Category Archives: videoproject

Rikaro’s Hack (Video Project)

I am really happy with how this turned out. I have always wanted to make a short video that told a story. Watching over my final project made me feel great. As embarrassing as it sounds, I didn’t think I could make something like this. I thought editing a video was out of my reach, but I learned a lot. I used the lip sync AI, which was easy to use. I used the same voice AI for Rikaro, since this is a time where he started losing it. I used OpenShot Video Editor, which is a great editing software for beginners like me and it’s free. I changed my initial idea, since I was more excited with this idea. In the lore, Rikaro is remembering his mentor dying and he started increasing his attacks and started losing patience. This video is a piece of classified evidence that Aggressive Technologies is analyzing with their AI to find Rikaro’s whereabouts or where his next attack is.

Video Project

For my video projected I decided to collab with Himothy. Himothy is another created AI character in DS106. You may recall Himothy was also a part of my radio show Three-Point Chatter. For our video project we wanted to bring our radio show to life through the lens of a video. We created a video version of the day in the life of Himothy and Leo Storm. Our first step was to record the voice over of our day in the life. We used Audacity to record our voice over. Audacity has become really useful for me as DS106 progress each week. Once our voice over was done, we uploaded it to iMovie. After that we found pictures and clips to incorporate into our video. Once we found all of our pictures and clips, we uploaded them to iMovie. After uploading them we had to make sure the clips and pictures all lined up with our voice overs. We did run into some trouble with some images as they weren’t uploading properly but we eventually resolved that by finding new images to use. Our last step was to add our intro and outro for the video. We wanted to keep it clean and simple. Overall, I enjoyed working with Himothy to create this video. It was my first time creating a video like this and I definitely enjoyed the process. Hope y’all enjoy our video.

Week 1 And 2 =12

My life right now is work and school with little of sleep. I am so excited because soon enough the classes are going to be finished and I will be doing a road trip from Virginia to California!

As far as this class:

This week was weird for me because it was an easy assignment, but I ran into issues that I did not know it was me that was messing up. I thought it was the program being stupid. Now I know that yes; it was me messing up. It makes me laugh now but at the time of figuring out I was pissed off. However, we worked with what we could, and the result of the video and my struggle is down below:

* Not sure why the beginning is super blurry, it is clearer on YouTube.
If you want to read about my making of this AWESOME video, please click the button.

Next, we had 3 daily creates:

I enjoyed this week’s load, but I really like rules and we did not have much this week. It makes me uneasy not knowing how I am doing in this class and I know the end is right around the corner. I am really going to miss this class. I do not know how the professor made this class so special without having an in-person class. I know that I will always think back to this class because I have learned so much from audio making, video making, discord, mastodon, etc.

Where is SpongeBob?

Not sure why the beginning is so blurry… YouTube is way better looking.

My main objective was to have SpongeBob on the video and using characters from SpongeBob to make my whole video. I felt like I was restarting on my project but that is okay because I least I know that I can not use animation. I found my news person on YouTube, and I used the program in order to make him say different phrases. The phrases I used were my own wording, but I did the text to speech to get his voice. The news person was not hard because I was working with the program when we were first introduced to it, I did all of my problem solving back then.

During my making of this video, there was a lot of trial and error when it came to animation. Just so everyone knows and understand, you can NOT use animation in colab.research. I tried so many times and wasted so many hours thinking I was using the program wrong, so I started reading those error messages and it kept telling me a face was not found. It finally clicked. NO ANIMATION.

After I got the news person all finished, I started on Dr. Oblivion which was way easier than the news person because the video was already ready for me however I did put it into clipchamp to make the video shorter so it won’t take a super long time in the program. I was so excited that I was able to get the program to work so smoothly.

Next, I had to figure out what to do about my SpongeBob voice and video situation.

For the voice I used a website called which it did not have the best SpongeBob voice, but it was the only website that was not going to charge me, so I took it and ran with it. I just typed what I wanted him to say and in about 5 minutes I got it, and I was disappointed with how it sounded but I mean hey! It was free.

Here is the dialogue for the video: (This was the draft before starting the program and editing)

Introduction person: Welcome to the 5pm news and we start off by saying that Artificial Intelligence has the human society nervous because of how far technology is coming. We have many people upset or angry that now even Tv shows are making it seem like AI is good. We have tv shows like SpongeBob that is doing stand up comedy about AI.

*video of SpongeBob using: A son asks his father why does he speak so quietly at home?

The father replies because there is artificial intelligence that listens to everything we say.

The son laughs, the dad laughs… and Alexa laughs.

