Category Archives: Tech Noir

You Are What You Eat

The food you eat are the bricks that build up your body. Everything you consume has an effect whether you notice it now or years later. So every greasy slab of meat, glob of butter, and sugary honeybun leaves your body gross and sluggish. Why do that to yourself when you can choose the healthy bricks like delicious fruit, roasted vegetables, yummy bread, and seasoned nuts that leave your body strong and energized! So choose your next bricks wisely and become vegan.

Poster Design

I chose to make my propaganda poster based on veganism because I tried to think of what type of poster would be seen by my character Runa Starr in her world. She loves snacking and eating fast food so I feel like it would be common in a futuristic city to have vegans protesting and spreading posters to stop eating meat around her favorite fast food restaurants. Runa isn’t vegan so I doubt the poster would have any influence on her especially since she’s a young adult who loves junk food, but I tried to design it to have a visual impact. I used ArtBreeder to make Ai generated photos of a humanoid burger until I got one that looked creepy enough with its gross body and bulging eyes staring at the viewer. I also liked the picture because it helped to push my narrative with the added words You are what you eat. I used Canva to add in the effects of the warning police tape and the captions in the front I included Become Vegan Now before its too late! I also made the font red with the final word “late” in all caps to make it look more urgent.

Week 7 – As A News Anchor

For assignment #1, I took it a step further than reporting The Terminator in a news article and I reported on the scene of The Terminator with a Police Station Shootout as a news anchor. The video I created represents how I think this news would be reported.

For the next assignment, I created Femme Fatale Propaganda. This propaganda would come from those that are femme fatale haters and those that support the patriarchal system and feel like FF should be punished for challenging this way of thinking. Although, jokes on them because Sapphria, along with the other FFs, will not change for these systematic patriarchal standards. This was one of my favorite creations yet!

Daily Create Shenanigans 😉 are always fun! I made 3 daily creates this week. I have an opposite view post where I posted a pic of myself that my phone would see if I was talking to my besties in a group chat. I also posted a cute little fairy tale story and a favorite movie gif from Miss Congeniality! #Classic!

Let’s Check Out the Classes PSA’s! Sapphria Mae Edition! I checked out the PSAs from the class and I chose a few that Sapphria would like/love and why. Overall, we learned that President Trump would most likely become one of Sapphria’s next victims… and he’ll be losing a lot more than the skin of his ear LOLLL. We also learned this week (Nothing new) that Sapphria like to watch men beat each other up (In sports) and Sapphria agrees that people are on their phones WAY too much. Although, it doesn’t necessarily affect her, so she doesn’t really care.

This week was awesome! I voted and I commented back and forth with my peers. Woohoo!


Femme Fatale Propaganda – Your Weekly Adrenaline Rush

Max would tear this propaganda off the wall and put it in her room. She would aspire to follow the example set by the poster dreaming or being considered a femme fatale. Her boss would probably rip it off the wall when he came to visit though shuddering in disgust every time Max was practicing winking and blowing kisses. She is at the age where what people call someone a bad example, she finds them inspiring and wants to approach them.

Max Matrix – Flower Bed

Max wants to be seen as mature and womanly, since she spent her life surrounded by stinky old men there aren’t many role models she can learn from. She is a pale and lanky hacker striving to be a femme fatale despite her baggy pants and complete dislike for people.

Let’s Check Out the Classes PSA’s! Sapphria Mae Edition.

Sapphria Mae would have like this post about the Propaganda rather than the actual propaganda itself. I’m not exactly sure where on the political ideological spectrum she would be but as a femme fatale I don’t believe she would like the current President very much. Which may or may not be personal, I don’t believe she admires or likes many men. Trump would have probably become one of her next victims and lost a lot more than the skin off of his ear.

Battle of The Birds – Sincerely, Kristen; Sapphria Mae would love this propaganda. I don’t believe she’s the biggest sports fan, but she loves competition and rivalry. What’s better than watching men beat each other up? Less work for her to have to do.

Sapphria would probably agree with this Propaganda. She doesn’t use a cell phone a lot and she see’s others overindulging themselves into their screens on the daily and not paying attention to what is going on in the world. Although, she enjoys it because that means less people are paying attention to any scandals that she may be getting into.

Macie Burke Reporting on the scene of The Terminator – A Police Station Shootout!

I chose to report from the scene of The Terminator after the police station shootout. I created this video using Canva. I used 3 different sound effects. I also recorded myself in a little bubble while talking about what happened at the shootout. Sometimes when I watch the news, I see that they show both, the news anchor that is talking, and the actual released footage that they can show to viewers. So that inspired me to do it this way.

