Category Archives: WeeklySummary

In the Dumps – Week 11 Summary – 3/29-4/5

What a week . . . I am so stressed as I think about my work load, losing scheduling for my job (I work with families directly so they have the power over my schedule and they are taking a break because of stress and moving so basically I’m not working), and this week was miserable for me emotionally from my own personal stuff, but you know what’s good! My brother’s getting married next week!!

Which just made me realize, I will need to get stuff done even sooner because of that . . . all nighters might be pulled . . . anticipate me complaining about stress and sleepiness in my posts next week.

Here is the song of the week (it makes me sad and I was sad so it fits)

But, here’s what happened in ds106 this week for me:

Daily Creates

Not much to talk about with these. I hope the hug thing would help some people feel better. If I could give you guys hugs, I would!!

Regardless, the last DC of the week, making a trading card for my cat, was my favorite. She’s so cute and it was so fun creating traits for her.

Radio Listening

I realized I should’ve made this post immediately after I listened, because I forgot a lot of what actually happened by leaving it until Friday, but it still works.

It was really nice listening to other shows. I wish I was able to make it to the other days, but maybe one of these days I’ll go in and listen on my own.

On that note, I’m excited to see the Video projects people are working on! I saw (and commented on) a lot of ideas and plans, and it seems everyone’s doing their own fun things, so I’m excited to see how they turn out.

Video Plan

I talk about it a lot more in the post, but I was so stressed about this. For the entire week, I had this on the back of my mind, not sure what I wanted to make, but I finally ended up with an idea!! I’m going to interview people around me to hear different thoughts on AI! They’ve already started answering my texts about scheduling it, but I haven’t checked them yet.

I’m really excited for this. I did Yearbook in high school, so interviewing people is no biggie to me, so I’m excited to rebirth the yearbook kiddo in me.

But that was my week!

I plan to schedule my week next week as soon as I get times for the interviews. I think writing down my schedule and following it will make me feel much less stressed.

Good luck everyone!!

The Big Ones

I really enjoyed week 11 because it was more about participation in the class than it was work related. I do believe that my creativity has gone up a lot in this class and it makes my heart happy because I used to be able to create and use my imagination all the time. However, when you start growing up all that imagination you once had slowly fades away.

It now feels like my imagination is coming back to life and looking into Artificial Intelligence and what it has to offer the world is a crazy thing to think about.

This week we had to listen to at least one other group radio show…I ended up listening to all of them because I was so fascinated to hear what everyone else was able to create. Down below is a button you can click on if you want to listen and read my thoughts about the shows.

The other main assignment we were asked to complete was an outline for a video we will be working on for week 12. I have a very rough draft here. I am not too sure about the requirements that I need to meet when it comes to the time frame, but I might switch it up if the professor asks for 3 minutes.

Of course, it would not be called a daily create if we did not do it each week.

My three daily creates are right below:

Weekly Summary

by Andrew Johnson

Watch, Read, Listen

  • Watch: To start this week, I watched the weekly video on assignments that were due for this week. Off of that, I completed my daily creates, my favorite one being Daily Create: 04/05 because it was the perfect theme that I have been waiting to complete. It was fun and exciting to see everyone’s daily creates this week because they involved what was going on outside in our daily lives such as this Daily Create.

Listen & Read: Another assignment I wanted to complete was listening to ds106 Radio and producing a post about my listening experience. Here’s the link, Listening Experience. I found all the radio shows to be full of engagement. The ones I listened to engaged the listener to different aspects of AI, some even used Aggressive Technologies as the base of their show. When I joined the discord for ds106 while the radio shows were taking place, reading the numerous comments about what my fellow classmates liked/ disliked was a great piece of class participation. Thank you for all that enjoyed my radio show, Three Point Chatter.

Week 11

This week is interesting to say the least. I hope I understood the video assignment correctly because, again, I am not good with all the hyperlinks and reading different things from other places. too many words and links make me lost and I tend to do assignments wrong with hyperlinks so I hope someone could help me out with some ideas! I think I will read other peoples blog posts to see what my classmates are doing and to see if I actually did the assignment correctly!

I wasn’t sure if we had to do any daily creates so I am kind of sad about that because if I did an assignment wrong, I always have faith in my daily creates lol!

But I loved everyones radio show! I was only able to tune in on Monday but wasn’t able to join the discord but I did get some nit from the Dr. Oblivion show on Wednesday too!

-Reese Kubricki

Week 11 Summary

After a tough week of grinding out the radio show, I’m glad that this week was much lighter.

I first did a reflection of the radio shows that we created, and the experience I had tuning into ds106 radio to hear my own show, as well as another group’s. I went into detail about how three different listens all gave me a different perspective on the radio show creating experience overall.

Next I had to do some brainstorming about what I would do for the upcoming video assignment. I decided on continuing to develop my course character, but ran into some troubles finding sources for my character. I had to do some potentially illegal improvisation from the Netflix show Arcane to fit my needs, and I’ll see soon if the project I’m envisioning will work after all.

And finally, here are my daily creates for the week. I got to do a coding one, which was cool for me to do!

That’s pretty much it for this week, we’ll see how the video project turns out and if I’ll be running into a lawsuit with Netflix in the near future.

Week 11 Summary

This week was pretty easy, I enjoyed checking out the radio shows as well as brainstorming ideas for the video next week. Starting with the Daily Creates, I especially liked being able to share a picture of my sweet work dog, Ginger:

You can find that prompt and the rest of my responses here.

