Category Archives: AssignmentIdea

Bumi Being Silly

Upon looking through the Assignment Bank, I just knew I had to do the TikTok of your pet. I have endless pictures and videos of bumi on my phone. Bumi is a very mysterious and calm cat. Him being silly consists of eating the food I’m preparing, looking out windows and wagging his tail, sitting on my laptop as I sit down to do my assignments, and so much more.

I used TikTok to make this and add a sound to my video. I hope you guys enjoy this little clip of him licking the faucet and getting seen!

Now a fact that I have not shared yet about my character is that Chuckles is cat man, he’s got 13 domestic short-haired cats, whereas I have just one! He’s even done a comedy show talking about each cat each night. Those who attended Chuckles’s shows don’t know they were all about his cats though..

Poem Video🌅:

End of Beginning: TikTok Trend

For my this video assignment, I chose the make a top 10 or ranking video assignment from the bank. I used CapCut and TikTok for creating, editing, and adding a song. End of Beginning, a song by Joe Keery led to a major trend on TikTok where users add the song lyrics over a video or pictures of a place special to them. The following lyrics are what created the trend:

And when I’m back in Chicago, I feel it
Another version of me, I was in it
I wave goodbye to the end of beginning

Chicago gets replaced with whatever place the creator wishes to use.

I made my video about my recent trip to Pakistan this past December. I included the highlights of my trip which included some of my favorite foods, weddings I attended, and just my everyday activities from that month!

Pictures >🖋️:

Everybody’s looking for something.

aggressive technologies: propaganda

For one of my assignments that needed to include my course character, I decided to make this Fake Propaganda Video

Smash up any combination of videos, still images, and audio to create a fake propaganda video.  It can be comedic or (non-offensively, of course) serious, its up to you.  Possibilities include: advertising a product, creating a villain, or selling a revolution.

Fake Propaganda Video

Music here:


Videos from:

serenity now! but for real

Serenity Now!

In one of the episodes of the last season os Seinfeld, one of the main characters is advised to repeat “serenity now” as a mantra to ease his high blood pressure. Rather than repeat the phrase in a calm and controlled manner in a way that might help, Frank Costanza yells “SERENITY NOW!” at the top of his lungs whenever he feels stressed, thus defeating the purpose of the mantra.

I decided to create a visual piece of video and audio that would correct Frank’s mistake, and attempt to actually create one of those “serenity videos” that are often seen being played at dentist’s offices, or a spa. As an added twist, I loosely based this assignment on the “10 minute video challenge” meme in which a repeated looping of audio or video is played non-stop for 10 minutes. While it’s usually done for comic effect, I stretched the video out, repeating three 50 second nature clips over the course of the 10 minutes.

Serenity Now!

Music used here:

Videos used here:

the rivalry redefined: andrea’s story

Tell Your Character’s Story

Tell your character’s story or a story from their life through video. This can be as simple as adding images and putting a voiceover, or recording a bit from your character’s life. Use MovieMaker or iMovie to put together the video and throw in some sound effects if you’d like. It is up to you!

Tell Your Character’s Story

 Image: Paper Writing Old  Sound: Writing with pencil

Get Ready With Me: With a Shot!

… Shot as in shot of espresso, make that a double shot actually 🙂

If you’ve ever seen me in person, I’ll have an iced latte in my hand ALWAYS. I guess you can say I’m a little addicted …

For this Video Assignment from the Assignment Bank, I chose the get ready with me! I decided to do my own twist on this since I start getting ready for my day by making my latte!

I filmed my entire process of making lattes, from beginning to end. I used iMovie to edit the clips together and sped up some parts on it as well. I know some people only enjoy drinking lattes, but I enjoy making them even more. In fact, being able to make my own lattes in my morning routine, is what motivates me to get out of bed. The parts I sped through where when I was utilizing my WDT tool, when spinning my distributor tool, and in between refilling my ice scoops. I also sped up the video all together to get it from 48 seconds down to 26. Parts of the process have also been clipped. For example, the extraction of the espresso shot was clipped from 28 seconds to about 2 seconds. I had so much fun putting this together and I hope you enjoy my version of getting ready with me!

P.S. it’s an iced oat milk latte with macadamia with caramel drizzle.

One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish

For this assignment I was tasked with recording myself reciting a poem. I decide to put a twist on it, instead of me reciting the poem Leo Storm, my created character, is reciting the poem. I chose One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish as my poem because it was one of my favorite poems growing up. Another reason I chose this was because it is a classic poem written by Dr. Seuss. The process of making this video was quite simple. I used to upload a picture of Leo Storm, this website allowed me to make an image look like it was talking. After I uploaded the photo, I used an Ai text to speech to record the poem. Once that was complete, I uploaded the file of the voice over of One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish to and this is the final product. I hope you enjoy!

Web Gem

For this assignment I was tasked with compiling clips of me doing well in my sport and make it into a video. The process of creating this video wasn’t too difficult. I had some film from my high school season as well as my travel ball season. I took those clips and uploaded them to iMovie. Once they were uploaded, I just combined all the clips making it into one video. Hope you enjoy!