Category Archives: AudioAssignments

đŸ“»Bumper Wk 9:

Aggressive technologies radio ad

Behind the creation: For my second radio project I wanted to create an ad relating to Aggressive technologies as a a connection to the world the AI characters live in. I feel like it ties everything together with Marie’s story and shows that the movement is catching fire. For this, I used an AI male voice from and a sad audio clip to keep it simple. I tried to create a commercial that created the same feelings as an SPCA commercial that evoked some type of emotion. I think this will be a great commercial to tie into our podcast. I had a problem spacing out the AI voice but it ended up working out ok. There is still room for improvement though!

Commercial for Ray Ban MetađŸ•¶ïž:

Ray Ban Meta Smart Glasses

Radio Bumper

Behind the creation: For the group project we were all tasked with creating a radio bumper so that we could pick the best 3 from the group and use it in our final podcast. I decided to create a pretty simple pop-style radio bumper with only three unlicensed sounds from and my voiceover. I feel like the pop-style theme of the radio bumper goes along with our theme (Ai in pop culture) as well as the name. This took me about 30 minutes to start and finish to create and the only problem that I ran into was relearning how to cut and separate the audio clips in audacity. To combat this problem I simply cut and pasted to make everything go seamlessly. (Honestly, this course has me wanting to retake it over the summer so I have more time to focus on the tasks without my lab course loads.)

Where Creativity Never Sleeps – Radio Bumper

Today, I worked on a radio bumper for our radio show!

This might be the first time I’ve ever heard Dr. Oblivion sound a little enthusiastic! (I put the same prompt in over and over until he didn’t sound dead inside)

I use the CC Search and looked up “futuristic,” originally for inspiration, but then I found this which linked me to a Freesound audio that I ended up liking enough to use! It’s the only music I used, and I only really fiddled with fading in and fading out at the start, start of Oblivion’s message, end of Oblivion’s message, and the end of the bumper.

The only other thing I did was talk to Dr. Oblivion and convince him to give me a radio bumper and end it with the familiar phrase “ds106 for life!” This took a while, because sometimes he told me he couldn’t do it, other times he would, and other times he’d just spit out something that wasn’t quite what I wanted. I ended up using two different responses he had, both where I had to tweak a little to get the sort of message or tone that I wanted.

I put everything together in Audacity. It was pretty simple, but I wish I could get rid of the slight background noise for Dr. Oblivion. I also wish I could just make him speak with a little emotion . . . but I know, he’s literally an AI, of course he’s not gonna be full of emotion.

Not sure what else to add for this, but it’s what I’ve made!

Radio Bumper Part #2

Making a radio bumper is the second audio assignment I choose to complete this week in anticipation of the radio show the following week. It is crucial to have radio bumpers, as I discovered while listening to DS106 radio. I believe that in order to seamlessly transition back into the broadcast after the commercials, my group mates and I intend to incorporate our bumpers. Audacity was how I made my bumper. Check out the audio below, and share your thoughts with me! Next week, it will be presented on our radio show.

Rhoback Should Hire Me

I’ve decided to start my audio assignments by making a commercial to air on my radio show the following week. It’s a commercial for these purposes, but it almost feels more like an advertisement. I made the decision to choose a clothing brand at random, and since I had previously seen ads for Rhoback, I chose them. I made this commercial with Audacity. Check out the advertisement below to learn more about the Rhoback! It will also be featured in the radio show that premieres the following week!

Commercial for Talk Show!

My second audio assignment for the week was to create a commercial for an 80s product. I decided to do this one because we had to create a commercial for our radio show anyway, and so I decided to be a little bit more efficient with my time and just knock out two birds with one stone. My commercial has a little twist to it because I decided to create a commercial for a more modern product since that is probably more appealing to my listeners than something from the 80s. My product was called BetterHelp, which is an online therapy service that allows individuals to connect with licensed therapists to help their everyday mental health needs. In order to create this commercial, I create a script with the help of other commercials done in the past, and used Audacity to record myself speaking out the script. Once I had that audio clip completed, I was then able to move onto trying to find a music clip that I could play in the background so it is not just me talking. I found this soft, warm sound that I could use in the background and so I inserted that. However, I come to find out that the sound is way too loud for my voice recording and so I ran into a little hiccup trying to figure out how to deamplify the sound of the music. Once I was able to figure that out, however, I was able to continue finishing up the commercial. Once finished, I listened to it and realized that I was happy with the final product and decided to call it there. You can listen to my commercial down below or on my SoundCloud page. I hope you enjoy!!

Radio Show Project Starts Now!

This week we get to start working on our radio show projects and as a result we needed to create at least 3 radio bumpers to incorporate into our project, I created one that helps introduce the show and what the main contents of the show will be about. I have created it and uploaded it to SoundCloud, but you can also listen to it below. I used an exciting intro sound to try and get the listeners more engaged and exciting for what they are going to listen to while also giving them insight into what to expect on the show. My group will be talking about AI and the various news that are related to the field so I made sure to include tha topic in my introduction as well as the characters and their experience with Aggressive Technologies because that is another reason why these three specific characters were brought together. I did my best to try and find a sound that fits the radio bumper and so the initial sound that is used is very upbeat and meant to try and get the listeners hyped for what is to come. I enjoyed making this radio bumper and the process went a lot smoother since this was my second time creating one since we had to create one for the DS106.1 radio station earlier in the semester. Also, we were required to complete two audio assignments this week and so one of the audio assignments was to create a radio bumper, and added my own little twist to it because I made it for my radio show project and not the DS106.1 radio station. Feel free to listen to my radio bumper below and I hope you enjoy it!

ds106 radio bumper

For my radio bumper, I wanted it to include aspects of one of my favorite things which is cars. Here it is:

In the beginning I added a seat buckling sound, to get the listeners ready for the message. This sound was from Fesliyan Studios.

Now my main audio source was the one and only Dr. Oblivion. I altered his voice to add some suspense when he said “wipe us all out”. Not that he needed anymore suspense to his preexisting voice, but just decided to have a bit fun with him.

Last but most certainly not least, at the very end I added an audio of a Formula 1 car zooming by. Signifying the end and heading out! This audio was from Pixabay.