Old children’s stories are scary and teach lessons. We sanitize them these days to not scare children. There was a movie made called “Jack the Giant killer” I believe. Not for kids loads of fun to watch. The giants are scary and eat people.
Another week here and gone. Movie time is the theme. When I signed up for this class, I knew nothing about it other than it would full fill my digital intensive credit and it was all online. That worked for me. I thought or rather hoped it would involve being a movie critic. In case you haven’t noticed I have a lot of opinions or am good at coming up with one to write about. So, finding a movie to tear into not difficult. Having to make a voice over that was hard.
The 1st daily create I did this week was the google poem. I wanted to do the oddly specific sign, but family duties monopolized my time Saturday. People came up with some fun stuff for that.
I updated some of the pages on my website this week. Now that I have been at this for 5 weeks it was time for an update. In week 4 I went back and did some of my missing work from week 1 such as my summery of week 1. I forgot to add that to my week 4 summery.
I also just learned how to make the link one word!
I also have upped my commenting a lot since week 2 and I forget to mention it in my summaries. I have been enjoying reading classmates work and replying to their comments too.
I feel good about how much I have learned so far. I know where I started and what I can do now feel miles apart. I am happy with my progress. I was able to solve my own technology problems this week.
I read on another student’s blog about how their posts were being delayed on being published. I just looked at mine and they were doing the same thing. Publish immediately isn’t so immediately it seems. Have to make sure it doesn’t have a delay time stamp.
Well, if the sore throat lasts this week, I will learn to use robot voices from the internet! Enjoy the impending snow for our area of the world this weekend.
The main assignment this week was to learn about film making by watching and reading some information. I Highly recommend the You Tube series “Every Frame a Painting”. I learned a lot and enjoyed them very much. After we did our learning, we had to take a clip of the movie and do a voice over of our critique of the scene.
I was looking at the list of movies on Wikipedia, we were supplied, and I realized I have seen almost all of them. I learned I do watch a lot of sci-fi. The movies easy to find I have seen. I couldn’t remember the exact ending of the movie Stealth or if I had seen it on video or in theaters. It was easy to find so I went with that one. I was not even halfway through when I realized why I didn’t remember the movie. I found it very boring. I tried applying everything I learned from watching the movie making videos. I was watching for camera angles, lighting, how the scene was cut etc. Still boring. I found a few decent scenes that I jotted the time stamp down for that could be more fun or interesting to talk about.
Now came time for the downloading of a scene. I quickly realized on Thursday that it would be easiest just to find a high-resolution scene already on the internet to work with. I didn’t find any of the ones that I thought would be fun to work with. I did find one that wasn’t all action with the CGI planes.
The scene gave enough to talk about to show I watched the film making videos and told a little story.
I couldn’t just download it. I signed up to try You Tube premium free for 30 days. Turns out you can only view it in YouTube. Alright time to research and find a way.
I found this video
So, then I learned there was no way to download the video. It is Friday at noon, and I have a mild fever and caught a cold. (at least it better not turn out to be the flu) There is no going to campus today to get help. (in case you don’t remember I own a house, have kids etc.) I do own a video camera of decent quality or there is my smart phone. Let’s be pirates! I downloaded a program with dubious origins and hoped for the best. (please don’t let it be virus ridden) I then paid for the programs. I already had Adobe Premier Rush, so I was golden.
I made the voice over and it isn’t even 2 pm yet. New problem, You Tube doesn’t like the movie clip, copy right infringement. Now to use a new platform for uploading. Vimeo for the win.
I am glad I got this done before I lost my voice. My throat hurts and I am coming down with something. This take will have to do. I spent the most time trying to get a clip to do the voice over on. Once I got the clip it was easy to do a voice over on it.
A few scenes I liked better are a meeting held on the ship over a game of scrabble that takes place about 30 minutes into the movie. Has a lot of foreshadowing happening. The camera angles and placement of characters is one of the best in the whole movie. The grounding of EDI at minute 46 is also interesting. At hour 1:16 you have what I call the blame game scene. it has the “bad guys” in shadow speaking over the phone blaming each other for what went wrong. It cuts back and forth to the two men on the phone in darkness trying to one up each other. I felt it made good use of editing during the argument of who can better take down whom.
