This assignment is the one assignment not related to this courses theme, and its about one of my dogs!
This is the assignment Spread the Word and its all about sharing our furry friends. I have so many photos of my dogs (literally so many) but I love this one photo I have of my oldest dog caught in the act of tearing apart one of her toys. This toy is no longer with us (RIP) and we know exactly why…
Straight from my camera roll onto the digital canvas this project took form. I used Procreate for Apple and created and edited my own wanted poster for Nano and her murderous actions.
So spread the word…she is a danger to the dog toy society.
The prompt for this assignment was to mix two movie scenes together, to change the meaning of the conversation. The original Clueless scene had Tai and Cher talking about Amber dancing with Tai’s crush. To make Tai feel better, Cher starts trashing Amber’s appearance. To change the scene, I made the subject of the conversation Regina George. While the meaning of the original conversation didn’t change, it was fun to put Regina George and Cher Horowitz, two iconic characters, together. I picked this assignment because I thought it was cool that just a little bit of editing can transform a whole scene.
Making the video involved downloading the scene of Cher and Tai at the party as well as the scene of Aaron and Regina at their Halloween party. I ran into a slight bit of trouble when downloading the scenes because the only version of the Clueless scene that didn’t have a huge watermark was without background music. I remedied this by downloading a song from the YouTube audio library and mixing it into the video and adjusting the volume. After that, the video was very easy to make. All I had to do was cut out the scenes with Amber and use the Mean Girls scene. Lastly I exported the video and uploaded it to YouTube. This was definetly one of the easier assignments, the only thing I really struggled with was coming up with an idea. I couldn’t find any scenes where there was an opportunity to change the context of the conversation. Once I thought of this idea I was very excited and got to work. Overall, I’m proud of this edit, I hope you guys like it.
I wanted to start this streak of assignments with a design assignment because as of right now the creative design part of my brain is a bit easier to connect to and it is something I have the right tools for at the moment. The destination poser caught my eye and I thought it would be a great way to incorporate our course’s theme to.
This is the Destination Poster. This poster is about how our society is changing to revolve around our technology, specifically the technology that we hold in our hands. The way that people use their phones in their daily life and how it consumes them is something that I see everyday and to a certain point indulge in. While I try to stay present in life it is tough with the society we live where everything is so digital and it hard to navigate through life without technology. Watching the development of technology, how we use it, and its rapid development I don’t see how “technology taking over the world” isn’t that far away. If we aren’t already there that is.
I started the process of creating this poster by simply googling “tech noir city” and looking at the images that come up and gaining ideas through that. I noticed a lot of bright colors, and lots and lots of robots. According to wikipedia Tech Noir represents “technology as a destructive and dystopian force that threatens every aspect of our reality” and seeing the collection of robots reminded me about the phones we carry in our pockets and how the overuse of them can make humans robots, which threatens our society from being the community it once was to being a technology driven world.
The editing program I used was Procreate for Apple. I googled images of people in a city looking at their phones and imported that onto my canvas. I then google images of robots in a city and imported that onto my canvas but mirrored. I made use of the empty space in the first image (the top image) and imported my text. I didn’t want to specify a place because at this point its basically the whole world so I opted to just make a commentary on where we are now, technology wise, compared to the dystopia we see in the movies that are shown to be bad.
Edits are very popular these days, and I LOVE a good edit. I have seen some really amazing ones for Barbie, WandaVision, and Community. I really wanted to take a crack at it, since I’ve had some experience using Adobe Premiere Pro, which meant I wouldn’t be starting from square one. For this edit, I took one of my favorite shows The Good Place and put it with one of my favorite songs “Love is Embarrasing” by Olivia Rodrigo.
Eleanor Shellstrop has a significant arc over the course of The Good Place’s run. She starts as this loner who is very selfish, self asorbed character and ends the show surrounded by her chosen family whom she loves and would do anything for. These characteristics have been inside Eleanor all along but the people who were around her put down those traits, so she has to learn how to be okay with taking care of others and being a good person. This especially comes through when she stars to catch feelings for Chidi. At first Eleanor thinks he’s a nerd and doesn’t want anything to do with him. Eventually, however, she realizes she has feelings for Chidi even though she doesn’t want to. This song is the perfect choice to capture how Eleanor feels about Chidi because she is almost repulsed by how she feels towards Chidi, given that she has never felt like that towards a person before. She finds love to be embarrasing.
This video was relatively easy to make. First, I looked for and downloaded an Eleanor and Chidi scene pack which compiles clips of the two. Then I added the scenes into Adobe Premiere Pro and sorted through which clips I wanted to use. Once I had my clips picked out, I added Olivia Rodrigo’s Love is Embarrassing. After that I rearranged the clips, trimmed them to keep each clip short. I also tried to sync the clip transitions to the beat of the song. I feel like this makes edits more satisfying to watch. Finally, the last thing I did was export the video and uploaded it to YouTube.
I changed the assignment instructions a bit for what I wanted to create. Since our group has made some commercials for our characters, I made a bumper to play before the advertisements started. I kept it vague so it can be used for other purposes if we decide on it.
The assignment description asks to create a 30-45 second radio commercial for a product from the 80’s. I bent this rule to apply to our group’s radio show by creating a commercial for Rikaro’s company, PrimalTech. Since Rikaro has a skill for applying advanced technology into military weapons and armory, I wanted him to promote new weapons and concepts that will implement AI into them. It has a subtle hint of Rikaro ignoring the consequences of his ideas, since it’s in line with his character.
This our introduction to our radio show. Creating this was simple. My first step was to find background music on Next using, an AI text to speech, I wrote my script for the introduction. Once both were complete, I downloaded both and uploaded them to Audacity and meshed them together. Here are the results. hope you enjoy!
For my second audio assignment, I decided to create my own! I called it the Radio Show Intermission and here is the description I put for it: “Radio Show Intermission” is a lively and engaging break in your listening experience to offer a refreshing pause between discussions. Add a short line of text to captivate your audience and ensure that they stay past the break. Add some sound as well and make it to your liking with whatever theme best suits your show.
The process for creating an assignment was pretty easy! I added my SoundCloud link to what I created and included the following as the thumbnail image:
I choose this image because the sound just gave me this type of vibe plus it incorporates my character and I’s love for cats!
Now here is how I would do a radio show intermission:
To start it off I chose a simple yet intriguing sound from Pixabay, this is the part that made me chose a cat being a dj for the thumbnail picture.
Next I have the following text in my sound: Take a breather (In German) Take a breather and enjoy the groove during our Radio Show Intermission, where the beats keep you company until we return with more awesome tunes and engaging conversations! (English) I used “take a breather” twice in there to emphasize the purpose of this intermission which is to take a quick break. The first time it’s said, is in the language German. My character Chuckles, is from Switzerland, where a majority speak German, so I added that touch for him. By using an AI text-to-speech generator, I generated the rest of the text via English.
Finally, I have the incorporation of my second and last sound which is also from Pixabay. For this I know I wanted something with a beat drop near the end since my text mentions that you should enjoy this beat during the quick break. Additionally, I needed a sound where I could easily transition from the first one without having an awkward pause in between. The exact spot where I made the song change was at the word “groove” and I think it turned out really well!
I really hope all listeners enjoy this intermission I created as I really love it!