Category Archives: ds106

Bees Video Essay

M. Marshall 2.14

As everyone else has, I watched something and created a video essay on a scene from it. I watched “Hated in the Nation” from Black Mirror.

Of course, this is not a reflection on the full episode, but it definitely freaked me out a lot.

After I watched the episode I considered what scene to analyze, and I chose the one where Karin and Blue talk to the woman who sent the cake to Jo Powers. I really appreciated the level of foreshadowing that this scene gave. It was interesting to see them talk about the “death to” hashtag. Looking back and knowing she was one of the people responsible for her death, yet she was so defensive and frustrated. It was a strong reminder of the cognitive dissonance people experience between real life and their online actions.

I am hoping that as we experiment more with video assignments I will get better at this. I hope one day I will look back on this and cringe at my lack of video editing skills. I had hoped to screen record the video, but Netflix is very sneaky with blacking out the screen, so I ultimately recorded it on my phone. If I did another video essay in the future I would probably try to invest more time in figuring that out.

This one was pretty simple, I recorded the video on my phone and recorded a voice over on my laptop. I was somewhat nervous to do this so I had to do a couple takes with a general script. I still stumbled on my words some but nobody is perfect so I hope anyone reading this or watching the video essay enjoys it well enough. Here it is:

Bees Video Essay

M. Marshall 2.14

As everyone else has, I watched something and created a video essay on a scene from it. I watched “Hated in the Nation” from Black Mirror.

Of course, this is not a reflection on the full episode, but it definitely freaked me out a lot.

After I watched the episode I considered what scene to analyze, and I chose the one where Karin and Blue talk to the woman who sent the cake to Jo Powers. I really appreciated the level of foreshadowing that this scene gave. It was interesting to see them talk about the “death to” hashtag. Looking back and knowing she was one of the people responsible for her death, yet she was so defensive and frustrated. It was a strong reminder of the cognitive dissonance people experience between real life and their online actions.

I am hoping that as we experiment more with video assignments I will get better at this. I hope one day I will look back on this and cringe at my lack of video editing skills. I had hoped to screen record the video, but Netflix is very sneaky with blacking out the screen, so I ultimately recorded it on my phone. If I did another video essay in the future I would probably try to invest more time in figuring that out.

This one was pretty simple, I recorded the video on my phone and recorded a voice over on my laptop. I was somewhat nervous to do this so I had to do a couple takes with a general script. I still stumbled on my words some but nobody is perfect so I hope anyone reading this or watching the video essay enjoys it well enough. Here it is:

Super sounds of cyberpunk

Only eight people voted. They are awesome and for doing so, but really, we’re doomed. Do you want a tech noir dystopia? Because this is how you get a tech noir dystopia.

But once again we have a wide variety of selections, all great work. There’s a lotta love for bumpers and sound effect stories, as there should be. Go through the list and give them a listen.

I’m DS106 and You’re Watching Radio Bumper It was so cool to see Coni replicate the Disney Channel jingle as it was a big part of my childhood. It sounds like you would actually hear it on the radio!
I’m DS106 and You’re Watching Radio Bumper This was a really fun idea! Doing her radio bumper based on how Disney channel announced their shows was cool to hear
ds106 radio bumper I thought they did a great job making this bumper. It was fun and cute. Also they were the first one to do this assignment, and I think that can be a scary thing, especially for an audio assignment.
ds106 Radio Bumer They did a great job on their radio bumper
Another day at the office… I thought they nailed the assignment. The sounds were so real, it felt like I was there!
Another day at the office… I thought the idea was very original and creative. The sound effects and the context of the story made it funny!
Sound effect Story firstly i want to start off with i love the layout and name of this blog. The organization is great! I liked this post specifically because I thought it was simple yet creative. We were told to not do something basic and I feel as though some people may take this and really think out of the box but this story was simple yet creative.
Sound Effect Story The idea was simple but done very well. The sound effects with the coughing make it a lot more dramatic and concerning to listen to and you can easily understand the story!
mission impossible
It’s Britney, B1tch! …Or is it? Very creative and fun. I had never heard the Dead On A Sunday – “…Baby One More Time” cover of this song. I fricken love it!!! Overall, a very awesome and engaging post.
What If “Dear Evan Hansen” Didn’t Go To Plan? The thought process and detail behind this was incredible! I love musicals but haven’t really checked into Dear Evan Hansen, so now I think I want to check it out!
The Power of Sound I wanted to comment specifically on the room sounds. This person did a great job in muffling the music in the room, plus is a great song. I really liked the addition of the cat purr, it took me by surprise but I instantly said “awww”. This was a really well done assignment!
Moon Graffiti Although this wasn’t one of the assignments with audio and it was just a review, I enjoyed what they had to say and the description of how they understood the audio in this clip
whistle while you think I like a good whistle
POV: You’re Charlie Brown – Sound Effect Story This was one of my favorite sound effect story that i have listened to. I love the nostalgia and how it really sounds like you are in the classroom! This was absolutely great!
There’s a Huh in the What? – Guess My Favorite Song I thought this post was fun, creative, and interactive. I had to go check out the end of her blog for the answer because I really couldn’t think of the name of that song!
Going to the Beach It was really peaceful to listen to like ASMR. I love how she added the distant sound effect of kids playing on the beach too to help portray space
Soundtrack to Veronica’s Life I like the idea of creating a playlist for your character. It not only helps you but helps other define their personality better. You can also tell how much detail into this, all the way down to the cover art. My only critique is that Veronica is way too cool to be using Apple Music.
Radio Show Ideas I had some of the same similar ideas for the radio show; To do something humorous like a lifestyle talk show where we have people that call in and then the characters give them their unsolicited advice. I like the late-night talk radio show idea and the murder mystery. I had to favorite this post for this week because great minds think alike!
Sapphira mae favorites I think I got to know the person a little better
Sound Effect Story They also did a great job at the sound effects, its totally different from everyone elses
Daily Create (this is about the T-Rex drawing) I wanted to do this daily create but didn’t have enough time that day to get it done so I really liked getting to see other people’s versions of it. Not for nothing but this one turned out really good
After Dinner This was really well done. I love the vibe of the story. I also loved that this person stuck to the time limit without overwhelming the story. They talked about how they wanted to include more and wished the assignment was longer, instead of just shortening the pace of the story. The pacing is really great!
My First Radio Bumper It really feels like its a radio bumper, I can imagine it being used for a radio show


