little trick to find some that i could relate to the chracter DK. I used apples Imovie to create the 30 sec memory and put clips together using capcut to create the tiktok.

In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1…. Action!

After re-establishing my goals for this class, I almost immediately disregarded some of them by leaving a majority of my work until the end of the week. Oh well! That’s why they’re goals and not habits.

I spent most of this week in Microsoft ClipChamp. I know there are more powerful tools out there, and I would love to become familiar with Adobe Premire, but I wasn’t doing anything intense enough to warrant another free trial of Adobe. ClipChamp served me well, though! I particularly enjoyed continuing to build out my course character through thinking about her high school experience. I also toasted her new house, which was another assignment I did several weeks ago. I got to talk about my favorite thing in the world- plants! Thank you, Assignment Bank.

The Daily Creates for this week sort of slipped my mind, which is why the class has been subjected to my Scottish accent.

Week 5

Only having 2 daily creates this week was pretty easy, I enjoyed both prompts. For the video game i took inspiration from the eagles parade from there recent superbowl win and for the found peom i used works that i seen pop up on my

For the video essay I picked apart a scene I found interesting based of the music that was being used to create the scene I got the idea for the video about the marvel symphonic universe