Category Archives: WritingAssignments2812

Wellness Check 101

In order to complete this assignment, we had to explore the assignment bank and select three distinct assignments from three different categories. The “My Wellness Check” assignment I selected has a difficulty rating of two stars. Since I wanted to complete a writing assignment, I decided to tackle this one since it seemed like an excellent opportunity for me to discuss my present and future well-being.

“What worries me most about the future?” is the first question posed by the author. My biggest concern for the future is beginning a job in the fall. I intend to graduate from college in May, and after I do, I will give up a lot of freedoms. I’m going into the real world, which can be very daunting. After graduating from college, I fear that adjusting to working nine to five every day will be difficult. Only time will tell.

“What am I doing about the things that matter most in my life?” is the following question posed by the author. The things that are most important to me right now in my life are tennis, school, family, and my girlfriend. I’ve started my final semester of college and am trying to make the dean’s list at UMW for the eighth time. But once in college, it would be awesome to be on the President’s list. I communicate with my family on a daily basis to let them know how much I value and cherish them. I’m currently planning a graduation trip to Italy with my girlfriend. I make an effort to live every moment of my tennis career as if it were my last. Although it isn’t the case yet, it soon will be. I believe I give everything that matters to me priority.

The author proceeds to ask, “What do I want most in life?” I’ll respond in the most cliché way possible, but all I want is happiness. Happiness, in my opinion, stems from memories, family, and friends. Sometime in my 30s, I would like to get married and have a few children. And I want to maintain my friendships with everyone I currently know.

The author then poses, “When did I last push the boundaries of my comfort zone?” as the next question. I honestly don’t remember; I spend most of my time in my comfort zone. I essentially talk to the same people and do the same things every day. I don’t usually take chances or step outside of my comfort zone too often.

“What goals do I need to have to get where I want to be?” is the author’s final question. I believe I only need to set very basic goals in order to attain where I want to go in the future. I’m going to keep learning in my line of work since growth is possible through education. This will enable me to fulfill my career objectives. In order to prepare myself for the future, I also need to simply manage my money wisely while I’m still young.

I had fun completing this work for the assignment bank. I was able to consider who I wanted to be in the future as I went along. One day, I hope to be able to reflect on all of my responses to these questions and realize how many of them came to reality.

Here is the assignment I worked on!