Tubba Talks

dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Let’s get started with the finale and then I’ll head into the details and process of this afterwards. I also wanted to start off saying. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Week 14 Summary Straight to the good stuff – my final project: I put a lot of thought, planning, and effort in making this video,. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
This week was pretty easy, just focusing on the final project that’s due next week! I opted out of the optional daily creates to give. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
This week was a pretty easy one once the video was out of the way! Besides that, we had three daily creates for this week,. . .
For week 12, we had three daily creates. I started off with the eclipse poem, which I did a fairly simple version of it. Poem:. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Let’s start this off with my video: Now the story behind it: I wanted to have my video incorporate AI and Dr. Oblivion. Therefore, I. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
This week was a chaotic mess for me. Still had to push through and keep it moving, but as a senior, luckily the finish line. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
This week was a chaotic mess for me. Still had to push through and keep it moving, but as a senior, luckily the finish line. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Overview: For my video project, I plan on making it around Dr. Oblivion and his AI employee, Steve. Steve has been working really hard and. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Overview: For my video project, I plan on making it around Dr. Oblivion and his AI employee, Steve. Steve has been working really hard and. . .