Category Archives: AssignmentIdea

Rikaro’s Radio Commercial

80’s Product Radio Commercial

The assignment description asks to create a 30-45 second radio commercial for a product from the 80’s. I bent this rule to apply to our group’s radio show by creating a commercial for Rikaro’s company, PrimalTech. Since Rikaro has a skill for applying advanced technology into military weapons and armory, I wanted him to promote new weapons and concepts that will implement AI into them. It has a subtle hint of Rikaro ignoring the consequences of his ideas, since it’s in line with his character.

Three-Point Chatter Introduction

This our introduction to our radio show. Creating this was simple. My first step was to find background music on Next using, an AI text to speech, I wrote my script for the introduction. Once both were complete, I downloaded both and uploaded them to Audacity and meshed them together. Here are the results. hope you enjoy!

Radio Show Intermission

For my second audio assignment, I decided to create my own! I called it the Radio Show Intermission and here is the description I put for it: “Radio Show Intermission” is a lively and engaging break in your listening experience to offer a refreshing pause between discussions. Add a short line of text to captivate your audience and ensure that they stay past the break. Add some sound as well and make it to your liking with whatever theme best suits your show.

The process for creating an assignment was pretty easy! I added my SoundCloud link to what I created and included the following as the thumbnail image:

I choose this image because the sound just gave me this type of vibe plus it incorporates my character and I’s love for cats!

Now here is how I would do a radio show intermission:

To start it off I chose a simple yet intriguing sound from Pixabay, this is the part that made me chose a cat being a dj for the thumbnail picture.

Next I have the following text in my sound: Take a breather (In German) Take a breather and enjoy the groove during our Radio Show Intermission, where the beats keep you company until we return with more awesome tunes and engaging conversations! (English) I used “take a breather” twice in there to emphasize the purpose of this intermission which is to take a quick break. The first time it’s said, is in the language German. My character Chuckles, is from Switzerland, where a majority speak German, so I added that touch for him. By using an AI text-to-speech generator, I generated the rest of the text via English.

Finally, I have the incorporation of my second and last sound which is also from Pixabay. For this I know I wanted something with a beat drop near the end since my text mentions that you should enjoy this beat during the quick break. Additionally, I needed a sound where I could easily transition from the first one without having an awkward pause in between. The exact spot where I made the song change was at the word “groove” and I think it turned out really well!

I really hope all listeners enjoy this intermission I created as I really love it!

Three-Point Chatter Radio Bumper

This is our radio bumper for our radio show. The process of creating this was simple. My first step was to find background music using Next, I used, an AI text to speech, to write the script for the bumper. after both were complete, I downloaded both and uploaded to Audacity and meshed the two together. This is the final product, hope you enjoy!

Film Fanatics & Fictional Friends

For my first audio assignment this week, I choose the Radio Bumper and put my own twist on it according to my radio show description.

My first step for this was creating a possible radio show name.

The description we have for my group is: Course character talk about pop culture/movies/tv in a talkshow/podcast type of vibe

I came up with name: Film Fanatics & Fictional Friends

The fictional friends in this case are all of our characters.

I wanted the audio in the sound to be neat, so I utilized a voice generator instead of me talking. Next, I used Pixabay for my intro and background music. The audio I used is called Big Band Show. I picked this one because it resembled almost an old time-y tv show intro and gave off fun vibes overall.

Here is my version of what could be the intro to my groups radio show!

In the beginning, the sound is very loud and out there. Then, the music turns into background sound as the actual intro is played. Finally, it picks back up and finishes out strong in hopes to get the listener enticed to what our characters have to say.

Were you all enticed?!

Who is She Talking Too?

I found an audio assignment 1665 Have a Phone Conversation with Yourself. I decided to use this for Lady Alice’s part of the radio show. You get a sneak peek at the show and are left hanging on what is fully going on.

Have fun guessing what is being said on the other side of the phone.

Well, that was an interesting phone call.

Everlast Pets – Fictional Ad

I made a commercial for Everlast Pets. I had previously made a PSA for the fake product, and I had wanted to make just an ad for it. I used for the voices and for the music and other sounds used.

I have no idea why my picture is upside down. It is Friday and I just don’t have the energy or time to figure out why. I will have to do that at a later date. I also realized an error in my dialog after I finished. Did you catch it? I must have written fury instead of furry when I generated the speech on Narakeet.

Overall, I like how my commercial turned out. The picture is of my lab and a few weeks old kitten. They are still the best of friends.

11780 labrador dog barks.wav by Robinhood76 — — License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0

The other dog sounds, cat, and music were creative commons and can be found on

this is Fictional Radio Ad from the Audio Assignment Bank for DS 106 Audio Assignment 2009

weird product ad meets 80s radio show

Create a 30-45 second radio commercial for a product from the 80’s. Add in some background music and/or sound effects to make it sound like a real radio commercial.

80’s Product Radio Commercial

For this assignment, I decided to venture into the realm of nonsense to come up with the most bizarre ad I could think of. Meet the Jetpack Jammies.

After painstakingly putting that vague vision into words, I used Voicemaker to create the narrator’s voice. I then used Audacity to create the old-timey radio effect on the voice and to speed up the disclaimer.

I got my music and the jetpack sound here. I used the same radio effect on both. Finally, I used Lexica to make the weird image you see now.