Introduction person: Aw yes, the square yellow guy that always makes young kids laugh are even telling jokes about AI. Who knows if SpongeBob is good or not, Dr. oblivion would like to come onto the air.

  • What I asked Dr. Oblivion: Do you think AI is SpongeBob?

Dr. Oblivion: “Oh sure AI…

 Introduction person: Who knows for sure what will happen in the future but we know that SpongeBob square pants will never be lived down. Alrighty folks, that is everything for 5pm news. Have a good night!

For the video, as you may have noticed, there is no video of SpongeBob talking. I spent so much time and energy to find something, anything, and websites. All the accounts I created on the websites just for them to tell me that I need to pay. I hate to say that I gave up, but I gave up. I was running out of time for the assignment, so I had to think about something quickly and I thought, “you know how when you watch SpongeBob sometimes it is the tv static.” BAM! An idea. I was so excited.

I got the static from YouTube again and it helped connect my different parts together of my video. I also used two of the SpongeBob waiting time frame to really draw the SpongeBob vibe into my video without having the visual of him. But something was still missing from my video…ahh yes music in the background. I made sure to add the SpongeBob song while he is talking. I used the same song in the intro while the news person was talking just very quietly.

I got all the pieces I needed and then I had to put them together using clipchamp, which was not that bad, it was just a lot of clicking, deleting, moving around parts. It took me about 2 hours to complete all of the editing, transitions, and rewatching of the video.

All in all, I enjoyed the project, but it was a learning experience. After I finished it and I watched it for the final time, I was happy how it turned out but:

I will definitely give myself a hug because there would be a lot I would change now that I know how everything works with the program. I would add more dialogue talking about the static and make it connect to AI taking over the news show. Thank you to whoever read this post and watching my video.

Thank you to whoever read this post and for watching my video.

Video Project

This project was awesome as I was able to be very creative and make a story for the day in the life of our AI characters, Himothy and Leo Storm. Andrew Poon and I worked together on this assignment. We used Audacity to make the audio clip and imported it into iMovie. We added the titles and pictures into the video as a visual for our viewers.

I think it was nice to work with a partner and have the ability to collaborate with someone during our regular day in the life. Of course our AI characters were extremely busy at work, however they still had some time to hang out and spend some time together, as they are roommates.

Video project

for my video project I wanted to do a recap of my years with my friends at umw! I watched other peoples and I thought about going this route instead. I have wanted to make this video with the whole song with my graduation videos but I think this project is a good idea and start to the video! I think taylor swift is such a inspiration to so many of us women that I had to add it in because she is so empowering!

Week 12 Video Project – The Rise, the Continuation of Hwei’s Story

For my video project, I decided to continue Hwei’s story and give some context as to what drove him to absolute madness. After being fed up with Aggressive Technologies and their mass expansion and brainwashing of the world, Hwei decides that he must become an example of what humanity can achieve if they choose his route and embrace AI.

Like I said before in last week’s summary post, Hwei has never been animated to talk in front of a camera, so I had to find a mad genius look-alike in the League of Legends universe to fill in. I had to get clips from the movie Arcane, and there were plenty of clips of the mad scientist Viktor, who is actually the embodiment of Hwei’s character in its entirety (other than being European and not wearing robes / being artsy all the time).

Since the whole premise of my story was to show that initial human side of Hwei then transforming into a robot, I recorded my own voice with the script I wrote to really sell the idea of human becoming something different entirely.

I used Wav2Lip for the second time now, and it was just as disappointing as last time. Not sure if I’m doing anything wrong, but it seems as though the lip syncing is never up to my standards. There are a lot of parts where I am not speaking, yet the algorithm moved the model’s lips. I also couldn’t find a continuous 50 second clip of him just talking, so the 4 second clip I used kept looping over and over, which didn’t make it very realistic.

I got all of the video clips from YouTube, but I noticed that the YouTube to video file generator I used reduced the video quality tremendously. The entire video looks 480p, and I think I’ll try to find some ways to download crisper videos for the final project.

Just like I did in the Radio Show, I had a lot of fun syncing up the different music and voice line files to create dramatic effect. The black screen before the transformation cutscene signified a shift in atmosphere, along with the new music track being added in tandem. When Hwei touches the ominous purple device, jolts of lightning come into frame as the scene cuts again with the music at the perfect timing, and a picture of robot Hwei (Which is actually a portrait of Viktor) comes in. The voice lines were taken from YouTube, and since they were voice lines from the video game, I had to splice together a few lines in audacity to make a coherent “villain announcement” segment.

Luckily I had no issues with copyright music or clips like I was worried about last week, and I hope it stays that way so that everyone can still view the video! Overall this process took around 2 hours and I definitely have some takeaways for the final project moving forward.

