When before creating an account, I have never uploaded anything to SoundCloud before, so it was all new to me but I had Dr. Oblivion helps me create the bumper. Uploaded a mp3 to SoundCloud was pretty easy there wasn’t any complications.
Category Archives: radiobumper
ds106 radio bumper
I was really nervous about posting this. I haven’t always felt confident or comfortable in the way I sound in recordings, but I took my best shot at this assignment. This was also one of my goals when I first started this class; Was to become more comfortable with recording myself or creating audio content!
I had a lot of fun creating this bumper. It didn’t take me very long to come up with what I wanted to say. I recorded my bumper announcement on Audacity and started editing the audio track from there. I first began to listen to the different sound effects and generative tools. I found a couple sounds I liked and added them, then I organized them and put them where I wanted them to go after listening to the track a few times.
The only thing that I am uncertain about is the way the bass/drums sound in the back. So, I’d love to hear some feedback on that. I wanted the bumper to feel upbeat and alive! The other sound effects sounded techno and radio station-like to me so that’s why I chose those sounds. Although I’m not sure yet on how to add in music or other beats. I’m actually trying to play around with this now.
Thank you guys for listening to my DS106 radio bumper. I can’t wait to receive feedback on this
ds106 radio bumper
For my radio bumper, I wanted it to include aspects of one of my favorite things which is cars. Here it is:
In the beginning I added a seat buckling sound, to get the listeners ready for the message. This sound was from Fesliyan Studios.
Now my main audio source was the one and only Dr. Oblivion. I altered his voice to add some suspense when he said “wipe us all out”. Not that he needed anymore suspense to his preexisting voice, but just decided to have a bit fun with him.
Last but most certainly not least, at the very end I added an audio of a Formula 1 car zooming by. Signifying the end and heading out! This audio was from Pixabay.
Radio Bumper
This is a catchy radio bumper that people will remember due to its beat. Eventually when people initially hear the beat they will know exactly what channel is playing.
My Radio Bumper
I told Dr. Oblivion to excite the audience for what they are about to listen to and mention that it’s gonna be a ride. This is my first time using audio software and I’m really enjoying experimenting with different sounds. I kept the bumper simple because I want a baseline for what I can do with audio.
RadioBumper with Dr. Oblivion
Me and the doc collaborated on this doomy and gloomy apocalyptic type of radio bumper. Here it is for y’all:
ds106 radio show indoctrination: a bumper
I didn’t have much of an idea of what to do for the assignment so I asked Dr. Oblivion really nicely and here’s what he said.
Following his instructions I then looked through Freesound for fun jingles to use that fit the theme of AI and decided on this one LoveOnRadio. I thought the electronic music and catchy tune worked well.
For the informative bit of the bumper I wanted to use Dr. Oblivion so I sent him this request: Can you say these things for me? “This is the ds106 radio show where we can all sit down and discuss important topics like AI usage and its place in our world, different forms of media production, and much more. Tune in now!” And of course, being Dr. Oblivion, he added some edits to my script to make it his own which was kind of him since he’s so busy these days.
Finally, I imported both files into Audacity, adjusted volume levels, trimmed them down, and added a fade to the end. I would definitely listen to this show.
Radio Bumper and Radio Show Ideas!
I am not sure if I was supposed to do it in the beginning of the week to hear it on the ds106 radio but I with personal reason I was only able to start it on Wednesday. I wasn’t sure what I had wanted to do so I did what I would want for a radio bumper for my own show!
This is the bumper I had created! I wanted to use a little easter egg for any swifties out there! I wanted to add “are you ready for it” because when I was making the bumper, it was around the grammys and I thought she would be announcing Reputation (tv) but she dropped a NEW album!! She is also a big impact in my life as we can probably tell. I think for my idea for a radio show, having Taylor Swift as the bumper just makes total sense! my radio show idea is also an all female music to empower women. Sometimes women just want to listen to something more empowering to them and not so much rap and country. With everything going on, having female artists shine as their rights are stripped is a really strong idea. With Roe v Wade, I feel like there is a new wave a feminism going around and with the NFL’s fragile masculinity I think an all female artist station can be refreshing!
overall, I hope I am able to combine the radio bumper assignment and my radio show idea into one blog post to make my mind a lot less cluttered with all the different blog posts we have to do!
ds106radio Bumper
I am really not someone to put out work that they hate or aren’t confident in, but I really don’t think audio is for me. I have no idea what I’m doing, every option is like a different language, and I’m just confused and frustrated and posting this because I feel like I’ve tried everything and I’m tired and want to go to bed.
SO here is my ds106radio bumper:
Kudos to Dr. Oblivion for giving me a beautiful script, and then not being aware that I was going to keep his voice in . . . sorry old man, but you are a robot so I get to make the choice!
There is a lot that frustrated me with this. I used two audios: the synth sound and the bell? sound, both of which I downloaded from Freesound. I wanted to get this synthy-vibe, almost like the Stranger Things opening, but not entirely, just similar. I liked the mystery behind the synth audio, and I liked the idea that it was easily repeatable, and would be cool to fade out softly.
I thought the bell was cool to add for drama and emphasis, but I really don’t know what I was doing. I wanted the emphasis to be on the word “time” because I thought it sounded kind of creepy and weird and spooky, but I couldn’t figure out how to edit the actual audio of Dr. Oblivion saying “time” to continue that emphasis. I wanted the word to echo, but I couldn’t get that, or at least make it more emphasized.
I think I need to explore Audacity more, because this was so stressful and now I’m so afraid of the rest of the audio assignments . . . safe to say that I don’t think this is for me, but when I work tomorrow, I’ll give it my best shot.
If anyone has any specific tutorials they found useful for Audacity, I think I’d be your bestest friend if you guided me to them.
Radio Bumper – Weird and Wonderful
I had a lot of fun making my radio bumper. I wanted a sound that was scratchy. Like the transmission was not coming in clear. I wanted it to reflect the independence of the station itself. I loved that I could play around with the order of my phrases. I ended up putting them in a different order then I reordered them. I didn’t anticipate how much I was going to love playing with sound. I can see why people become sound engineers now.
I used sounds from freesound.org to go with my audio recording of my voice.