While I found the movie to be predictable and slow my husband enjoyed the movie very much. The movie had a want to be Top Gun vibe and spent a lot of money on the CGI of the state-of-the-art planes (that are not real) I noticed the font used in the credits was the same used in the Spider-man movies starring Toby McGuire. I wanted to put all this into a recording but no voice. Now that I have found the programs to use doing it again wouldn’t be too difficult.
Today’s daily create was to compliment in kind to a compliment bot. The bot would not load for me. I found a picture taken about 5 years ago and thought of a compliment to go with it. I have always really enjoyed this picture of my youngest and am happy I found a way to use it.
Ah goals. Things to strive for, a marker of growth, a way to assess failure or success. I dislike public failure or failure at all. I still don’t know how to properly make a gif. I am happy with how much I have learned to do in Audacity. I am still struggling to remember how to use Adobe photoshop and Illustrator. I have discovered I like writing a blog. I like writing out my thoughts and explaining what I have done. I like the comments and feedback. I want to be more comfortable discussing what I have made. I am doing more than just surviving this semester or class. I am having fun. I think I am on track to make my goals.
I still need to learn to make a gif
make a video with balanced sound
still working on learning how to use wordpress
I am still relearning how to make computer art
Here is a link to Goals for your reviewing pleasure.
The above link takes you to the post I made on Mastodon. Or you can just see the uploaded copy below.
I also had to agree for google to take my picture. Since I didn’t know what the picture would be used for a held up a kung fu panda blanket. I thought it would be funny. The word I submitted was panda. It didn’t like hurkle-durkle.
I was instantly overwhelmed by the audio assignments listed for this week. So, I broke it down to just one assignment at a time and tried not to look at it as a whole. Here is the first assignment I finished.
The next assignment I finished was spooky dialogue. I had fun playing with stretching words or speeding them up. In the end I learned a few things and made something haunting.
On Friday I went to Target and bought headphones and a microphone to finish my work. Good decision, it made getting the final edits and bit of work done easier.
All right I am down to the wire ad I just posted my last assignment. I started it earlier in the week and knew exactly what I wanted it to sound like. I think I pulled it off.
The following is a fake 911 call Lady Alice E Smythe made as a child. It is an example of her character trait of knowing more than everyone else. I estimate her age in the recording to be around 9 years old. sit back and enjoy listing to the “emergency”.
I used sound effects from Freesound. Here are some of the sound clips I used: 40X40cm WindowGlass Carpet 3 by P.jezsek Rat in the attic, possum in the roof by Darius Kedros Slam door by Soundsforhim Cat Angry Hissing 01 by promete
The voices are mine or my 9-year-old child. I made her so it counts.
I hope you enjoyed the little story as much as I enjoyed making it.
I wrote a very short little story that uses homophones. The words sound like other words, but can you tell what they mean without seeing the spelling? enjoy the recording.
I used a new microphone attached to headphones to do this recording. I think it is a little scratchy sounding. I need to work on making it clearer. Until this week I hadn’t made a voice recording before on a computer. When I was a child, I had a talk girl it was the pink version of a talk boy as seen in Home Alone 2 lost in New York. I spent a summer playing with that. So since then, I have not recorded myself on purpose really.
While I was considering using a computer voice generator for this assignment, I came across a web page that turns information into a pod cast script. You can then take the script and have it read in a style. I took the short story I wrote and gave it a pod cast theme that I thought would be in line with my character Lady Alice. I found it very amusing how much it read into a story I wrote in less than 20 mins.
I really feel like it captures Lady Alice. I think the podcast does a good job of connecting the assignment to my character and shows more of how I envision her to be.
I had a difficult time thinking of something to do a story on with no words. It came down to crunch time Friday afternoon and I had no ideas. Hopefully you don’t find this too boring, but it is a rather peaceful walk. So, sit back and destress and enjoy the sounds of taking a dog out without leaving your seat.
This is a picture of my dog. I was able to find audio of the same breed of dog I have to use. Which was fun. My dog loves other animals except white dogs. If you are a white dog doesn’t matter your size, you must die. She believes they are a threat to her and her family. The little white poodle/terrier mix across the street the same size as a cat is public enemy number one in her book. So obviously I took inspiration from life again.
I used sounds I found on Free sound and the following are a few of the ones I used.
Small stream in woods by CastleofSamples
footstepsB by bennstir
Jazz the dog Howl &Bark by delphinebrain
Footsteps walking through woods by noisyninja
Slam door by Soundsforhim
Dog barking in forest when jogger passend by by AtoMediaDesign