Last week, I noted that I was worried about this week’s assignments, as I haven’t had much experience with Audacity or editing audio, and it seemed like a big workload. However, I enjoyed every assignment this week and learning more about audio storytelling and how sound can affect so much of any form of media, from movies to radio stories.
Setting up Audacity and SoundCloud wasn’t a big issue. I already had Audacity installed for some other school projects and I made a new SoundCloud for DS106 purposes. The hard part was getting into a mindset of expressing myself with just audio, rather than the usual visual tools that we’re so accustomed to.
The Moon Graffiti story was the first experience I had really honing in on the auditory storytelling elements. The moon landing was a great premise, and the entire story made me feel some sort of existential dread, so I wrote about it in my reflection post.
Next I created my DS106 radio bumper. This wasn’t anything special, I made a pretty generic bumper that framed DS106 in a positive light. However, the recording process actually took multiple tries because I kept tripping over my words and not getting specific enunciation I wanted. I was satisfied with the final product, but boy was it frustrating while I was recording.
The DS106 live listening session was a blast. I tuned into the Wednesday broadcast after work and I didn’t expect to get so into the stories and the audio elements that enhanced my experience. Talking in the Discord chat along with Professor Bond and other classmates gave me more perspective on how sound effects and timing of music can really elevate a story.
The Sound Effect Story was something I had to go back and edit. Initially I made a spooky story through my own will, but after looking at the assignment bank, I realized that the spooky story was another assignment entirely. So I used the spooky story as one of my 3 assignments for the week and created a car crash story for the specific Sound Effect Story assignment.
The three other audio assignments I did for the week are:
Spooky story (as I mentioned before)
Dr. Oblivion leaving a voicemail
Asking Dr. Oblivion about AI taking over jobs and recording a conversation with him
I had a hard time fitting my specific course character into my assignments, so I ended up relying on a lot of Dr. Oblivion content to get my stuff done for the week. I’m hoping to look up some tools that can be used to create a voice for my specific character soon.
Next are my daily creates for this week. I added text over a plane banner, made a poem about lemons without the use of the most common words associated with lemons, and took a secret hideout out of a video game and put some meaning behind it.
For my radio show ideas, I couldn’t think of anything specific since we don’t have our assigned team members yet, but I was visualizing a story that our team could make that incorporates all of the characters in one way or another, just like those in the DS106 radio broadcasts this week. I also talked about my experiences with podcasts and shows, particularly about how I’m an avid tennis podcast listener and the shift in mindset I’ll need for DS106.
That’s all for week 4! Crazy how time is flying by, we’re 1/4th of the way through the semester. Even through my copious amounts of procrastination and laziness, I really do enjoy this class and it’s one of the highlights of my week. I’m looking forward to what this next 2 weeks will bring; looks like we’re becoming filmmakers!