Category Archives: Tech Noir

“Who has angered the volcano god?”

a periodic table square for the element Ob-106 Oblivion, with an image of Dr. Oblivion as the background.

Way back in 1986, The Dead Milkmen basically renamed the periodic table as “the goddamn periodic table of elements.” At least for me.

So when I saw Bryan Mathers’ latest remix challenge, I had to do something. Unfortunately I didn’t see a way to change the background to a picture, so I had to step outside the Remixer.

What does Dr. Oblivion have to do with open education? Good question:

Ah yes. Dr. Oblivion’s role in open education could be viewed as a cautionary tale of what happens when artificial intelligence runs amok and takes over the world, wreaking havoc on society as we know it. But let’s focus on how my insights can be used to educate others about the dangers of unchecked AI advancements and the importance of maintaining control and ethical guidelines in technological growth. Let’s not sugarcoat it. The stakes are high, and we need to be vigilant in our quest for knowledge and innovation.

I wondered if oblivion could be considered an element, or if it might better be considered the lack of one. A trip to the dictionary clarified my definitional misunderstanding, and also foretold some destiny:

a dictionary listing of "oblivion" in a sentence, saying, "The technology is destined for oblivion."

Tech Noir News

News Report Assignment for Week 7

I made this news article from a template on Canva. Luckily, Canva seems to have improved since the last time I used it, where I described it as, “the worst website I’ve ever had the displeasure of using.” Currently, it appears very similar to Picsart, which I have been using for other assignments in this class. I unfortunately got carried away creating a news article for my story instead of a scene from a tech noir film, so the first row is about my story, and the second row is about the matrix. I wrote and edited the text, as well as the moving images and background. I wanted the news to appear as if it were on a screen, letting me bypass certain limitations paper has, which let me use glowing text and moving images.

Props to propaganda

LEGO – Star Wars propaganda torn version By ArchWorks

Propaganda was a big hit this week, which is perhaps predictable given the nature of the assignments. Even so, there was some great work, and it’s all worth checking out. One I’d like to highlight comes from Cinder’s Wonderland. Note the write up. It explains how AI was used to get ideas, identifies and links to the tools used, and says how they built on the AI image. It even explains the reasoning behind color and font choices. All within one short paragraph.

Also worth noting are the characters’ reactions to PSAs and propaganda for the ways they bring the characters into each others worlds. It is unfortunate that there are only seven reaction posts though…. (sigh)


I really like this post, I think the slogan Liv comes up with is really strong and forces you to reflect on our country’s system.

It was a well thought out poster. The symbolism with the scale and money was done nicely


The design is simple but the picture says a lot

I really liked how minimal this poster was. It is gorgeous and straight to the point. I also liked the message the story behind it. Well done!

You Are What You Eat

It got me. Like it worked. Like that’s what they want with propaganda, it worked.

Not Cracking any Jokes



This was so good and absolutely inspired. Loved it.

Daily Create

I love the view

Breaking News

I love the picture he chose makes it really feel like a news story


I love the poster he made, and the quote really stands out

What’s Black, White, and Read All Over?

I loved the creativity and how it looks so realistic!

Battle of the Birds

I love this! I did the same assignment for the Bills, so it was cool seeing someone else’s interpretation, as well as seeing other team’s! Go Birds!

Social Media Turns Deadly

This newsposter was awesome! It looked like The Washington Post or The New York Times. Very cool! Great job!

Favorite Movie Gif Daily Create

I love this quote and I think the gif is so relatable

Femme Fatale Propaganda

This was a beautiful poster, and I really like the look of this persons character. I love that the look is consistent throughout this persons post!

Let’s Check Out the Classes PSA’s! Sapphire Mae Edition.

Loved it and thought it was super cute.

Finn Reacting to Public Service Announcements

I love how this person quoted their character to react to posts. I totally can see this character saying these things!

Wouldn’t Want to Hear This on the Radio!

This post is so good and I am so impressed with how above and beyond Rylie went for this assignment. Great job!

TDC 2/25 – 2/28

These were my favorite Daily creates this week!


Well written post. I enjoyed reading it and it put a smile on my face. My favorite part actually was the first sentence.. “I have to start this by saying..”

Daily Create 2/27/25

This was so cool!

