I was instantly overwhelmed by the audio assignments listed for this week. So, I broke it down to just one assignment at a time and tried not to look at it as a whole. Here is the first assignment I finished.
The next assignment I finished was spooky dialogue. I had fun playing with stretching words or speeding them up. In the end I learned a few things and made something haunting.
On Friday I went to Target and bought headphones and a microphone to finish my work. Good decision, it made getting the final edits and bit of work done easier.
All right I am down to the wire ad I just posted my last assignment. I started it earlier in the week and knew exactly what I wanted it to sound like. I think I pulled it off.
I decided to go back and give you a summary of week one.
We got snow week one. 1st day of classes was canceled. My kids had snow days! yay so fun. I had just moved back home after not being able to live in my house for over 6 months due to a water leak. I got food poisoning on Wednesday (I think it has been a bit). I found videos on how to use WordPress and got my blog up. With the kids not having school, moving back home, and me being unwell was a perfect storm for my husband to have extra problems associated with his PTSD. It was a rough way to start classes. I knew me starting school would be difficult for him to handle. While he tries to be supportive, he needs help daily. I now take care of him. We are working with the VA on stuff.
At first, I wanted to keep all this on the downlow. Because I do not want anyone to feel sorry for me. I have a lot going on. But as we enter week 4, I realize how much this is going to come up in my work as an artist. My story doesn’t need to be a sad one. My story is what I make it not what people assign it to be. Yes, Week one was a shit show, but I managed to get my blog up with colors and organize it. This is my origin story not my story of defeat. Things are just beginning in a new way.
My assignment to watch a movie was fun. Since I have children, I was like I am going to watch a grown-up movie. I had attempted to watch Blade Runner several times in my life. This was my chance It is required for school. Here is my review.
This week started off great. I had established a routine and was enjoying the daily creates. I had started draft pages for the assignments on my blog. I was organized! I was not going to be rushing at the end of the week to get it all done.
Then I fell.
I was walking to my car Tuesday night after class at about 7:25 pm I tripped on some uneven bricks and fell. My heavy backpack added to my instability, and I was unable to catch myself. I scraped my forehead on the brick walkway. In addition to the head injury, I also hurt both my knees and my right hand. It has made getting my work done quite difficult this week. I could not type Wednesday or Thursday. I was able to start typing Friday with many breaks. I am on Doctor’s orders to rest but I would rather not have to do 2 weeks of schoolwork in one week is all my classes, so I do what I can.
I did manage to do the reflection on design thoughts before I got hurt.
For some reason my UMW choose the week 3 email to go to junk. I just found it today (Friday). I had found a week 3 assignment list on the DS106 website that I was using. It was incomplete compared to the actual list. I may go back and re-do my design thoughts. I will have to see how much my hand can handle.
Here are links to my daily creates I made posts for in my blog.
It was a difficult week, and I did the best I could under the circumstances. I really enjoyed the process of making the PSA assignment. It was great using my accident as inspiration for my work. It was great making it something to laugh about. Now to get on with Week 4 work.
Well, you will have noticed there was no week 1 summery. I had a rough start to the semester. Really 2023 was terrible and it has seeped into 2024. I have really enjoyed the daily creates this week and I am really proud of poem I wrote. I paired it with a picture I took in January 2022 when we got a lot of snow and lost power for over 4 days.
On Monday I completed my 1st visual assignment. I had a lot of fun finding a winter Bob Ross painting and put my children in it. It was so fun showing it to them. They want me to make more. I also started a few other assignments to finish later in the week.
I went to campus earlier than usual to get my parking decal and stuff etc. I was like I will do some homework on campus in the commuter lounge. I need to get headphones. I don’t think the other students would understand or appreciate Dr. Oblivion.
I found developing a character to be difficult at first. Then I decided to model the character off of my sometimes-evil cat. So, with the basic outline of a personality, I then decided to fill in the blanks as it were. It was quite fun and came together rather quickly using the cat as a starting point. If I have the need to make more characters, I luckily have 3 more cats and a dog to use. Lady Alice E Smythe – HURKLE-DURKLING Thoughts for DS106 (hurkledurkling.com)
I decided to use AI to complete a daily create on Thursday. I didn’t want to spend a lot of time making something and since I had never used AI for art before I went with it. It was fun but it took a few tries to come up with something to fit the assignment. I tried out AI again on Friday for the daily create. I had a few ideas for the little poster and new it would take a long time to do. I let AI have a go at it. IT did a good job of putting different scenes together in a pleasing way. The people and animals just looked like mutants or abstract in a bad way. The animals kept looking like they were escaped genetic experiments from a lab. I went with the least scary animal picture for the post. The following is a link to Mastodon where you can see all my daily creates.
I have had a lot of fun getting to know Dr Oblivion. My favorite replies are when he is sarcastic. The Doctor has given me a good laugh many times this week. I have enlisted the help of my children, when possible, with my work. It has been a stressful year for them and getting to help me with homework or art has really boosted moral. They are an opiniated lot and I have to remind them I am the director not them. Sometimes their opinions are quite helpful as is shown in the 10 tips video. It is a short video that is too big to upload to the blog. Short is relative since it is about 4 mins long. I am now trying to figure out what to do. Sadly, the video will not be shared this week. I worked on it all week and while it wasn’t perfect it was my first attempt with editing, and I was proud of it.
I wanted to learn to make a gif this week. It didn’t work out well. I need to find the right software or learn to use it better. I wanted to change the background to a gif and couldn’t figure out how. I will try again next week. making a gif – HURKLE-DURKLING Thoughts for DS106 (hurkledurkling.com)
I made a Pinterest board with having an AI maid or Butler in mind for one of the assignments. It was a little challenging at first coming up with the right words for the search bar.
This week I commented on my fellow students daily creates and read a few blog posts. I didn’t comment on any blog posts this week. I found it easier to comment on daily creates then blog posts.
Well, that’s been my work week for DS106. I will tackle my video problem after a good night’s sleep. I hope I figure out a solution soon.