Category Archives: WeeklySummary

Weekly Summary 2

Today’s weekly summary Image is brought to you by the scene of the back Woodard window by me.

Number one is always a good place to start Learn How to Write Assignment Posts.

The Work Itself

Telling the Story Behind the Story

Narrating the Process

As with most things even if you work for hours if you don’t tell someone how hard you worked, they will never know. Admittedly the start is rough for me since my habit of doing what’s important and gong back for small details later is going to be the end of me. There have been many papers completed and completely redone due to this habit. But I made sure to read through it and then….told myself to do it again Thursday because I will 100% forget (medical junk) and yep!!!! I did!! remember knowing yourself is better than knowing your enemies people!!

Dude chill it's not that deep. In fact, it is that deep

Next great hurdle was the daily creates and I am so! happy I checked what needed to be done on the weekend and not Monday! I really needed that extra day to do the daily creates in case I forgot, and I did, once again know yourself well!

How to embed Mastodon posts on a website or blog | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse Had to use this guide to figure out how to embed.

Behind each post there’s a different story.

Jan 18th my first post, I was so sure I didn’t own anything that was the slightest but spy like. Then I remembered the tool I used for mischief. My key screws they have been used dull almost, my special tool for when curiosity strikes. So I searched through my bag and pulled them out finding decent lighting before snapping a picture.

Jan 19th sarcastic captcha, although it said sarcasm I wanted to be funnier about it making a captcha that was impossible to do in a different way. Funniest part was that I edited this in google slides, clipping and pulling together a random group in images. As you can see the technology degrades as it goes down. I almost chose to just put toasters on the bottom row. With cropping, copy and paste, grouping and blasting music it was made.

Jan 20th This one that had zero thoughts, I hate clowns and therefore put that energy into this. Using an app on my phone called photo Leap to make it. Transforming the cover onto the books, though I realized it was too small to read so had to make it look more like an ad then anything. the clown was added by trying to make the blur match the one that was already there.

Jan 21st So much harder to make ugly art them expected but, I did my best. Much better at making something look unsettling rather than ugly. It can’t be seen but there is hidden text saying free me and run. Creepy right! It’s just a bunch of squares put together in different shades of grey.

Jan 23st Simple as making sure to put the happy birthday song my family uses.

Explore the Assignment Bank is third. I was almost unlucky and didn’t notice Make at least two of the assignments relate in some way to our course theme. Good thing I checked almost daily

Of the assignments the easiest was the coloring after all it was just downloading an app and following the instructions. I did try to stick to 2 star and below options and was truly surprised by how many there were. Plus, some get very complicated very quickly and unfortunately, I’m not at that level yet. Overall, I spent the most time on the intro since I was trying to get the Doctor to just say my intro completely forgetting how sassy he is. So, it took a few rewordings to realize. The visual assignment time was spent more in coming up with the idea then actually doing it. This time I used the paint application and good old Pinterest it’s a cesspool in my eyes (I spent all of middle school doom scrolling there). I ended up pumping the work out over the week and going back to adjust it today only to remember everything in this class is live ;^; shoot. Welp I may end up doing the publish later option more often.

Customizing my blog..Groan! At first, I was trying to figure out how to do it custom but, ended up crashing and burning since I’m a minimalist with a floral dream. Changing my main background color irked me cause not every color looks good with everything but white and black are neutral. So, despite being a dark mode girly I chose white since flowers tend to be a light color. Color theory begone it’s called if my brain go purr it works. I ended up choosing one of the offered themes. Then fought with the category boxes. That was a must! It’s more of a accessibility thing for me. Why click text when it could be pretty pictures one is far more impactful don’t you agree? Of course, I found a video about how to add links in word press.

