The food you eat are the bricks that build up your body. Everything you consume has an effect whether you notice it now or years later. So every greasy slab of meat, glob of butter, and sugary honeybun leaves your body gross and sluggish. Why do that to yourself when you can choose the healthy bricks like delicious fruit, roasted vegetables, yummy bread, and seasoned nuts that leave your body strong and energized! So choose your next bricks wisely and become vegan.

Poster Design
I chose to make my propaganda poster based on veganism because I tried to think of what type of poster would be seen by my character Runa Starr in her world. She loves snacking and eating fast food so I feel like it would be common in a futuristic city to have vegans protesting and spreading posters to stop eating meat around her favorite fast food restaurants. Runa isn’t vegan so I doubt the poster would have any influence on her especially since she’s a young adult who loves junk food, but I tried to design it to have a visual impact. I used ArtBreeder to make Ai generated photos of a humanoid burger until I got one that looked creepy enough with its gross body and bulging eyes staring at the viewer. I also liked the picture because it helped to push my narrative with the added words You are what you eat. I used Canva to add in the effects of the warning police tape and the captions in the front I included Become Vegan Now before its too late! I also made the font red with the final word “late” in all caps to make it look more urgent.