Category Archives: showlistening

Listening Party

I decided to listen to Pop Perspective. I found their radio show very interesting. I liked the way that they including background audio into their show at points. As well as the way they placed their advertisements. Listening to their advertisements were awesome. I found them funny and it was a good way to break up their radio show. In total the show was very well ran and I enjoyed listening to every bit of it.

Radio Show Listening

I was unable to join in on the listening party for our radio shows, since I needed to break fast for Ramadan. It was upsetting, but Robin was able to attend and give comments on it in Discord. After reading through the responses on Discord, I’m glad it got a positive reception.

I listened to some other radio shows, and all of them were fantastic. Seeing drastically different ideas being expressed with the same prompt is exciting, but the one I remember the most is Ravioli Radio. The tone is completely different to our radio show and the discussion on mopeds is funny and engaging. The commercials were great too.

When this project was first assigned, I felt some worry, since I imagined a whole lot of tedious work. In reality, it was a blast with the amount of creative control we were given. My group had many ideas and the fact that they all meshed well together is amazing. I am happy that everything went smoothly and that the end result was spectacular in my opinion.

Radio Show Listening Experience

I listened to Logic Pod this week. I loved the different voices used – especially the host. The quieter voice also added a sense of eeriness to the podcast, which added to the ominous aspect of AI. It was almost a whisper which makes it seem like maybe he shouldn’t be talking about what he was…

The idea for this radio show was super cool and I would love to see what my character would have said to try to rebut what was said on the podcast. My character has a starkly different view on AI and what its role should be moving forward.

The idea of AI sovereignty is a scary, dystopian idea, but I loved how they discussed it on the podcast! I like how Kevin was trying to shift the focus of AI from weapons to helping people but the host seemed to keep pushing for the weaponization/ aggression of AI.

The bumpers and commercials in between were placed well and fit very well into the flow of the podcast. The audio in the ads was also similar to what was in my commercial/ bumper, which I thought was interesting since we landed on related vibes for the ads and commercials despite different angles on AI.

On the go With the Radio

I was able to attend all the shows this week, which to me is a great thing because I missed the first broadcast we did because of work. This time I made sure to let my work that I needed to leave at 6:30pm to make it to these shows on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

On Monday we listened to Ravioli Radio and Logic Pod. I was excited that most of the class was able to join this and there were a lot of people that were commenting on discord. The first podcast we listening to was Logic Pod and if you want to listen to it, it is below:

Durning their show I noticed that their Artificial Intelligence voice sounds so real. I was jealous that my Character does not sound as good. The music they used was also very entertaining and it worked will with their script. Over all for the first podcast everyone heard, they definitely set the bar high.

Next, we listened to Ravioli Radio which you can hear below:

I think right off the bat the name of the radio show is what caught most people attention. For some reason I connected the name with the movie Ratatouille. Their radio show was edited very well also with the breaking news and layering of audio. This was the radio show that really kept my attention throughout the podcast. The teamwork with this you could tell they all had a great time making it.

Tuesday rolled around and the two radio shows that came onto the air was Pop Perceptive and Three Point Chatter. The first one to air on Tuesday was Three Point Chatter.

This Podcast has an amazing opening to really catch our attention to the show that was about to start. As much as I loved the food commercials, they were not related to the podcast or theme of the podcast. Which is not all bad because sometimes the commercial is very different than what someone is viewing or listening to. The voices that were used where so calming but it did not make me go to sleep so that was good.

Next up was Pop Perceptive:

This one was very interesting to me because I was listening to the podcast through headphones and one part of the podcast was split through one ear. I could hear words in one ear and then in the other was music that was playing. I am not sure if that was meant to be that way. The robotic interference was very entertaining because I didn’t even know what was happening but I for sure kept my attention to the podcast.

Wednesday was the last two podcast which was Aggressive Testimonials and Digital Agencies. The first podcast to air was Aggressive Testimonials on DS106 Radio.

They used their own voices, and they were great! I am not sure how they did not mess up more than I would if I used my real voice. The background music was soft, but you can still here, and it was not over powering. The attitude and sarcasm had me laughing and gigging through most of the parts of the podcast.

Of course it was my groups podcast:

If you want to read my views on the show, I created you can click the button below:

Overall, I really enjoyed listening to the other groups and I made sure to attend all of them. On Monday I was in class, but I made sure to sign in and put in headphones and I am so happy that I attended. I personally think that they were in order with how well everyone did. So, Monday was the best of the best! I see now how other groups incorporated music and sounds into their talk show. I think that if we were to redo this group project, I would change the theme from podcast to more of a show without pictures. I really enjoyed the outcome of everyone’s hard work! Good job class!!

Tuning Into Ravioli Radio

The radio show I had listened to for this radio show listening was the Ravioli Radio.

