The Daily Create

#tdc4476 #ds106 #ds106 Make a Small Sculpture Create a small sculpture with random items you have around your home or workplace. Give it a title. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
#tdc4472 #ds106 #ds106 On the Internet … #tdc4472 #ds106 #ds106 On the Internet … | The DS106 Daily Create Famous New Yorker cartoon comments on. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now #tdc4469 #ds106 Create an Eclipse Erasure Poem . . .
The rumors are true that a new album is coming out from the Finnish Funk Band, Wrecked Cottsage Seabright. Use their studio photo to generate. . .
The daily create asked us to make trading cards on this website. Trading Card ( #tdc4466 #ds106 #ds106 Let’s play #ds106 Top Trumps I of. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
The daily create asked what made you smile today? It has been a rough week, and it is only Wednesday. I don’t have high hopes. . .
Today’s #DailyCreate #tdc4460 #ds106 #ds106 You as a plant. This is your destiny calling. I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news is:. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
#tdc4456 #ds106 Idealized Data Gatherer If you could have a FitBit-style device to measure something that can’t normally be measured that way, what would it. . .
The Daily Create 4454 play with spots at Zazow :: Algorithmic Generative Art #tdc4454 #ds106 Splatter The Ink I named it going through. I played with the. . .
I have really lost all creative thought for titles this week. The Daily Create 4448 Bead Art: Turn your photo into super-cool bead art. ( . .