Sports Poster: “Using adobe photoshop or comporable, create a poster for a sports team. Include multiple picture, Logos, text, and Color”
Creepy anime eye: You know how those anime characters have oversized eyes? Like Alita: Battle Angel? Do you think they’d look just as creepy on other people? Let’s find out! Take a photo of someone and use an image editor to give them big bug eyes. “All the better to see you with…”
Your Favorite Photo: It’s simple. Choose your favorite photo you’ve taken and tell everyone why you love it so much.
Destress and Color: These 3 images are the ones that I took the time to “destress ad color”. The way this app worked was a paint by number situation. As seen in the picture with the dolphins there is a row of colors and numbers that once clicked on one of the numbers it highlights the areas that use that color. I even chose to do one of the mystery pictures (the one with the flowers) where it starts outs basically as a white canvas until you fill in all the colors. That one was a lot more complicated than the others because I wasn’t sure how much I had left to do throughout the whole thing. Altogether this was a really fun assignment to do because it was a way for my to just relax and do something calming while still getting my work done.
Soundtrack to Your Life: I created a playlist on Spotify with a handful of songs that represent me the most or that have played a significant role in my life. I love music and listen to all different kinds. This assignment was especially fun for me because I got to go back and reconnect with songs that I haven’t listen to in a long time.
Your Dream Life: I created 4 different boards to outline the main characteristics of my future “dream life”.
Coming up with the setting for where my character lives is a central part of crafting their personality. For Krissy, I wrote about her background, stating that she grew up and lived on the farm her parents worked on and that she would one day take over. I had Krissy live in a big farmhouse in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I chose Pennsylvania for her home state because I know many people in Lancaster have very traditional values, and my thought for Krissy was that although she may have some traditional beliefs, she believes she is meant for bigger and better things than what her fellow Lancastrians believe. Additionally, it’s essential to be distinct in what area of Pennsylvania she lives in because Lancaster is so dramatically different than the big cities of PA like Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Typically, there aren’t many farms in those cities. This particular house perfectly depicts Krissy and her family. The house has four bedrooms, perfect for her, her parents, her sibling, and a spare guest room. It only has two bathrooms, but the house is amazing in every other way. There is also a large plot of land in the backyard, perfect for crops, animals, equipment, etc. The house is unassuming, but the inside is gorgeous, rustic, colorful, and well-decorated. This is similar to Krissy, who should seem destined to continue her life as a farmer, but will get to one day save the world. The house was built in 1971, but it looks like it was built in the 1900s. The furniture looks like it was pulled from the movie For Richer or For Poorer. It shows Krissy’s taste for the old-fashioned aesthetic. This house is the perfect fit for Krissy, and I know Krissy would consider it her dream home!
This assignment is called Pictures are Larger than Words. I had a tough time at the start for many reasons. I had forgotten how to screen record first and foremost but I also had no idea what scene I was looking to do. I knew I wanted to do something in Tech Noir so I looked to the TechNoir/Cyberpunk Films/TV list given at the start of the class and browsed through to see if anything caught my eye as interesting. I thought about doing another Black Mirror episode but the scenes I were thinking of were already without dialogue and were just with sound to tell the story along with the visual aide. So instead I went with Tron: Legacy.
At first, because I had chosen an action scene I thought I wanted to add some action music to the background but the film already had a killer soundtrack and I dont think that I could do better or tell a good story with something different but in the same genre of music. So I went with a eerie background noise and let the scene tell itself. Using a mix of a low rumble and a sci-fi machine noise I was able to create a background noise that is not close to the noise already used AND could even tell a different story depending on how the video and/or the sound makes the audience feel. With the more eerie approach I think that the kind of suspense that the scene gives you is now different than the suspense it used to be.
