As I am revisiting my goals. I am much more behind than I anticipated. This class has been slightly a struggle. I am working harder on working on my work earlier in the week and not cramming everything until Thursday and Friday. I have also been to the digital knowledge center for help. I am looking to keep going to the digital knowledge center for some help.
Category Archives: ds106goals2
Keeping up with The Goals
Now that I am caught up with the course, I’m finally able to enjoy the content and do much more as well. I changed the theme of my blog and have started to better organize it as well.
I even mentioned before that I was excited to experiment with various storytelling techniques and this week we did video storytelling! Right on track for me I have also been able to utilize various tools as well for assignments like Soundcloud for our previous week.
You can never be perfect, but you can always keep trying to do better and better and I can’t wait to make more updates on my blog as I learn more.
Revisiting Goals
My main goal from this course was to improve my creativity when completing assignments. I feel like I have definitely grown in this area throughout the first couple weeks. I will continue to work on being more creative, but I think the weekly assignments are pushing me out of my comfort zone and making me try things I never would have otherwise.
Beamish Intentions Now a Days!
When we first started this class, I was asked to talk about my goals in this class. Which at that time I thought this class was only about WordPress and making a website. I did not know we would be going in depth about AI. I think after a few weeks of this class, I can tell you that I have learned so much more than I was expecting. Which can be a good and a bad thing.
The good thing about learning more is now I know how to understand and use WordPress along with Audacity. I have learned to make a conversion with an AI character and stich the audio together. I learned how to create a website and how to keep it up and running. Creating clickable button were the hardest thing for me to understand and now I feel like it is super easy! However, the bad thing with learning so much is that it causes anxiety.
Everyday I wake up is me saying to myself “Have I completed everything for this class.” With learning a lot means there is a lot of time and effort spent into this class and or website. A website I might never use but if I want to show anyone it will always be there for me to open it back up. That is the thing with the internet, nothing will ever be deleted. We will always have records of anything put online.
Am I on track?
You know I ask myself this question every week. Most of my classes I am ahead of which to me is on track. However, this class seems to be different because I find myself working on this class multiple times a week for a couple of hours at a time. Yet, I still turn in my weekly assignments on Fridays around 11:30pm right when it is about to be due. None the less, most of my work has been on time. This class takes so much time that I had to drop working my job by another 8 hours to support this class. Which I am not too happy about because I still have bills to pay but I am still trying to figure that out. Now that I have the additional time, I feel a lot better about the amount of time I spend on the computer doing this class.
Revisiting Old Goals
After looking through my old goals, I found that I am on track to complete it. I wanted to do creative things in different mediums and this is currently happening. I had never used audio software or video software this extensively. Creating an audio story took a bit of practice, but the payoff was worth it. I am currently using OBS to make my video and have actually been having a great time planning and making my video. I would never imagine myself enjoying using these tools, but I have been experimenting on my own time. The creative freedom is fantastic and it has been a great exercise so far.
DS106 Goals Update

Looking back at my goals I set the first week of DS106, I can say that I definitely have learned more about the usage of AIs in class and in general. I look forward to continuing using AIs and learning more about using different types of AIs to complete different task. As far as digital storytelling itself I felt like I’ve learned a lot and still have more to learn about it. I feel like I am on track with my goals, and I am excited to continue learning more and more each week.
Goals Update
I feel my main goal from the beginning of the course was to play around with the customization elements offered by WordPress. I definitely accomplished this to some degree by picking a theme I like and I added the dropdown menu. While I added the menu, I haven’t completely set it up and I haven’t been updating, so this is an area for potential improvement. In terms of future goals, it may be nice to mess around with the widgets and header options to create more cohesion across all of my blog posts.
Goals for DS106 Revisited
Looking back at my first post, I made an honest reflection on why I decided to enroll in the course and what my outlook for the future is. I’d say that most of this still stands true, but I’d like to add how my perspective of audio and visual elements shifted within the last 2 weeks.
I listened to a variety of audio storytelling pieces in the assignments I did as well as the DS106 radio session. I was fascinated by the amount of detail and attention that goes into the careful crafting of sounds to create a narrative. The audio stories that I created for my assignment bank projects was my first venture into creating these myself, and although I’m still a novice, I found myself really enjoying the work. For the visual side, I’m currently working on the film analysis assignment, and this has also given me a new perspective on popular films that I have watched.
The bulk of this class is still storytelling and updating the blog, but I have definitely found a greater appreciation for the attributes that make up these stories. I’m looking forward to doing more audio and visual work for the rest of the semester.
here are my course goals redux
We’ve reached the 5th week and it’s time to look back at our course goals. I would say that I’ve definitely made some progress on them. I wanted to learn how to use new digital mediums which I would say I’ve accomplished since I didn’t know how to do things like audio production before. I’ve also made my website my own, though in the future I may add more to it. Some more goals to add maybe would be gaining a better understanding of the different types of production processes like we did this week.
Goals (Round 2)
I definitely think I’ve been quite on track with my goals, which is a pat on the back for me. I feel like I’m learning about the different modes of storytelling and fighting discomfort over not understanding programs, and actually learning from trial and error and tutorials! I think I’m doing really well!
Some revised goals I want to have is that I want to be able to spend a lot more time on these programs and these thoughts. I’ve been doing okay at that, because when I work on things for this class, I hyperfocus on them, but I want to be able to learn things on my own without tutorials. I do a little bit now, but I mostly end up looking it up. A lot of learning is just playing around and trying different things and seeing what works and what doesn’t work, so I want to just play around with these programs and see what happens and what I can create.
I’ve actually been having a lot of fun and have been taking the assignments as ways to be creative and tell stories in my own way but with a guide to look back on, which I think is what has made this not as stressful as I thought it was in the past. I really like how a lot of the assignments aren’t strict on rules or what to do exactly: you make of it what you can with the given prompts or media.
One last thing, I’ve definitely become more comfortable with AI. Talking to Dr. Oblivion is so funny to me, I just love when he gets sentimental (such a change from his usual snarky attitude). He can be my friend now, but he will still be being side eyed for a while. Other AI is still iffy with me, but I’m working on it slowly to understand its limits and my own limits, and that’s fun.