For the radio show, I got to listen to the Radio Ravioli show, which was really well done. It was interesting to see the ways that their show was similar to my groups’ as well as the ways that it was different. This assignment was pretty easy as all I had to do was sit back and listen to their show. It really did feel like I was just listening to a radio show while in the car driving, which was nice. You can find that assignment here.

I also brainstormed some ideas for next weeks’ video assignment, and I’m excited for what I came up with. I definitely wanted to integrate my character as well as Dr. Oblivion, and I figured the best way to do this would be to set up some sort of debate between the two of them in an academic setting. The whole premise of this debate seemed very natural to both Isaiah and Dr. Oblivion, so it wasn’t difficult coming up with an outline. You can find that assignment here.

Weekly Summary 11

Pretty chill week overall in this class but this was probably my busiest school week yet of the semester. I was finishing up research with my psych research team and doing data analyses on our numbers. I also had exams to study for and take and had some other personal things to do. The daily creates were fun this week and so was the radio. The upcoming projects are going to be difficult but I’m going to try and get ahead in them and get started early. Hope everyone else had a good week too! Work embedded below!

Only 4 Weeks Left?? Week 11 Complete

I began this week by tuning in to the Monday radio shows, which was a delightful experience that exposed me to a wide range of perspectives and thoughts regarding the project. Go here to read my opinions regarding a few of the radio shows: Radio Show Thoughts. Our class connects well when we get on Discord and watch everyone chat and share insights during each show. It was a lot of fun because we don’t do this very frequently. After that, I had a conversation with Rishi, my partner for the video project, and we started laying out our plan. After some time, we came to a consensus on an outline that we both liked, and I created a blog post about it titled “Digital Discoveries in Video Project Plan” (Video Project Plan). I can’t wait to begin work on this video project later this week and early the following week. I believe Rishi and I have created a solid outline, and my hope is that we can incorporate all of our ideas into the final product. I then created three daily posts: Daily Create #1, Daily Create #2, and Daily Create #3. I attempt to complete the daily creations as early in the day as possible since I think they help me get started on other things that has to be done and they also seem to stimulate my brain. I loved looking at my classmates’ work as I concluded the week by making typical comments. Based on their daily creations and videos, I get the impression that many of my classmates are highly creative individuals.

Starting with the radio show listening assignment, I thoroughly enjoyed both of this week’s assignments. We shouldn’t take advantage of these rare opportunities to engage in class activities, therefore we should treasure each one of them. In contrast to my group, I found it interesting to hear how other people choose to do their radio show. I also liked how many of us were using Discord throughout the radio shows, as I indicated in the line above. Next, it was fun to plan and outline the video project. We lay the framework for creating the video the next week and have a ton of exciting stuff in mind for it. In any case, working with Rishi was enjoyable, and I hope everything goes smoothly the next week!

I really wouldn’t alter a thing. I believe I did the best I could on each assignment. At this moment, I have no questions. As of right now, everything is completed accurately thus there aren’t any significant problems with my work.

Wow, Week 11 Already Over?!?!

This week was probably one of the lightest weeks so far in terms of work that needed to be completed and it was great because this week was supposed to be one of my busy weeks and it was nice to see that I would not have to worry as much about having enough time to get everything done for this class. One of the assignments we had to do this week was write a blog post about our experiences listening to another radio show on the DS106 station. That post is located here and contained a detailed analysis of the Logic Pod radio show and the themes that were discussed in the video along with my thoughts on the production and the final product of the radio show. Next, we had to create a post that talked about our plan for the video project that we will be working on next week. That post can be found at this link and once again contains a detailed analysis of the project and what my plan is for the project along with how my video might look like when it is all said and done. I enjoyed this assignment because it was cool to try and think about and decide what I could do for a video project and how I could make it unique and interesting and enjoyable to watch. Following that, I made sure to do my daily creates this week as well, and we were required to do three this week. Start on Friday with Daily Create #1, which required us to associate our lest favorite household chore to a game that might help us complete the chore faster. Therefore, I chose cleaning my room and associated it to a race and timing myself to see if I could beat my previous time each time I had to clean my room. Then on Saturday, I did Daily Create #2, which had generate a picture of us reincarnated as a plant and so I chose to reincarnate myself as a carrot plant for no other reason than the fact that it looked the best. I really like the way it turned out so I went with that one. Finally, Daily Create #3 was completed on Sunday, in which we were required to write a one-lined proverb onto a piece of porcelain tile and you can view that at the link above. Last but not least, I left some time to do some commenting to round out the week.

I did not encounter too many issues this week when completing my assignments. I thought things went pretty smoothly this week and I enjoyed doing all of the assignments. From this week, I would say that listening to the different radio shows was my favorite. This is because I found it very enjoyable to listen to all the hard work that others had put into to create their radio shows and listen to how it turned out. Once again, I did not encounter any issues this week for any of the assignments.

I definitely think that I accomplished all of the requirements for the assignments for this week and I think I did them to the best of my ability. Like stated before, my favorite assignment was listening to the radio show. I would not do anything differently for the work that I did this week as it was completed with effort, time, and creativeness. I believe that there are no larger issues at hand with my work. I think that the assignments were done properly and with effort. I do not have any further questions at this time for the class. One thing that I think I did well this week was to stay on top of my work for this class since I was in a busy week this week and I was happy with how I managed to work and get things done.

Weekly Summary: (Week 10)

This week have been very fun. I loved doing a radio show and learning about my friends AI characters. Learning about Leo Storm as well as Jonathan has been awesome. Creating a radio show was a struggle, however it was fun to keep going and get a magnificent final product. I am really excited to hear what people have to say about our radio show.