Gosh I love the internet. Then it hit me! Agh I had to actually label my pretty flowers, so people knew where they were actually going. So, I labeled them and now the variety of pink flowers are their own identity. After that it was far simpler just looking up flowers. I mean for the assignment’s sake I can add more but honestly, I felt very very satisfied my brain go purr and my eyes don’t get stressed and overwhelmed trying to take in a flurry of information and graphics. Not flashy but I never liked a flashy.

My character took a while since I was stacked with work but, overall, she came out far less fleshed out then I prefer. Still, I thought about all week thinking what she would be like. Looking up cliches and so much more.

For the interaction and Dr. oblivion it seemed more like a long turn but started out at getting used to do both, so going to make it a habit to comment on my classmate’s stuff and making sure to ask any questions to the Doctor.

The Postman was an interesting read, but I struggled to relate it to my film. Overall, I got it done faster then I hope despite all the reading admittedly I should have done each reading one by one and compared not do all at once and try to compare based off my memory was not fun hoping from page to page.

Finally redid my review honestly very uncomfortable experience writing like that for something school related… Still got it done and it certainly came out differently… Better is not the right word but, it is more fun and interesting to read now.

Week Two Weekly Summary

Starting off the week

For starting of the week, I decided to start customizing my website a bit to personalize it! I wanted to do something different than my other subdomain sites. I also started reading through the different tasks throughout the week, and planning out when I will complete each task. I think I did well at spacing out the assignments, while also doing the daily creates everyday.

Daily Creates

Daily Create #1

An inspirational poster with the message, "Every coincidence carries a message, but only the curious stop to decode it". Features a photo of a man standing on rocks, looking upon a beautiful sunset over the mountains.

The theme for Monday was “unintended consequences”, so I decided to do an inspirational poster. One that you would see in a high school classroom or in a doctor’s office. I used Canva to create it, and then posted it to Mastodon.

Daily Create #2

A bad drawing of Sammy D. Eagle, the mascot for the University of Mary Washington.

The theme for this daily create was “bad art”. I opened Instagram after opening this assignment out of procrastination, and saw a post from Sammy D. Eagle, to which I immediately got to work. Of course, it only took me a couple of minutes, and I am not much of an artist, but I am quite proud of it.

Daily Create #3

A photo of my shadow in the snow, and how the sun's reflection is making it long.

The challenge for this was to take a photo of your long shadow. As I was walking back from lunch with a friend, I saw my long shadow in the snow, and took the opportunity to take the photo. I thought this prompt was quite funny and also interesting, as the effect the position of the sun has on shadows is intriguing.

Daily Create #4

It is DS106 Radio’s 14th birthday so I thought I would share a classic birthday song!

Daily Create #5

Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!
Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!
Lions, tigers, and bears, oh my!

For the last daily task of the week, we had to make a poem out of emojis. For some reason, this iconic chant from an iconic movie kept playing in my mind! I guess it kind of counts as a poem, there is repetition?


Assignment Banks

I was excited to complete these assignments, as there were so many options that it was hard to choose from them. The first assignment I did was to find my dream home on Zillow, which I then decided to make a collage of my favorite photos of the dream house I found. To read more about my dream home and my thought process behind it, read My Dream Home. For the second assignment, I made a GIF from the movie Blade Runner 2049, as it is not my favorite movie of all time, but it is one of my favorite cyber punk movies, with a stacked cast and amazing visuals. To read more, read GIF. Lastly, or the third assignment I chose to do was “Who Said What?”, where I found three characters who share similar characteristics, and made a confusing graphic of them saying an iconic quote, with showing different aspects of the characters. I chose to do iconic characters in the cyberpunk genre, and to read more about it, check out my Who Said What? post.

Building Participation

I also got to comment on and view some of my classmates blogs! This assignment was pretty easy and fun, as I got to explore my classmates blogs! It was very interesting to see all the different themes, as well as reading their blog posts just to get a peek as to who they are. I am excited to see everyone’s work in the near future.

