Category Archives: dailycreate

Daily Create – 3/15/2024

For today’s daily create we had to add a modern appliance to an old picture or photo and so I decided to add a dishwasher to and older photo. I asked the image generator to create a photo of a dishwasher because that is the first modern appliance that came to mind and used the old photo to have it added into and as you can see the dishwasher does not look cleanly incorporated into the photo. It looks photoshopped which was what I was going for. The picture as a whole fits the description because of the fact that the rest of the house looks older and more contemporary and the modern appliance, the dishwasher, looks even more out of place.

Always Caffeinated

Daily Create – My Addiction

This next Daily Create was something that I am addicted to and cannot go without. Of course, the answer to this is coffee. Both my character and I are quite fond of it.

There’s something about a latte that just creates the perfect morning for me, I cannot go without it. Also, the double shots of espresso definitely help me get through my day.

Whether I’m 40,000 feet in the air or headed to class, I need my latte.

Here’s a picture I took of my latte and dessert while on a flight.
And this really pretty latte from NYC. Although it was scrumptious it was $9….

If I were to share the pictures of my addiction, this would be an endless post. One thing I wanted to add on this post was my current coffee situation. This month is Ramadan, which is a sacred month in Islam where Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset! Meaning I cannot indulge in my morning lattes. I do still make my lattes once I break my fast, but I just have to be careful because it does keep me up for most of the night!

Here’s my post on Mastodon!

When Two Worlds Collide

Daily Create – Fractalized Art

The Zazow art tool has various tools you can play around with to create quite an interesting piece of art. I liked how you could zoom in and out of it and the details would just further expand. It was never boring.

I wanted something with contrast/clear difference of a border within the art. You can see how the left side is very subtle, whereas the right side is the exact opposite. Which is why I chose to name it “When Two Worlds Collide”. I also added the Pearl Coloring Effect which can be seen in the pear shaped structure. I chose this effect since it adds almost like a different “texture”. It’s whimsical, bright, and eye-catching effect makes it stand out from the rest of the art.

I was also playing around with zooming in and out of it and here’s another angle that I really liked.

I zoomed in and changed the color scheme for this one. To me it looks like a diamond that was just found covered in mud and water. The angle makes it appear as if it’s a diamond and then the muddy orange and blue hues represent mud and water.

Who dropped their diamond in the mud??!

You can view my art here!

Weekly Summary: 8

by Andrew Johnson

This week I started by making my three daily creations that were required.

Listed in order; Daily Dragons, Fractalized Art, and What’s your Addiction?

My favorite of the three daily creations was “My Addiction” because Battlefield 1 was and still is the best masterpiece of gaming I have ever been a part of. Although created 8 years ago, the graphic designs are on point, allowing the user to choose various multiplayer options with servers still being open.

Following this, my group for the ds106 radio audio project will dive into the aspects of different AI characters and their role in modern society. I am happy to be teaming up with Andrew Poon and Jackson Beale to create exciting content for all viewers.

Lastly, my sales pitch to Aggressive Technologies for the purchase of Claude AI came out very successful. I am interested to see where this takes my character in terms of his career.


What’s my Addiction

For today’s daily create I am talking about something I can’t go a day without. With out being said my addiction is coffee. I have a cup every morning. I feel like I can’t function throughout the day without my coffee in the morning. It wakes me up in the working and it keeps me going throughout the day. I prefer cold brew, but I don’t mind a hot coffee especially on colder days.

Daily Create 3/14/24


Addiction is something many people in the world struggle with every single day. This is when somebody relies on something for their every day life to go on. I am addicted to food. I could not go a day without food because I love it so much as well as you need food to stay alive.

Daily Creates Week 8