Category Archives: tdc4449

Daily Create #1 Week 9

We all know 007, so for this create we had to make agent 106. I always wanted to see a mix on an IP man and James Bond like movie or series, so I made agent 106 Asian and here is how it came out.

Not quite how I wanted but I liked the aesthetic this one made with the dark tones and low face. I would want the Asian agent to be an expression of the Zen culture and use classic fighting techniques and old guns like a revolver and maybe he grew up with Bruce Lee who knows.

Daily Create: 03/19

by Andrew Johnson

The classic series, Dairy of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney will become one of the most majestic and iconic collections of illustration ever produced. As a kid, I had all nine books and watched the two movies produced. My favorite might have to be Rodrick Rules.