I think this has been my favorite week, I think everyone was able to be creative in really different ways. I also enjoyed getting to know people’s characters a little better, I think these assignments allowed us to use our skills in different ways that I really enjoyed.
I enjoy having to go into the mind of my character, I believe that Lady Bird would be a tone of fun by she is probably more aggressive than I am in her own personal beliefs. I think her reactions to the anti-propaganda posts signify her relationship to belief that I was able to cultivate in the assignments I created last week. When creating her reactions.
For the reporting on the scene assignment, I had a lot of fun pretending to be a reporter, I used my experience writing for the weekly ringer to be able to write for the front page as well as decipher what information I wanted to include. I think I could have included a little more if I watched all the Terminator movies more than once. But I still think the front page came out really great.
For the anti-propaganda assignment, I really struggled with what I should create. I think because there are so many different ways to convey a message that I kind of overwhelmed myself. So to tackle this, I started to think about movies that have wider elements of social conversations. A bugs life and the bee movie where movies that came to be almost immediately because they both center worker “insects” that are looked past. Last week within one of my assignments I made a propaganda video about AI taking over so I wanted to carry over the sentiment and that’s how I landed on pigeons. I often think it is upsetting that pigeons are really useless, because we forced them to work and then kind of left them out to dry. I remember watching a video of a pigeon failing to build a nest and to was really eye opening to see the damage that was able to happen that was done though technological advances that benefitted us but destroyed them. That was my thought process while creating my Canva anti-propaganda post.
My favorite daily create this week was the gif one as I love an excess to bring up my favorite movie however, I am also enjoying doing more poetry, it’s therapeutic.
I actually enjoy commenting, I used to think that my comments had to be in detail however, I’ve realized that sometimes ‘this is really funny and I think you did this really well’ is enough. I think when people do good work they should be praised for it so I’m glad that we comment and also vote. My own personal goal for the rest of the semester will be to publish my assignments earlier, sometimes I get nervous and then forget to actually publish them which is a hurdle I have to get over. I’ll get over it eventually. Additionally, my other issue is my grade because, I can’t see it.
I also got new glasses so now my eyes won’t burn when I’m working on projects