Week: 5

dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Before coming into this week, I thought that I would be facing unprecedented amounts of DS106 assignments that would take up my entire week. To. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
This is hands down my favorite ever project for DS106. Initially I had a hard time coming up with a film to analyze. I don’t. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
Looking back at my first post, I made an honest reflection on why I decided to enroll in the course and what my outlook for. . .
Here are my daily creates for week 5! This first one was made with a tool from https://mutsuacen.com/ to draw any squiggly pattern the heart. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
This week’s assignment was pretty easy. I enjoyed watching the videos that we were assigned and how much in-depth filming a movie is. Having the. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
In this video essay, I used an application that I already have experience with called Viedoleap. I used a scene from “The Help” The movie. . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
@ds106dc #tdc4412 My response for Today's #ds106 Daily Create is pic.twitter.com/KrQ1PLH6yq— Sol Juarez (@SolJuarez163867) February 11, 2024 . . .
dr oblivion is part cyborg now
I revisited my goals I posted on week one, Im glad to say Im staying on track with them. I have expanded my knowledge with. . .