Category Archives: weekly summaries

there goes my weekly summary: #4

This week was audio week!!! We had a lot of stuff to go through but it was honestly still very fun. I enjoy editing a lot and while I hadn’t used Audacity before, I’ve used other audio software before. When I started our first task to experiment with Audacity it was a pretty smooth process. While I didn’t know where everything was and there were different names and processes, it was still just an audio editing platform so adjusting wasn’t too bad. Then I quickly made my SoundCloud account where my audio from this week is uploaded as well as on my blog.

To start off our exploration we had to think about audio storytelling. I enjoyed this assignment because it made me appreciate audio storytelling even more than I did before. His thoughts like how this form of storytelling is only possible because of the connection between the narrator and the listener were things I had never thought of before. The podcast was also just very interesting to listen to.

Then we had to create a radio bumper for the ds106 radio show. Since this was my first time creating a bumper it was very basic but I learned a bit more about its usage on the radio. We also had to listen to the radio show that we just made the bumper for and write our thoughts on audio production. I loved listening to the story that was on the night I was listening which almost made me forget the reason we were there in the first place.

The sound effect story was a fun mode of storytelling that had so much potential since there was no dialogue. It almost felt like I was the narrator of my own story and I’m subjecting my listeners to a tale of someone’s very boring walk to work.

We also 3 assignments this week that had to be from the audio section of the assignment bank and I had a lot of fun making these.

First I tried the TV Product Placement Radio Ad which used clips from one of my favorite shows, Arrested Development so it was pretty enjoyable completing that one since I could just watch funny episodes in the background while I was doing half of the work. I struggled a little bit more on this one than the others since it was the first time I had really sat down and tried to just edit audio instead of making something but overall it came out pretty well.

I then tried the Played From Another Room and while I was initially scared when I read the assignment description, the urge to learn how to do it won over, and here we are. It was cool seeing the little changes the effects had on the audio since I’ve never really edited whole songs before.

The last assignment I did was Breaking News! This one turned out to be the most fun to make. I could have never guessed the bizarre story the AI generator was going to make but it turned out to be the perfect story of another Florida Man.

Last on the list was to brainstorm radio show ideas for our course characters. I did struggle to make even a semi-solid list because I don’t really imagine her being on something like a radio show. Hopefully, inspiration will strike soon but for now, this is it.

And as always my daily creates are below!

Create 1: #tdc4407 Silk Threads

I tried making my roommate’s cat Moby and I think I captured his evil spirit quite well

Create 2: #tdc4408 Message in the Sky

I love silly banners so I had to go and make one

Create 3: #tdc4409 Secret entrance

Just your normal kitchen island entrance


there goes my weekly summary: #3

This week was a lot less stressful and I think I hit my stride because the assignments seemed easier to be more creative and I could actually have some fun with it. 

The design reflection was an interesting assignment that really made me learn some new things about the creative process and how to draw in audiences. Though learning to implement these new concepts is going to be its own task in itself.

Doing the photoblitz was a bit hectic but overall I like the results of my photos. I had never heard of this before either and had no idea what I was getting myself into but I think I did pretty ok though I’m not sure what would constitute a bad photoblitz.

The ai art assignment where we tried using art generators was new for me and so frustrating whenever I put in a prompt that seemed detailed to me but apparently the generator found to broad and gave me something completely different. But when I finally figured out how they worked it was interesting to see how bizarre some of the results ended up being.

Making a business card for my class character Andrea Grant was so fun because while making a business card for myself is kinda of boring, a fictional character with a whole different backstory has endless possibilities of what I can do.

Finally, the gif assignment was something I had wanted to try for so long, and trying to make one with one of my favorite movies was cool. So hopefully I did Natalie Portman justice because trying to not make it a choppy hard to watch gif was a struggle.

Overall while some things were a little frustrating I had a lot of fun trying out new ways of making digital media.

My daily creates are shown below as well!

Day 1: #tdc4399 Color in a Classic

The original “The Great Wave” on the left and my red take on the right

Day 2: #tdc4401 Gif your first job

My first job was as a sports referee

Day 3: tdc4403 #ds106 A Word For The In-Between Time

The word I would use would be, The Groggy Fog. I feel like the images looks like my brain feels when I’m like this.

there goes my weekly summary: #2

This week was a fight between my love of creation and spending hours fixing minute things no one would notice and my lack of time. Even though I had a week and started almost immediately with my character creation assignment, the urge to make everything perfect by taking days to do each assignment left me running at the end of the week to finish everything.