Click on the image for the video
I used iMovie for Apple to create this video and uploaded it (unlisted) on my personal youtube. I first searched for a scene from Tron: Legacy on Youtube and found one that caught my eye. I watched the video with sound and started to think about the type of music or background I wanted to use to replace the audio in the video. In iMovie I used the free audio they had available and I used the sound files “Drone Dark Suspense 02” and “Strange Machine 02”. These two files mixed together give me the type of eerie vibe I was going for. I didnt want static noise so I have the “Strange Machine” to give some sort of variation in the background noise and then “Drone Dark Suspense” was used to get a low humming noise that is used in a lot of horror movies to give a suspenseful feel.
This assignment is the one assignment not related to this courses theme, and its about one of my dogs!
This is the assignment Spread the Word and its all about sharing our furry friends. I have so many photos of my dogs (literally so many) but I love this one photo I have of my oldest dog caught in the act of tearing apart one of her toys. This toy is no longer with us (RIP) and we know exactly why…
Straight from my camera roll onto the digital canvas this project took form. I used Procreate for Apple and created and edited my own wanted poster for Nano and her murderous actions.
So spread the word…she is a danger to the dog toy society.
The prompt for this assignment was to mix two movie scenes together, to change the meaning of the conversation. The original Clueless scene had Tai and Cher talking about Amber dancing with Tai’s crush. To make Tai feel better, Cher starts trashing Amber’s appearance. To change the scene, I made the subject of the conversation Regina George. While the meaning of the original conversation didn’t change, it was fun to put Regina George and Cher Horowitz, two iconic characters, together. I picked this assignment because I thought it was cool that just a little bit of editing can transform a whole scene.
Making the video involved downloading the scene of Cher and Tai at the party as well as the scene of Aaron and Regina at their Halloween party. I ran into a slight bit of trouble when downloading the scenes because the only version of the Clueless scene that didn’t have a huge watermark was without background music. I remedied this by downloading a song from the YouTube audio library and mixing it into the video and adjusting the volume. After that, the video was very easy to make. All I had to do was cut out the scenes with Amber and use the Mean Girls scene. Lastly I exported the video and uploaded it to YouTube. This was definetly one of the easier assignments, the only thing I really struggled with was coming up with an idea. I couldn’t find any scenes where there was an opportunity to change the context of the conversation. Once I thought of this idea I was very excited and got to work. Overall, I’m proud of this edit, I hope you guys like it.
I wanted to start this streak of assignments with a design assignment because as of right now the creative design part of my brain is a bit easier to connect to and it is something I have the right tools for at the moment. The destination poser caught my eye and I thought it would be a great way to incorporate our course’s theme to.
This is the Destination Poster. This poster is about how our society is changing to revolve around our technology, specifically the technology that we hold in our hands. The way that people use their phones in their daily life and how it consumes them is something that I see everyday and to a certain point indulge in. While I try to stay present in life it is tough with the society we live where everything is so digital and it hard to navigate through life without technology. Watching the development of technology, how we use it, and its rapid development I don’t see how “technology taking over the world” isn’t that far away. If we aren’t already there that is.
I started the process of creating this poster by simply googling “tech noir city” and looking at the images that come up and gaining ideas through that. I noticed a lot of bright colors, and lots and lots of robots. According to wikipedia Tech Noir represents “technology as a destructive and dystopian force that threatens every aspect of our reality” and seeing the collection of robots reminded me about the phones we carry in our pockets and how the overuse of them can make humans robots, which threatens our society from being the community it once was to being a technology driven world.
The editing program I used was Procreate for Apple. I googled images of people in a city looking at their phones and imported that onto my canvas. I then google images of robots in a city and imported that onto my canvas but mirrored. I made use of the empty space in the first image (the top image) and imported my text. I didn’t want to specify a place because at this point its basically the whole world so I opted to just make a commentary on where we are now, technology wise, compared to the dystopia we see in the movies that are shown to be bad.
Edits are very popular these days, and I LOVE a good edit. I have seen some really amazing ones for Barbie, WandaVision, and Community. I really wanted to take a crack at it, since I’ve had some experience using Adobe Premiere Pro, which meant I wouldn’t be starting from square one. For this edit, I took one of my favorite shows The Good Place and put it with one of my favorite songs “Love is Embarrasing” by Olivia Rodrigo.
