Author Archives: DK's DS106 blog

Week 4

This week was different becuase we were doing more things with audio. I was not used to doing audio I have never done anything with audio before so it was new but I was able to get the assignments done.

The Three Daily creates were pretty easy, drawing the trex was pretty fun and easy along with seeing all the posts for the brazy look

Soundtrack to my life

I cant upload the playlist directly to this blog but 10 songs that i would add to the playlist would be

Come & Go -M4 Chosen

All The Stars – Kendrick Lamar

Red Moon – Lil Uzi Vert

Noticed Ya – Lucki

JB Couch – Nino Paid

I Promise – Lil Baby

Green Room – Ken Carson

Aint the Same – M4 Chosen

How u feel? – Destroy Lonely

These are 10 songs that I relate to a lot and some of my favorite songs

Radio bumper

When before creating an account, I have never uploaded anything to SoundCloud before, so it was all new to me but I had Dr. Oblivion helps me create the bumper. Uploaded a mp3 to SoundCloud was pretty easy there wasn’t any complications.

Moon Graffiti

Moon Graffiti by The Truth Podcast did an amazing job with the into sounds creating an immersive audio as if I was there to hear all the sounds from the moon landing. All the audio they used came together amazingly to create a story. This is a great way to use only audio to create a story. The eerie sound effects did a great job of creating an atmosphere of the unknown

Week 3 Weekly summary

This week was pretty easy regarding the daily creates. Only thing that gave me some trouble was the photoblitz challenge, some of the photo prompts were not common and I had to put extra thought into it to fulfill what the prompt is asking.

The weekly assignments were pretty easy to create, and I enjoyed creating them.

Week 3 assignment

This tattoo inspired by The Dark Knight Rises represents how batman fights for the right thing from the shadows and no matter how many times he fails he gets up and try’s and try’s until he succeeds and overcomes whatever he is fighting for. It also serves as a constant reminder that no matter how far deep you think you are to get up and overcomes any and all obstacles thrown at you