Weekly Summary

by Andrew Johnson

Daily Creates & Video Project

To start off this week, I wanted to complete my daily creates first then work on my video project. My first daily create, Daily Create: 04/10, was a poem about nature and its majestic aspects. Two of the daily creates this week incorporated the use of poems, very different from previous weeks. This daily create, Daily Create: 04/11, was interesting because there are so many different directions this could have. On the internet no one knows anything about you, which can be frightening to some but is usually not a big deal.

For my video project, I wanted to go off of some of the aspects that were included last week in the Radio Show. I feel that Jonathan had a lot to add on for aggressive technologies. Adding Dr. Oblivion into the picture was a for sure right move. Off of this, I wanted to make the video project gloomy and dark rather than just a normal storyline. Formulating responses off of Dr. Oblivion was the best part of this experience. I also wanted to make offers to those who may want to invest in aggressive technologies so they are ahead of the 8 ball. If they are left in the dust, they will be doomed and be taken over by AI robots or their counterparts. I am glad the way it came out and I hope y’all enjoy it as much as I do.



Edgar Allan Poe

Poetry Foundation › Poets

Video Project – Origins of Evil Bricks

I heavily edited my video plan. While I would love to make the full-length fake documentary, it is just not possible for me to do that the way I want with my current skills and time constraints.

I did find an old new reel on the San Fransisco earthquake on the library of congress website that I edited. It has loads of old footage of broken brick buildings. I was able to place an Evil Brick in one frame. I already knew how to make Dr Oblivion speak with Wav2lip. I gave Dr Oblivion a question multiple times and downloaded his answers and then edited them together in Audacity to give an answer I liked best. I used the edited audio in the LipSync/Wav2lip program. On Thursday after my kids got home from school, I asked them to stand on the front steps and pretend they saw, an evil brick come to life and tell me about it. I think they did pretty well on the fly. My teenager declined to be a part of the video. I had a migraine on Friday, which is the day I set aside for the final edit to put it all together. I had a busy week with class and attending meetings for my children at their schools. Overall, I am pleased with how far my video skills have come. I went from never having made an edited video before at the beginning of the semester to knowing how to do voice overs, adding things to frames, and put words in Dr Oblivion’s mouth.

I have had a migraine all day Friday. I was unable to finish my video. So below you will find a video of a few things I have pulled together. The finished product should be posted at the top of this post by Monday. I used Adobe Premier Rush to make the video.

Video Project, Troubles As Usual

This week was kind of wild outside of school, so it made school a little hectic. For starters I had a terrible experience with Carvana, and I highly recommend you do not use them. Multiple re-schedules for delivery and they still missed the window. They also wouldn’t let me pick up the vehicle. Anyway, so arguing with that and then having a retirement ceremony for someone I worked with took up a lot of my extra time.

Anyway, I did my 3 TDCs on my phone this week and that was pretty neat. Here is the post about it. I really liked writing the nonet about Carvana.

So, for the video project I had, like last time, a lot of trouble. From my plan post last week I intended to do a psa where I used the wav2lip to add audio to an already existing psa and have the lips line up to that audio. I was going to have my character speak about his time on the podcast he called in to. He was going to try to get people to rally against the hosts of the show because he found out they were dangerous and had a different agenda than him. Well, I don’t know what I was doing wrong, but I watched the tutorial video and did everything exactly as displayed, and it just would never process correctly. Idk if I was missing steps or labeling wrong or something, but I would never finalize or work.

So, I ended up changing the whole idea on Thursday evening to have my character release a video “from the shadows” because the companies and hosts of the show were after him and trying to silence him. I used multiple different AI generated voices to “hide” background noise and to protect any type of signature that could be taken from actual video or audio from the character. I mean he is a hacker, so he covered his bases. I had to keep it under two minutes because that’s how long it takes to trace calls and data in movies right… wink. But I had Kevin kind of reach out in fear for people to draw attention to Isaiah and Rikaro’s plans and stand up to them and fight their cause. I made wild accusations that they are plants for Aggressive Technologies, and they may even be AI (I actually used Rikaro’s AI voice from the show to say that line).

I then had the AI that “assumed control” of the radio broadcast do the same to Kevins video and tell him he is not safe, and he will pay. It was haunting to do and think about how something like this would happen in the real world. Maybe it happens now and we just aren’t important enough to be on the receiving end…

Oh, and I layered in a lot of technological audio sounds from Freesound in Audacity and brought them over with other video clips to make it really flow. I used Clipchamp to compile everything and add text to the video and add the layers. I am really getting the hang of Clipchamp and I feel like my skills with it are getting a lot better. Here is the video. I hope you like it.