Creating my assignments for the week was definitely fun until I realized how much time I wasted with things like choosing just the right font to match the movie posters in my infographic for Baby Driver. Even smaller assignments like the five frame story and cartoon character ad were immediately turned into tasks of stress as I debated between using different movie images or gifs that were almost identical. If I’ve learned anything this week it’s that I need to learn how to focus and get these done a lot faster somehow.

The reading for this week was definitely not what I was expecting when I started. To say I’ve met a new side of the internet is an understatement as I’ve never heard of the Techno-Optimist group and did not know they were so extreme. I go into it more in my post here.

Finally, the daily creates. This was honestly the most fun of my day. The prompts were random and kinda wacky in a way I wouldn’t have guessed. You can view those creations below.

Day 1: #tdc4390 Your Town’s What 3 Words Map Story.

I’m from Woodbridge and I got back the three words: toward, corner, fails.

Day 2: #tdc4391 Ceiling Post.

Not a very interesting ceiling just feels very bright and spacious.

Day 3: #tdc4392 Write a Fibonacci Poem


learned what

Fibonacci poems are.

They become quite easily overlong

as each line grows and words spread until

the lines start unfurling into the margins of the page and start pushing

into the edges of my computer forcing their way through the screen flowing into my the world and now your screen.

Day 4: #tdc4394 California Dreaming based on this view

A storm rages through the trees and the mountains,

Surrounding the land in its dark story clouds

While the world drowns in its neverending shower.

A lone steel tower stands still through the storm,

The solitaire pillar looms over a forest of green

Out of place the only non-life form.

Day 5: #tdc4395 Internet Emergency Exit sign

there goes my weekly summary: #2

This week was a fight between my love of creation and spending hours fixing minute things no one would notice and my lack of time. Even though I had a week and started almost immediately with my character creation assignment, the urge to make everything perfect by taking days to do each assignment left me running at the end of the week to finish everything.

Creating my assignments for the week was definitely fun until I realized how much time I wasted with things like choosing just the right font to match the movie posters in my infographic for Baby Driver. Even smaller assignments like the five frame story and cartoon character ad were immediately turned into tasks of stress as I debated between using different movie images or gifs that were almost identical. If I’ve learned anything this week it’s that I need to learn how to focus and get these done a lot faster somehow.

The reading for this week was definitely not what I was expecting when I started. To say I’ve met a new side of the internet is an understatement as I’ve never heard of the Techno-Optimist group and did not know they were so extreme. I go into it more in my post here.

Finally, the daily creates. This was honestly the most fun of my day. The prompts were random and kinda wacky in a way I wouldn’t have guessed. You can view those creations below.

Day 1: #tdc4390 Your Town’s What 3 Words Map Story.

I’m from Woodbridge and I got back the three words: toward, corner, fails.

Day 2: #tdc4391 Ceiling Post.

Not a very interesting ceiling just feels very bright and spacious.

Day 3: #tdc4392 Write a Fibonacci Poem


learned what

Fibonacci poems are.

They become quite easily overlong

as each line grows and words spread until

the lines start unfurling into the margins of the page and start pushing

into the edges of my computer forcing their way through the screen flowing into my the world and now your screen.

Day 4: #tdc4394 California Dreaming based on this view

A storm rages through the trees and the mountains,

Surrounding the land in its dark story clouds

While the world drowns in its neverending shower.

A lone steel tower stands still through the storm,

The solitaire pillar looms over a forest of green

Out of place the only non-life form.

Day 5: #tdc4395 Internet Emergency Exit sign

there goes my weekly summary: 1

I decided to join this course for many reasons that most people probably share. Learning to use new digital tools, creating a narrative of my own, and because we’re in college for the credits I desperately need. We’ve already started by making our blogs this week which was fun and I definitely intend to spend more time making it something I like looking at rather than a random template. Also looking at what everyone else has created has been very interesting as well and has made me wonder how I could learn to do more. After this week I’m definitely looking forward to what else gets posted during the semester.