Author Archives: Greta Hammen

Week 2 Summary 📅:

Music & Imagery


by: Greta Hammen

Natasha Sokolov

by: Greta Hammen


This beach pic, is now an oil painting, by using the AI tools on BeFunky. First, on Instagram story, I added the header text, because the assignment instructions said to do that way. Then I saved the image with the text and uploaded it on BeFunky. They have a large tool bar, and I used the oil painting tool to create this look of texture.

Weekly Summary 📅:

ds106 BootCamp is a fitting name for this week. I took one task at a time and was thrilled when I could check each item off of the list! I set up the password management on Bitwarden, using it takes a little getting used to because it takes another step, but it is much safer, so I am glad to have it now. Editing my website so that it looks more professional has not been fast. I read the instructions on WordPress, but after clicking on Appearance, other themes were not there to choose from, that may mean a visit to the DKC to improve it. I would like to delete the buildings on the sample page. In order to brand my website, I thought about what image I would like as a header. I played around on BeFunky with different editing aspects and with two different photos. In the end, I really liked one of me with my dog done in a Watercolor edit.

1 Too Many on Saturn 3🪐 – My Blog (

DS Goals🧠 – My Blog (

<blockquote class=”twitter-tweet”><p lang=”en” dir=”ltr”>Senorita with a cocktail <a href=””>@ds106dc</a> <a href=”;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>#tdc4388</a> <a href=””></a></p>&mdash; Greta Hammen (@greta_hammen) <a href=””>January 19, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src=”” charset=”utf-8″></script>

DS Goals🧠

This semester in ds106, my goals are to learn how to create digital art in various ways and to be more open to self-expression, without fear of rejection. I would also like to become faster in the sequence of completing assignments and in my writing. I am a fast typist and gaining understanding of the background of technology will help me immensely. It is my hope to create unique work here and to use links to various projects on my website to land better employment in the near future. The tools and skills here should be useful in networking. I will not worry about my limited time but will do my best and focus during the time slots available for learning. I am thankful for this opportunity to expand my knowledge of evolving technology.

1 Too Many on Saturn 3🪐

The first scene of Saturn 3 (1980) shows a man in uniform and helmet going into a locker room setting. He secures himself into a seat with seatbelt and pulls the emergency lever. The ceiling opens up and the other man in room, Captain James, is sucked out and broken into pieces. The bad guy that did this was Captain Benson, because he wanted to be the lead man going to Saturn 3, instead of his colleague. He took a long cylinder, that contained empty brain matter, in a sealed case with him on his trip to Saturn 3.

On Saturn 3 lived a couple of scientists, Adam (Kirk Douglas) and his female partner, Alex (Farrah Fawcett). Benson (Harvey Keitel) arrived and immediately began making overtures to Alex, who made it clear that she was with Adam and was not interested. Benson got to work on programming the brain that he brought with him and on assembling the robot called Hector. Hector was able to mimic the thoughts and moves of Benson, who had a control portal at the top of his spine. He would insert a pen shaped tool into the opening to make adjustments that directly affected the robot. Intelligence was the first thing observed in Hector, but as time passed the negative aspects of the programmer began to surface. He started to lust after Alex and also showed aggressive tendencies. Robot Hector killed Alex’s and Adam’s dog, Sally, who had full rein to go about as she pleased on Saturn 3. Hector lifted Alex up by her wrists and would have harmed her, but he obeyed her command to please put her down, then he made a piece of equipment fall on Benson. Hector needed to be recharged, but that was thwarted, and Benson disassembled him limb by limb and took his brain out. It looked like danger was out of the way, but Hector had enough juice in his mind to take control of the robots in the command center to put him back together again.

Benson tried to take Alex back to earth with him. She did not want to be with him. There was some fighting and terrorizing by Hector and Benson. Hector broke Benson’s hand off and later Benson’s severed head was on top of Hector, making his appearance more human. Adam knocked Hector into the ice water by using an arm mechanism that swung out 5′ or 6′. Benson had put one of the small control portals at the base of Adam’s spine when Adam was unconscious, due to taking a sleeping pill, in order to take over his thoughts and life. Adam was not going to accept that fate and hid two grenades in his belt. He said, “It’s everybody’s fault” and then pushed Hector into the ice water again, but this time he went with him and blew both himself and Hector up. At the end, Alex was in a space craft heading to earth and eager to see all that it offers., as she always wanted to visit earth.

The line “It’s everybody’s fault” reveals the impact of AI in our lives and the collective responsibility to handle it with caution. Let us be careful what we create!