Within the first minute I was already hooked. They started off with everyone speaking parts of the intro and all the different voices actually made it sound like a talk show! The first advertisement was super neat, it was just like one of the ones you see on TV that end with a very rapidly spoken disclaimer. The next thing that stood out to me was all of the background music. I would think of multiple different sounds as messy or chaotic but their utilization of different sounds was smooth and cohesive. The sounds also fit what they were saying each time. My favorite sound was their transition applause they had before every new section. It made the listener feel pumped and energized for the next one. The conversation aspect of the radio show allowed it to be more interactive as well instead of just hearing people talk all at once. It made it more engaging this way. I also liked the incorporation of facts and specifics they included like being from Germany and how mopeds are effective there for them and how they are better for the environment as well.

Overall, I had a really good experience listening to this radio. It wasn’t boring at all, there were various voices, jokes, and conversations. The background music helped tie it all together and kept it engaging. The advertisements were also really well executed and thought out. I think this was a great show!

Powerful and Moving – Radio Shows Listening

On Monday, I listened to two of the Radio Shows with some of the class: Logic Pod, and Ravioli Radio (me and my group’s!)

We first listened to Logic Pod. One of the things that stuck out to me was the use of real voices. It’s been a couple of days and I don’t really remember exactly what had happened, but I remember being astonished that the real voices actually sounded great! They sounded crisp (good), the mics were good, the sound quality fit each other, even with the few voices that were generative! And also, the people behind the voices did really well acting out their scripts. It was very believable!

There was a point at the end of the show that stuck out the most. It was a speech by I thinkkkk Robin’s character (although I don’t remember their name), a powerful one that I’ve been thinking about for days. I don’t remember what the message was, but I just remember that a mixture of the acting, the script, and tension in the audio made me feel really moved.

I also remember reading Robin’s posts, but also listening to when they came on air to answer questions, and Robin talked about how long it took to put together. It seemed very stressful, especially doing it all themself, but I think it came together really well and really connected. I was impressed!!

Finally, we listened to Ravioli Radio, and I was geeking behind my computer screen seeing what people were saying about the radio I worked on. It was so nice, everyone was so nice!! I think a lot of people liked it! Me and Summers went on air to answer questions after, and it was really fun to actually use my voice and talk about it instead of just typing it out. I was very happy with my results.

Overall, I just had a really good time 🙂

Radio Show Listening!

Hello everyone!

I did listen in on the first day but because of my work schedule I wasn’t able to be active in the discord! I was listening on my headphones while I was working but I loved everyones show! It was fun to see the titles and the little description and see it come to life! I think everyone killed it and I loved the Dr. Oblivion show as well! I was able to tune in to that part as well and I thought it was super fun and such a creative idea! I loved being able to just casually enjoy the show while I was doing work because they were amazing background sounds.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the radio listening! I sure did!

-Reese Kubricki


I had the joy of listing to a few of the other group’s radio shows this week. I ended up missing class on Tuesday and caught the 2 shows that aired then. I was unable to make Wednesday’s broadcast. Ravioli Radio played Monday with another show. I was able to listen then too. I had an exceptional busy week with my kids, so I was unable to give the shows the attention they deserved.

I was able to catch bits and pieces of the shows. You could tell everyone put a lot of thought and work into their projects. Everyone is at a different level when it comes to computer skills. With that comes different strengths and weaknesses. I enjoyed the show, Pop Perceptive, that spoke about AI in pop culture movies. This included the Spider-Man movies and The Avengers movies. I love Spider-Man. They did a good job analyzing how AI was portrayed in different ways. Ravioli Radio had a commercial that had the same voice as Isaiah Beacon (I may have the name wrong) a tele-evangelist for AI. He was featured in Logic Pod. It was really fun to have those connect by accident. (I could be wrong the maker of the commercial only knows) It would be fun in the future to connect more of our characters in indirect ways.

Radio Show Listening

I got to listen to the Ravioli Radio show and I thought it was super creative! I especially liked the setting of a live studio audience, which is something I never would’ve thought of, but I think it added a lot to the show. I also liked that the transitions, bumpers, etc. were more eclectic because it gave the show more charm. I thought it was funny that my character and Ravioli were somewhat similar as hosts as in the show was more about our characters versus the other hosts. Finally, I thought it was interesting that both of our groups kind of took the same approach to the question and answer format. A potential reason for this could be that the scripts were written similarly, with the host writing the questions and the hosts typing their answers in.

Radio Show Listening

Ah man I hate listening to myself talk so I was a bit hesitant to listen in to the show and wait for myself to do my part, which I was decently proud about how I spoke. I usually have trouble speaking like stuttering and mumbling but I think I did ok. My group killed it and so did everyone else, but I eventually did shut it off for my part haha. I hope some people liked it and I’m sure nobody really ended up caring. The things you can do with technology are really cool, and I learned that listening in to the shows. Great job to everyone on their themes and shows and full production!