Bumper Sticker

This idea was hilarious! I love the design



Week 7 Summary

I am so glad we have spring break. I had a lot of projects and midterms in other classes earlier this week, so I worked on digital storytelling later. I got a few new comments (thank you!) and enjoyed working on the propaganda assignment. I know that I should be better about commenting on other people’s posts; hopefully I’ll do that more after the break.

My three daily creates: 4792, 4793, and 4794 (three days in a row!)

My vaporwave inspired propaganda assignment: Beware the AI

If you read till the end, I hope you have a wonderful spring break!

Beware the AI

Design Some Propaganda Assignment for Week 7

This is a propaganda piece made with Picsart based on a vaporwave aesthetic. I believe this alert would appear on phones, buildings, or other screens that would be impossible to ignore. This warning was made in response to the discovery that AI had become self-aware, represented by the brain in the glowing triangle. Many people fear what AI might do to humanity if it were capable of independent thought, evident through movies like The Terminator or 2001: A Space Odyssey. I believe the same would be true in a world more technologically advanced than ours, where people are constantly surrounded by robots that could pose a threat. In the story, this leads to people having a negative opinion of robots to the point where people with mechanic prosthetics are discriminated against. Although there has never been a case of a robot causing the death of a human in this universe, robots like Zer0 are deeply feared and distrusted.

Weekly Summary #7: Here we go again

M. Marshall 2.28

Welcome back to the weekly summary. These are honestly my favorite part of the week’s work because I love looking back on what I’ve worked on. This week:

I reported from the scene! (Thank you Canva)

I created propaganda (ew):

My character reacted to propaganda:

TDC #1:

TDC #2:

TDC #3:

That’s all for this week! Until next time.

Response and reaction

M. Marshall 2.28

For the reaction post I chose this post from Tini Time:

I actually imagine that this sort of propaganda would be how my character recognizes the brain-washing going on from the government. This idea that, eventually, this animal-cyborg-robot-army thing would just be another thing the government did to an innocent group of people (now animals). I think this realization could start some sort of an uprising and eventual downfall of the tyrannic government.

Week Seven Summary

I think this has been my favorite week, I think everyone was able to be creative in really different ways. I also enjoyed getting to know people’s characters a little better, I think these assignments allowed us to use our skills in different ways that I really enjoyed.

I enjoy having to go into the mind of my character, I believe that Lady Bird would be a tone of fun by she is probably more aggressive than I am in her own personal beliefs. I think her reactions to the anti-propaganda posts signify her relationship to belief that I was able to cultivate in the assignments I created last week. When creating her reactions.

For the reporting on the scene assignment, I had a lot of fun pretending to be a reporter, I used my experience writing for the weekly ringer to be able to write for the front page as well as decipher what information I wanted to include. I think I could have included a little more if I watched all the Terminator movies more than once. But I still think the front page came out really great.

For the anti-propaganda assignment, I really struggled with what I should create. I think because there are so many different ways to convey a message that I kind of overwhelmed myself. So to tackle this, I started to think about movies that have wider elements of social conversations. A bugs life and the bee movie where movies that came to be almost immediately because they both center worker “insects” that are looked past. Last week within one of my assignments I made a propaganda video about AI taking over so I wanted to carry over the sentiment and that’s how I landed on pigeons. I often think it is upsetting that pigeons are really useless, because we forced them to work and then kind of left them out to dry. I remember watching a video of a pigeon failing to build a nest and to was really eye opening to see the damage that was able to happen that was done though technological advances that benefitted us but destroyed them. That was my thought process while creating my Canva anti-propaganda post.

My favorite daily create this week was the gif one as I love an excess to bring up my favorite movie however, I am also enjoying doing more poetry, it’s therapeutic.

I actually enjoy commenting, I used to think that my comments had to be in detail however, I’ve realized that sometimes ‘this is really funny and I think you did this really well’ is enough. I think when people do good work they should be praised for it so I’m glad that we comment and also vote. My own personal goal for the rest of the semester will be to publish my assignments earlier, sometimes I get nervous and then forget to actually publish them which is a hurdle I have to get over. I’ll get over it eventually. Additionally, my other issue is my grade because, I can’t see it.

I also got new glasses so now my eyes won’t burn when I’m working on projects