I decided to take on this assignment in a public library, and I faced some difficulties with the tasks I was given. A few of them required me to go outside to take the pictures but luckily I was planning on leaving within the allotted 20 minutes anyways, so I was able to get these photos.
Start time: 5:05PM
Take a picture that emphasizes a single color.
Take a picture of an object that is a metaphor for your learning style
Make a portrait of someone with catchlights in their eyes.
Take a photo showing the wide open space, the great outdoors.
Make a photo dominated by your favourite colour and share it!
Take a photograph of a toy in action
Make a photograph of the front of a building.
End time: 5:25pm
I was surprised at how many of these could be done from the limited space of a tiny room. I had to be creative with the types of props to use for my images, such as my water bottle and the leftover trash from my snack. It forced me to be creative with photography and it was a fun way to get my creative juices flowing while taking a study break.
This week I tried the Photoblitz for the first time. I was very stressed out about this assignment, but I had a surprising amount of fun. I didn’t need the whole 20 minutes! Below are my start and end screenshot and the photos I took.
This week we had to do a Photoblitz and it was somehow both easier than I thought it would be and very hectic. When I first got my list I tried planning out where I would take the photos and while some of them were pretty easy to plan, like the horizon photo, others were a bit harder to figure out. One of the harder ones was the photo that illustrated connection. I was debating between so many different interpretations of that prompt that I just froze in the middle of my room holding three different objects for three different possible photos. At a certain point I just chose the one that was the most direct and went with it. Near the end of the 20 minutes, I was outside rushing to get to the places I had planned to take the photos. Somehow my indecisiveness didn’t get me too off schedule and I was able to finish all 7 photos in 20 minutes. Overall it was definitely an interesting assignment that I’ve never tried before but was pretty fun.
Change perspective! Look up make a photo of what’s going on in the sky.
Square is hip! Lose the rectangle. A photo with square (1:1) aspect ratio.
Take an extreme close-up of an easily recognizable, common object.
Create a photograph that illustrations connection.
Wood has a lot of character and variety. A photo of something wooden.
Emphasize the sky by placing the horizon very low or very high.
This week ww were tasked with using photoblitz. Our task was to capture as many photos as possible from the task given in the span of 20 minutes. Here is a list of what tasks I was assigned with and my start time.
My first photo is of something dominated by pink. I chose a picture of multiple pink gumballs.
My second photo is a picture of a plastic object. I chose a picture of plastic water bottles.
My third photo is a closeup photo of something very shiny. I chose this picture, try and guess what it is in the omments.
My fourth photo is a noise maker you hear. I chose a clown horn..
My fifth photo was an ordinary object up close. Try and guess what it is in the comments.
My sixth photo is of noses, schnozes, beaks, snouts, probosci, snoots. I chose a tucan.
My seventh picture is something of hope. I chose prayer hands as my photo.
My final picture is of the time stamp of when I finished all my pictures. Twenty minutes went by fast. I enjoyed this activity as it was fun and different. I felt like I was on a mission with a time crunch. I would recommend this to a friend who loves to do missions/quests in their free time.
This week we were tasked with doing the photoblitz assignment. The objective was to take pictures based on the list provided over 20 minutes. We record the start and end time and see what we come up with. I really liked this assignment because it made me think on the fly and find things before the time ran out. I feel like I did really well because I finished my list with time to spare. Here is my start time and my list:
My first photo was of something old or aged today. I took a picture of my Swiss shepherd Claire. She is getting up there in age (9), her nose is going pink when it used to be black, and she is starting to get cataracts and hip issues. Poor girl. Oh, and my mini-Ausie Jenny wanted to join in.
The next one was about showing how ants see the world. Simple, here it is:
Next one was to take a picture without aiming. All I did was walk outside, leave my phone by my side, and hit the button. I got this cool lens flare and a car driving by.
