Category Archives: Week 8

Weekly Summary: wk 8

This week was pretty easy, I had to reach out to other classmates which I enjoyed and we started to collaborate for our radio show. I also enjoyed finding an AI tool that can help out in class and help each other. I picked a AI tool called HyperWrite, in this app it helps you with creating ideas on writing an assignment, as well as, rewriting assignments it also offers different templates depending on your projects. I find it pretty cool to look at other students AI tools that can also help us do our assignments. This week assignments were pretty short.

Aggressive Technologies: proposal

Good afternoon, My name is Dolly Im here to discuss why HyperWrite will improve Aggressive Technologies performance. This AI application helps better your performance for Aggressive Technologies, it can help you save time and money on projects and assignments. HyperWrite can assist with generating ideas for any assignments or projects. Such as generating essay introductions, and producing introductory paragraphs for your essays. Assist in rewording text based on what you need help with. Creating an outline with your essay and rewriting content as well. For instance, it can help paraphrases and restructure content. We should acquire this tool to assist us in performing better for the company. This could help us eliminate mistakes in our performance in the company and help our workers improve their skills in the work environment. This application offers different types of templates for how you want to write your assignment. Some categories are on writing so being able to rephrase content, flexible auto-write which is where AI can help you write about anything, and Expert Writing Assistant which can help you draft, improve writing, and give advice. An example is Flexible AutoWrite it can help with any task you ask for it to generate so I ask for it to make me an outline on how AI can benefit companies:

Outline on how AI can benefit companies:

I. Introduction
A. Definition of AI
B. Importance of AI in today’s business landscape

II. Automation and Efficiency
A. Streamlining repetitive tasks
B. Reducing human error
C. Increasing productivity

III. Data Analysis and Insights
A. Extracting valuable information from large datasets
B. Leveraging machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics
C. Making data-driven decisions

IV. Customer Experience Enhancement
A. Personalized recommendations and targeted marketing
B. Chatbots for improved customer service and support
C. Sentiment analysis for understanding customer feedback

V. Risk Management and Fraud Detection
A. Identifying patterns and anomalies in financial data
B. Early detection of fraudulent activities
C. Strengthening security measures

VI. Innovation and Product Development
A. AI-powered research and development
B. Accelerating product development cycles
C. Improving product design and optimization

VII. Conclusion
A. Recap of the benefits of AI for companies
B. Emphasizing the need for companies to embrace AI technology

It was able to give me a outline and broke down each section on how I should write it. It can also help with as both business and marketing aspects. Such as, generating emails to respond in a professional manner. Assist on cover letters and LinkedIn Post Generators. On the Marketing aspect, this tool can act as an Expert Marketing Assistant which can provide expert advice, also being able to generate a summary into a Facebook post and help us advertise on social media platforms by targeting our audience. With this application it would overall help us market ourselves better and help us save time by minimizing our mistakes performed in the company. In addition, Help us get our ideas flowing on projects from its AI professional advice.

Week 8 Summary

This was another relatively lighter week just to get us back into the swing of things. First off was the sales pitch to Aggressive Technologies:

I feel as though this assignment’s entire concept went against the moral compass of Hwei, as he is completely opposed to the idea of selling out his ideas to a huge corporation. However, I decided to add more depth to his character by making him realize that he doesn’t have the funds to continue to invent robots, and he needs the cash to continue his master plan.

Here are my daily creates for the week, as usual. More detail within the post itself.

I also took spring break to figure out what I’d like to do for my radio show. I looked through some of the blog posts on radioshowideas, and I stumbled upon Mustafa’s post. His character is a fugitive that is hiding from the government, but has strong opinions on AI and it’s dangerous potentials. Mustafa highlighted how he wanted to create a show about individuals talking about AI technologies, but then having more of the character’s stories and personalities come into the equation to create more of a story driven show with drama. We’re currently thinking about having our two characters interact, but Hwei will get a bit aggressive and try to assert his intellectual dominance, creating tension while Rikaro will slowly unintentionally reveal that he is running from the law. We’ll have to find a third member that can round out our show, but I’m looking forward to what we can create as a team!

For the week overall, I’m proud of how I worked on small things over spring break, and for the first time ever in my DS106 career, I’ve turned my weekly summary in on Monday! Here’s to more good work and less procrastination.

Aggressive Technologies Sales Pitch – Synthesia Video Generator is the Start of Something REAL

My name is Hwei, I am a researcher of sorts and I’m here to pitch a product that you may be interested in acquiring. As much as I disagree with your grandeur plans of acquiring the world by becoming a megacorporation that controls all, I am in dire need of funding for my project, and would like to sell this product to you at the right price. Again, I am not suggesting that I am supporting your endeavors in further expansion. I am just doing what is necessary for my own vision.

Synthesia is an AI audio and video generator that uses preexisting human-like models and takes in text to create a speech video. The human model can be adjusted to meet specific requirements such as gender, age, height, and type of voice. There are already a few preset backgrounds and specs as well, such as the sales pitch and compliment modes.

This tool can be used for Aggressive Technologies to further cut costs on physical front end marketing teams and to hone in on the calculations and strategies to sell products to a wide range of customers. As AI becomes more commonplace and prevalent in the market, I believe that society will come to accept AI models as the new norm, and will be receptive to the new style of marketing and public outreach.

This is an example of what this application can do for you. If you’d like, please reach back out and I’ll be happy to negotiate pricing with you. Just know that this is a piece of my revolutionary research that your corporation could never replicate, so please make sure you think over this carefully and make the correct decision.