LEGO – Star Wars propaganda torn version By ArchWorks
Propaganda was a big hit this week, which is perhaps predictable given the nature of the assignments. Even so, there was some great work, and it’s all worth checking out. One I’d like to highlight comes from Cinder’s Wonderland. Note the write up. It explains how AI was used to get ideas, identifies and links to the tools used, and says how they built on the AI image. It even explains the reasoning behind color and font choices. All within one short paragraph.
Also worth noting are the characters’ reactions to PSAs and propaganda for the ways they bring the characters into each others worlds. It is unfortunate that there are only seven reaction posts though…. (sigh)
I really like this post, I think the slogan Liv comes up with is really strong and forces you to reflect on our country’s system.
It was a well thought out poster. The symbolism with the scale and money was done nicely
The design is simple but the picture says a lot
I really liked how minimal this poster was. It is gorgeous and straight to the point. I also liked the message the story behind it. Well done!
You Are What You Eat
It got me. Like it worked. Like that’s what they want with propaganda, it worked.
Not Cracking any Jokes
This was so good and absolutely inspired. Loved it.
Daily Create
I love the view
Breaking News
I love the picture he chose makes it really feel like a news story
I love the poster he made, and the quote really stands out
What’s Black, White, and Read All Over?
I loved the creativity and how it looks so realistic!
Battle of the Birds
I love this! I did the same assignment for the Bills, so it was cool seeing someone else’s interpretation, as well as seeing other team’s! Go Birds!
Social Media Turns Deadly
This newsposter was awesome! It looked like The Washington Post or The New York Times. Very cool! Great job!
Favorite Movie Gif Daily Create
I love this quote and I think the gif is so relatable
Femme Fatale Propaganda
This was a beautiful poster, and I really like the look of this persons character. I love that the look is consistent throughout this persons post!
Let’s Check Out the Classes PSA’s! Sapphire Mae Edition.
Loved it and thought it was super cute.
Finn Reacting to Public Service Announcements
I love how this person quoted their character to react to posts. I totally can see this character saying these things!
Wouldn’t Want to Hear This on the Radio!
This post is so good and I am so impressed with how above and beyond Rylie went for this assignment. Great job!
TDC 2/25 – 2/28
These were my favorite Daily creates this week!
Well written post. I enjoyed reading it and it put a smile on my face. My favorite part actually was the first sentence.. “I have to start this by saying..”
Daily Create 2/27/25
This was so cool!
Bumper Sticker
This idea was hilarious! I love the design