Weekly Summery #4: Audio!

M. Marshall 2.7

I have definitely enjoyed getting to learn about and experiment with audio. I had never done anything like this before so it was very cool to learn about. I particularly liked Audacity, it seemed like a great place for people trying things out and I look forward to continuing to try it. Here’s what the week looked like!

I started with the daily creates for this week.

Post #1
Post #2
Post #3

Honestly, I hate how the posts look embedded into the page, I may need to go to the DKC again just to figure this out. It is so ugly it makes me unreasonably frustrated and I’ve tried everything I can figure out. This is just a learning curve, but still frustrating.

I tuned into the DS106 radio on Tuesday which I enjoyed a lot!

I created a radio bumper, which was cool, but I am interested in how I can do better.

I considered ideas for a radio show with my character.

I listened to Moon Graffiti by the Truth Podcast. A line that was super eerie to me was, “How many people do you think they’ll bury by the time they’re through?”

Then I worked on the audio assignments!

I did assignment 2820 from the audio assignment bank. A news report on the Nigerian prince email scam.

Then assignment 2724, where I created a short song (really a blip).

My sound effects story was of a racer running across the finish line.

I’ve really been enjoying this class. I’ve definitely struggled to connect my posts to the TechNoir theme of the class and my character, but I think as time goes on I will get better at it.

Moon Graffiti

M. Marshall 2.7

Listening to Moon Graffiti was a very cool experience. It is interesting to think about a timeline where the mission to land on the Moon failed and to contemplate how worthwhile it is to go to the Moon. Last semester I took Writing About the Moon with Dr. Scanlon, and we talked a lot about the history of the Moon landing. Pretty much as soon as Apollo 11 landed back on Earth, pink slips of paper to fire employees were being handed out because the project was over and they could no longer expend the resources necessary to fund NASA. I wonder if Apollo 11 had failed if they would have continued to push for it, or if they would have just given up. The radio-sound of the podcast makes it feel like a real historical audio of something that happened.

Breaking News!

M. Marshall 2.7

I used the suggested website, Collosyan. I didn’t have any great ideas so I did a news story based on a common scam technique from the 2000’s and 2010’s (ish), where a person receives an email from someone claiming to be a prince from Nigeria asking for money to unfreeze their bank account. The news story covers the request for $40,000 and the rewards for helping the prince to unfreeze his bank account. The AI created a video which I made into an audio file. Here it is!

Radio Show Ideas

M. Marshall 2.7

When considering a potential radio show for my character’s world, I’ve thought about a news radio show, documenting what is happening in the world and basically observing my character. Another thing I’ve thought about is my character was someone’s pet, so there could be a podcast for the person who had them as a pet where they talk about what has been going on to document it… My character is a cat, so it would be difficult to have her talking, which adds complexity to how I should create a radio show around her. None of the ideas feel perfect but I feel like I’m at a good start!

Live Listening Session!

M. Marshall 2.7

I listened in on the live session on the DS106 Radio on Tuesday (February 4th). I really enjoyed the experience of getting to listen to a story alongside the class and professor. The story line was very interesting, following a woman doing research into a town called Limetown that seemed to be experimenting with mind chipping. You can listen to the story yourself here!

I felt like I learned from this is that in audio work, what seems like small details are very important for getting a listener to be fully immersed in an experience. Sounds like waves at a beach, a voice getting closer to signify that one character is walking towards the other, or an echo to help visualize the size of the space, makes a listener feel like they are there. It was cool to react to things at the same time as other people, so I was glad to get to try that out.