I have 2 for the next one, tell a story in one photo. For the first one, it’s the hole in my wall. When I tried to change the faucet outside, when loosening it I actually twisted the copper pipe and ripped it off. I now need to repair the drywall because the plumbers don’t do that…
For the second one, my son has recently become obsessed with hotels. Last night he decided to write numbers on our doors and assign us room numbers. Still need to clean those…
Next was to take a picture of something at an unusual angle. My daughter caught me taking pictures and wanted me to take a pic of her book case. So, here it is.
Next was to take a picture with vertical lines. This one took me the most time, but I settled on the banister rails.
The last photo was to find my favorite number. That one was easy. I am in the Stafford adult league, and I already chose my number. Here is my pinnie.
Here was my end time.
I didn’t realize I was going this fast until I was done. I guess the anxiety of not finishing the list got the better of me. Anyway, I had a blast doing this and I might use this as an activity with my kids. They wanted me to keep going after I was done so now i know what i will be doing tomorrow.
this week I has a busy time in the beginning with personal stuff so I read through the assignments on Monday and Tuesday as I did some daily creates between my free time. I really hunkered down with these assignments and honestly had a really enjoyable time with this week! I feel like I learned a lot about AI imaging and Color theory in marketing with movies and books! I think I enjoyed the amount of work we had as well because it wasn’t super overwhelming! I think I had a good time with AI imaging assignment, I think having a simple word like “cat” to “breed of cats” to “lynx point” to “cat having a tea party” and I got some pretty fun results. I wanted to use a cat for the theme because cats can be very detailed in many different ways, and they are cute! as you can see my roommates can in my 20 min photoblitz!
I also thought the photoblitz was fun and my friend Gracie also helped me out so it was fun to have a fun time with a friend with this assignment!
Please take all of my photos with a grain of salt . . . sometimes you have to stretch the question a little bit and read between the lines and allow some creativity! But let’s get into this!
Here is my screenshot of when I started my photoblitz! As you can see, I stared at 9:10 (I actually started at 9:08 but I forgot to screenshot)! I’m very excited to say that this only took me around 10 minutes
Place an object in your shot that’s hard to find or recognize.
(Don’t look at the time I forgot to screenshot before I started!!!!!)
The thing I took about this prompt is that I can choose whatever I want to be the hidden or unrecognizable object in the image, and so can the audience, and it can be different per each one! Personally, the unrecognizable object in this is the bottle! It’s actually a stress bottle (you shake it up and glitter just floats around and it’s relaxing), but I don’t think anyone would have gotten that because of the way it’s out of the foreground and not in the center of the photo. I wanted people to have to look at these objects and question which one was the unrecognizable or hidden object and what they thought about them!! I also didn’t move anything because I wanted it to be natural.
If only shoes could talk. Tell their story in a photo, either on or off someone.
Do you know what the story is behind these shoes? The story is that these are absolute clown shoes. Size 12 in Women’s. Now, I wear between a 10-12, but these just made me look like I have clown shoes and I think that is so so so funny. Also, they tell a story with the text! “I’ve Got Cattitude,” my silly little quirky gift from my mom for Christmas. I do not have cattitude. My feet did not fit in the shoes. The story is that nothing fits at all. I kind of wish I showed that more, but I wasn’t sure how? Maybe I could’ve put them on and shown that they don’t fit but I really did not want to take a picture of my feet!
Make a photo containing or suggesting fire and/or smoke.
Ahh, my fireplace. Personally, this was a very easy picture for me, but I’m actually happy to have taken the photo. If any of you lived in the area during January 2022 (I believe?), you may remember when it snowed so much and we lost power for days. At my house, I remember sleeping in front of the fireplace or sitting there reading a book with five blankets on me. It was actually really comforting! If any of you have a fireplace, whether or not you’re stuck with no power or in the snow, I think you should sit down in front of the fire with a book! It’s very comforting and relaxing to me.
Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen that way.