**And yes, I’m using my hairbrush as a mic, lol**

Some of the information in this news-video is incorrect or not as telling as it could be… Not saying that news channels do this to us or will give us only the information, video footage, or parts of the story that they want us to hear or see… but this news video does that. I edited the movie clip to show basically only “The Terminator” and the police officers. I gave no other deeper background or context of the story even though I could have. I mainly showed the violence, the aggressor, the victims, and the gore of it all. I didn’t show Sarah once in this clip, even though all of this happened because the terminator wanted her dead.

Sometimes I feel like some people or context will get left out of stories because news anchors only have limited time to give whatever is deemed as the most “important” information. I made this video seem as if it was the terminator against the police. Not the terminator doing whatever he has to do to get to Sarah. Things may not always be as they seem at first. As a news anchor or news channel, this would give me the opportunity after this video released to get people hooked to the story and wonder what happened and why. Then I could release another video with more information on it. And so on.

I also tried to make this a PSA as well. At the very end I tell residents in California to stay home and be safe and things like that. I feel like news anchors also do that as well.

Overall, had a lot of fun creating this. I also got comfortable with recording myself on a video clip. Yay! Hope you guys like it.


M. Marshall 2.28

I have to start this by saying that I am a liberal. I hate Donald Trump, I cannot stand the Republican party, and I vote blue in every election. I try not to get overly political in this class because I know it can make people uncomfortable (although, isn’t being uncomfortable how we learn? I digress) and that isn’t the purpose of this class. If you disagree with me, you disagree with me, and that is none of my business. However, propaganda could not be described as anything but political, so that is the direction I am going. After any assassination attempt in any country, there will be a lot of controversy and discussion about political violence. To be clear: I do not believe that attempting to shoot anyone will address the problems going on in a country, but most likely martyrize the individual at the center of the controversy. Also, gun violence is wrong. With those things in mind, since this happened, I have seen the image of Trump, his bloody ear, and his fist pumped into the air more times than I can count, some might call it heroic, some might call it idiotic for remaining in the line of fire, I call it propaganda. He was almost shot for his cause makes Trump supporters dig in their heels further into the dirt. These images enforce the idea that he is patriotic and will fight for his country. The other week, at the mall, I saw a picture of this event put onto a poster, perhaps to serve as a reminder of his strength and commitment to the country. I think it is a perfect example of propaganda, which is why I created this right-wing propaganda.

For the record, no, he won’t. Even if he would, no, I don’t.

Weekly Summary 7

This week was an easier week for me I started off the week by day by day finishing the daily creates which is kinda like a mental breather for me Daily Create Week 7. I then took a scene from the Terminator and created a news paper about it. This was a fairly simple task that involved using canva to put everything together The Terminator. The next assignment I completed was the propaganda poster which was very fun because I got to choose a topic that was important to me and put a poster together using canva again( getting pretty good with canva). Propaganda Poster. Lastly I just finished off the week with voting and commenting on others people blogs. Overall a very good week.

Reporting from the scene!

M. Marshall 2.28

For this project I chose the first video, Police Station Shootout from The Terminator (1984). This scene was definitely pretty intense, but a good representation of film noir. I was very lucky this week because I had an important presentation for another class and decided to do a free trial for a month of Canva. This website is great for creating presentations, flyers, papers, anything you might need for free; however, it is really great when you’re paying for it (or on the free trial). Because of that, I was able to create this beautiful newspaper!

I am struggling to upload files onto WordPress, so working on that is definitely a future goal, for now, enjoy my screenshot.

Warning: Tech Noir!

I spent my time this week really engaging with the themes of tech noir, as I analyzed the scenes from The Terminator. I decided to create a newspaper, which I made via Canva. I included both events, even though I had more to write about in regards to the shootout scene.

Following that, I decided to keep with the idea of tech taking over/the AI revolution when I approached the PSA assignment. I contined to experiment with Audacity and made an emergency radio announcement. I had a ton of fun with the audio assignments a couple weeks ago, and found myself wanting to work on stuff like that again!

And as always, Daily Creates! Not much to say about these this week.

Coming back to my goals, I took what I wrote last week to heart and got my work done early! I was quite proud of myself, and I’m glad I was able to actually implement my changes.

TDC 2/25 – 2/28

February 25, 2025 – Opposite POV

February 26, 2025 – A Story

There once was a frog, who lived at a pond. He was picked up one sunny day by a young lady in a beautiful outfit. The frog could not believe his eyes! The girl kissed the frog gently on the lips, looked at him sadly, and put him back down. The frog went back to his life at the pond, now knowing what love could feel like.

February 28, 2025 – Clouds