Category Archives: tdc
Daily Create – 3/10/2024
One of the things we had to do for our daily create for today was to pick something that may go unnoticed in everyday life and I chose something as simple as a pencil because we use them so often and for me, there are a lot of times where I am in need of one and cannot find one and do not notice that there are none near me. They are taken for granted sometimes and people do not notice how often they are needed and used.
Daily Create – 2/25/2024
This daily create required us to take the open mouth of a statue and remix it and so I decided to do something a little bit more creative. I drew inspiration from the Iron Man movie, where at the end of the movie, is is sitting by himself in his suit inside of a huge donut sign eating a donut and so i had an Ai-chatbot generate me an image of a superhero sitting inside the mouth of a statue eating a donut. Although the statue was not the same, the idea behind the picture and requirements for the daily create were still met, in my opinion.
Colour in a Classic
Google are currently offering a Colouring Book Experiment. Choose one and colour it in. Share the results with us. Be adventurous!
For #tdc4399 I tried to go all Warhol-esque with my coloured-in classic of The Watermelons by Diego Rivera (1957)
Books for Everyone (including animals and the machines) #dailycreate #tdc4396 #ds106
This 1929 poster is from the Library of Congress archives on Flickr. Let’s do an update (maybe most needed now more than ever in the era of banned books in the US). Make your poster or meme more modern but keep the love of books alive in your art.
My poster was generated with Image Creator from Microsoft Designer (Powered by DALL·E 3), using the prompt “A promotional poster of a retro futuristic environment filled with diverse humans, whales, animals and robots all happily reading books and sharing what they know and expanding their minds, in a 20s minimal colour art deco style.”
Your Town’s What 3 Words Map Story #tdc4390 #ds106
For #tdc4390 #ds106 Your Town’s What 3 Words Map Story, find your home town location, and identify it’s 3 word URL.
what3words transposes Melbourne, Australia to //singer.maker.duke which you can access from ///singer.maker.duke -37.813618, 144.96306