Category Archives: VisualAssignments

two hour movie in five frames

My take on the Five Frame Story assignment.

Tell a story using five photos. Basically, that’s it. Figure out the story you want to tell and then take five photos to tell it. If you need to edit, add filters, etc. in order to get the effect you want, go for it. 

ds106 assignment info: five frame story

I chose this assignment after seeing Sydney Says Things do it. I loved the idea so much that I had to try it because I love making silly things. It tells the story of one of my favorite movies and I’ve rewatched many times with friends. While it is a well-known movie it was hard to summarize it into 5 gifs so I really hope someone gets it. This is definitely a form of digital storytelling as it takes a movie (already digital), into a format that is faster to digest for people on the internet everywhere to view. Not scary at all.

Making this post was pretty easy. First I looked through my list of favorite movies to find one that I knew well enough to convey in 5 gifs which was harder than I thought it would be. Once I decided I searched through Giphy for the right images and embedded them here. 

Best of luck and enjoy the funny images people!

Visual Assignment: Your Favorite Photo

The prompt I did for my first visual assignment was easy: “It’s simple. Choose your faveourite photo you’ve taken and tell everyone why you love it so much.” So here is my photo.

I took this on campus at UMW behind the psychology building last year back in August, around the first week of classes. I remember what I felt when I took it: I immediately saw the picture in my mind before I even took it. As I crouched down to take the picture, seeing both the destroyed bear and the light pole in the frame, I was instantly transported back to my photojournalism class during my junior year of high school. I remember my teacher teaching the class about rule of thirds, to put the subjects of the pictures on that 1/3 line, as well as to use lines to build dimension and depth. I’m fairly sure I was giggling in excitement while taking the picture, because it was set up like this without me having to even adjust anything.

One thing that’s really special to me about this picture is the backstory on that bear. It was there for a week, then it was gone. It looked dirtier every day, but it was seemingly untouched outside of minor movements. Sometimes it would be laying flat, other times sitting up, sometimes upside down. And the honest through is, I have no idea what the story is. And I think that’s what I like most about it, because in a way, you get to sit and think about it and make your own story for it.

I think it’s also kind of eerie. It’s a child’s toy with it’s face gone, dirty and ragged, alone in the forest, sitting upright. It’s completely out of its element, and that’s what is so special about it. There are just so many questions about it, and yet I have none of the answers, so you get to fill in those answers yourself.

I just think it’s really cool and fascinating when a picture gets you thinking, so I think that’s why it’s my favorite. I just love love love the idea of putting something out there and allowing people to make their own conclusions off of it.

Eat Healthy…..or Don’t?

The second assignment I have decided to complete for the assignment bank is “stay at home – living is dangerous,” which I have attached below. For this project, a graphic of some sort that would contradict the image’s intended meaning had to be created. I used AI to create an image of ice cream with the satirical words “Eat Healthy” for this project.

Why Did I Create This?

All I tried to do was think of a funny idea that I could work on and that many people could identify with. I personally know a lot of people who think eating healthily is important even if they rarely say no to a sweet treat like ice cream. All humor aside, I believe that a lot of overweight Americans face this issue on a daily basis. There are those who know they should eat healthily but find it tough to say no to desserts and ice cream.

The BIG Apple meets AI!

For my third assignment I chose to create a poster representing a city of my choice. I decided to use New York City also known as the “Big Apple”. I chose NYC because it is one of my favorite cities to visit. There is so much to experience in the city. You can go shopping, enjoy the skyline view, visit museums, and much more. For the poster itself I decide to continue with the theme of AI in DS106. I asked an AI to generate a poster representing NYC with a modern and colorful theme. As shown the AI was able to display the crowded streets and office buildings you would typically see in NYC. I felt a more modern and colorful theme would catch more attention from viewers. Both these themes combined give the poster an amazing look that will for sure attract more tourists and visitors to the city.

In a world of black and white your still colorful

Here are a few of my favorite things- visual assignments

This is a picture of my tiny dorm room. In this picture there are only a few of my favorite things highlighted.

Computer- I love being able to multitask on my computer.

Fake vines- One of the few things that I was able to take from my house before I got kicked out.

Bonnie- My emotional support animal of five years.

PlayStation- This occupies my time when I am not studying.

My comfort blanket- While my favorite blanket is at home because it has a huge tear in it I was able to bring my comforter-sized plush blanket that helps me sleep at night.

AI Takeover

One of the first assignments I chose to do was a Visual Assignment in relation to the field of AI. The assignment asked us to create an image that showed certain depictions of something happening and then having a phrase somewhere else on the page that completely contradicted it. So, to fit in with the world of AI, I decided to create an image of what some would called, an “unusual” use of AI, in which case the user is asking the robot to complete their taxes. Now the main reason behind why this is will be revealed soon, but for now, it is important to note that this situation was chosen for a specific reason. Moving on, you can see that the robot was able to successfully interpret the question and come up with a solution as any good AI bot would. This entire conversation or short talk was what the assignment description referred to as a “certain depiction,” and the following was added to create a contradictory statement: “Never learn anything ever again!!!” I chose to add this line because over the years people learn to do their taxes through school, college, parents, and even from just the internet, but now that we live in a world where AI is looking to be the main point of contact to get things done, people would never have to learn how to do anything ever again. A lot of people use AI to get help on assignments and ask for clarification on topics, however, if it gets to the point where it can complete things such as a person’s taxes, there will no longer be any need for learning and what AI was built for would no longer be its main reason for being used. As a result, I think that these poster creates a good depiction of what AI might look like in the future along with the idea that its somewhat contradictory because AI will no longer be used for learning rather getting stuff done and not learning anything.