Eleanor Shellstrop has a significant arc over the course of The Good Place’s run. She starts as this loner who is very selfish, self asorbed character and ends the show surrounded by her chosen family whom she loves and would do anything for. These characteristics have been inside Eleanor all along but the people who were around her put down those traits, so she has to learn how to be okay with taking care of others and being a good person. This especially comes through when she stars to catch feelings for Chidi. At first Eleanor thinks he’s a nerd and doesn’t want anything to do with him. Eventually, however, she realizes she has feelings for Chidi even though she doesn’t want to. This song is the perfect choice to capture how Eleanor feels about Chidi because she is almost repulsed by how she feels towards Chidi, given that she has never felt like that towards a person before. She finds love to be embarrasing.
This video was relatively easy to make. First, I looked for and downloaded an Eleanor and Chidi scene pack which compiles clips of the two. Then I added the scenes into Adobe Premiere Pro and sorted through which clips I wanted to use. Once I had my clips picked out, I added Olivia Rodrigo’s Love is Embarrassing. After that I rearranged the clips, trimmed them to keep each clip short. I also tried to sync the clip transitions to the beat of the song. I feel like this makes edits more satisfying to watch. Finally, the last thing I did was export the video and uploaded it to YouTube.
This is now my I think third radio bumper I have made so it was pretty easy to make using clip champ and natural readers.
This week I redid the bumper to use for the radio show because the bumper(connect with page to week 9 bumper) I had already created was not my best work. I throw that one out and I used this one.
I started this bumper with making some lines to use in natural reader:
“You are now listening to DS 106 Radio. Whether you are on the go or just sitting down, hopefully you are enjoying the talks and even the commercials, Some of the commercials in this radio are a great way to help business grow Including Aggressive Technologies, the main company right now to expand their Artificial Intelligence usage. We all know how AI is becoming a huge thing in the world today, which is what The Digital Agencies Podcast will mention. Now back to the main show.”
(Emma online natural)
After I recorded the lines then I headed over to FreeSound and I found this incredible sound:
Of course, I head over to Clip Champ to put them all together. Which gave me this amazing audio and I believe it turned out great! However, I am unsure what exactly happened, but the music was supposed to play through the entire bumper but that was not the case. I had sent it to my group to use for the radio show and no one said anything about it missing music…maybe they just thought it was supposed to be like that.
When I was listening to the radio show and my bumper came on I knew that I had messed it up somehow. I asked my group if I should fix it and they said no it was okay. Deep down though, I wanted to fix it so badly. I did not want the person who put together all the sounds to redo the radio show because I sent them a bad audio, so I did not bother asking them again.
All in all, I really enjoyed making this and if I had not messed up, this would have been my best one yet…in my opinion!
The first thing I started with was a script I wanted my commercial to say. I knew that I wanted to add Artificial Intelligence along with Aggressive Technologies. Down below is the script I used for this commercial:
NOW! Introducing an affordable flying car! Josh is giving away flying cars to the first 3 people to call 1-800-fly-cars. With their new Artificial Intelligence navigation and voices to make you never feel like you are the only passenger in the car. With only having to pay 200 a month to Aggressive technologies, this car is the breakthrough of public transportation for the sky!
*talks fast*: 200 a month for 5 years, no warranty, tires for the road are not included and you will have to pay your own insurance. Colors are limited edition year to year.
Call or go online to buy yours now!
After I got my wording down for this assignment, I used FreeSound to find this audio:
I then moved back to my script, and I put it in Natural Readers and recorded it on my phone. I then emailed myself the audio of the script. Once that step was completed, it was time to push the two audios together using ClipChamp. I was able to successfully create my commercial for the ds106 Radio Show.
This assignment was very easy because I have done this before, but it was more of a PSA and it had images that were connected. Which made the commercial way easier in my opinion!