I’m cheating a little bit here . . . this is my cat, Cat (yes, that is her real name, I will tell you the story if you ask), and she’s not entirely upside down, because I was not about to make her suffer by putting her upside down for a photo for an assignment. She would have been very mad at me, so instead, I tried to make her look upside down at me. Cats are never upside down, you only ever see them upright, and cats only ever see upright, but here she is, looking upside down at me while stretching her head back! You gotta think out of the box but just trust me.
Take a picture that reminds you of your childhood.
Storytime!! I was born and raised until I was 15 in Kansas! I moved to Virginia because my dad got a better paying job in D.C., so I’ve been here since then. This picture shows a drawing of that that one of my friends from Kansas made and painted (the frame) for me before I moved, depicting my move from Kansas to Virginia. It reminds me of Kansas, which reminds me of my childhood. Also, it kind of looks like it’s collected dust, so it’s clearly been sitting for a while and has aged.
An instrument that measures something.
Please . . . work with me for a minute, okay? Take a walk with me.
Was anyone else taught to use the space between their knuckles to measure an inch? This is what I’m trying to get at. I genuinely don’t know if it’s accurate or not (pretty sure not because we all have different sized hands), but this is what I was taught! And I searched for a ruler or a tape measure in this house before I had this genius idea . . . Maybe my knuckle isn’t an instrument but who said an instrument had to be a real instrument? I think anything can be an instrument if you are able to use it as such, and I definitely used the inch-knuckle trick when I was younger (and still today . . . but no one needs to know that).
They’re all around. Make a photograph of a wheel near you.
These are my desk chair wheels!! There isn’t really a story behind them, they were the nearest wheels to me (right under me). Also, I think the picture is kind of cool . . . nobody loves the use of lines in photos as much as I do . . . also if you squint you can see me in the reflection but I was also trying to hide.
And that’s time!
As you see, it only took me around 10 minutes to do, but I actually had a really good time. I think it allowed me to appreciate the little things around my desk and around my room, things that have collected dust or haven’t been noticed as much as others. I feel pretty good now!!
Personally, in my day to day life, I’m constantly taking pictures of little things because I love appreciating those little things. It feels very nice to me! This taught me to appreciate the little things near me, whereas I usually appreciate the little things away from me. I just think that’s really neat.
I did not need the whole 20 minutes! The only task I wasn’t able to complete was the taking a picture of construction because, for the first time in my 4 years at UMW, there wasn’t any construction to take a picture of. The timestamp pictures are below.
Time 1Time 2
My first task was a picture of an item in movement, so I took a video of a pen being thrown and screenshotted it when it was mid-air.
I then let this very nice plant model for the 1:1 photo task.
I then took a picture of three items; my keys, my cup, and some hand sanitizer.
In Canva, I created a design with paired opposites. I decided to play off the “pair” idea and made a pair of converse, one white and one black.
I again used Canva to create a design with my favorite color and I used some of my favorite items. I do have a yellow pair of shoes, backpack, phone, etc.
Finally, I let an orange chair in the library model for my close up.
When I first got my list, I definitely groaned a bit. I thought I’d be embarrassed taking these pictures in a public area and I didn’t think I’d be able to take them all in the time frame. Luckily, no one was really around so I was fine there and I was surprised by how quickly I was able to finish this assignment. It also forced me to creatively come up with a satisfactory picture in a short period of time and get out of my comfort zone.
I had to make a collage because all my photos were not uploading so I hope you enjoy!
this was actually pretty fun to do, I had my friend Gracie over while we were doing school work so I hope you guys enjoy her excellent disappointed face! I also took a pic of my feet with socks (sorry not exposing those for free) and then i went to find the brightest colored pillow I could find. Then of course I had to find my fancy rocks that I’ve found! and two of them are crystals from the candle that is my favorite smell. when I took the picture of the candle I also took a picture outside of the tree I saw but I made sure to zoom in for no human artifacts!
What does disappointment look like?
Your feet, show what kind of day you’re having
Make a photograph with your camera at floor level.
Take a photo dominated by a single color
Take a picture of rocks.
Your favorite smell.
Make a photo of an outdoor scene free of any human artifacts.