Course Character

This was probably my favorite task as I got to get creative in creating a character under the film noir genre. It came pretty easy to me, and the archetype of the hard-boiled detective immediately stood out to me. Then, ideas started flowing about how to flesh out the character into something that fits into the genre, but stands out in a way. It was also interesting researching the different archetypes and their common characteristics. Here is my full-fledged description of my new course character, Course Character.

Readings and Film Review (Dr. Oblivion!)

Overall, I enjoyed Dr. Oblivions input in the assignments that I used him for! The readings were interesting, as I completely agree with how we should use ethics and morals when navigating advancements in technology. To read my summary, here is my post Technopoly. With the film review, I was happy to go more in depth about the Black Mirror episode I watched. To read more about my film review, here is my blog post about it Updated Film Review: Black Mirror.

Week 2 of Digital Bootcamp.

This week had a large to-do list, and unlike last week, the tasks were not short and sweet. With doing the assignment banks, creating a course character, reading 6 chapter, and having everything accompanied by a blog reflection, I was overwhelmed. However, that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the work that I did. In fact, I am really proud of some of the assignments I turned in.

The Daily Creates

When I first saw that we were doing Daily Creates, I thought it would be a chore. The first Daily Create, art about unexpected coincidences, confused me and I really struggled to come up with an idea. I landed on making a graphic with lyrics to Sabrina Carpenter’s Coincidence.

What a surprise, your phone just died
Your car drove itself from L.A. to her thighs
Palm Springs looks nice, but who's by your side?
Damn it, she looks kinda like the girl you outgrew
Least that's what you said (That's what you said)
Lyrics to Sabrina Carpenter’s Coincidence

After seeing other posts, I realized that the Daily Creates didn’t have to be revolutionary. This took a lot of the pressure off and I ended up having a lot of fun with them. The next day was “Make bad art.” That was perfect for me! I decided to make the Devil and the Goat, and as you can see. I nailed the prompt.

Badly drawn devil and goat
Devil & Goat

The next prompt was my favorite, make your shadow as long as possible. I waited until the last possible second to take the picture, which made me nervous because if I waited too long I would miss the sun all together. I made it though, and I was very happy with how long my shadow was.

Picture of long shadow
Longest shadow ever!

The prompt after that was, “Say Happy Birthday to DS106 radio.” For that, I just made a quick image on Canva. This prompt was one of the easiest from the week.

Happy Birthday! DS106 Radio
Happy Birthday DS106 Radio! To many more 🥂

The last prompt of the week was “Make a poem out of emojis,” so I turned the “Heads, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” song into an emoji poem. I thought the idea was clever, and thankfully most of the emojis already existed. I admit doing the shrugs for shoulders, was a little bit of a reach, but I was committed to my idea.

Translation: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Translation: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes
And eyes and ears and mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes

Overall, I had a lot of fun with the daily creates and I’m excited to continue doing them!

Assignment Bank

The assignment banks were very time consuming, but I am happy with how they came out. My favorite one to do was the Compilation of Chidi and Eleanor. I love their relationship, I love that show, and I love that song. Working on it was really fun, and felt more like a hobby than something I was doing for class. I also had a lot of fun with the “That’s Not It” prompt where I edited together scenes from Mean Girls & Clueless. Both movies are so iconic. In the scene, Cher is trashing Regina, but if they were actually in the same universe, I can’t decide if they’d be best friends or enemies. Lastly, the third assignment I did was “My Dream Life” where I showed my ideal life through Pinterest. This one was the hardest assignment because I could not figure out how to effectively embed the link. The assignment was relatively easy but the embedment took so long that I wnted to throw my computer away. I did the best that I could, but even still I feel like I didn’t fully figure it out. Still, completing my assignments helped me advance towards completing my D106 goals, and for that I am happy. Here are the links.


I enjoyed getting to read about a lot of people’s perspectives and creative choices. It was so interesting to see everyone’s creative takes. I loved the course character from Liv It Up With Liv . I could tell that they put a lot of time and effort into their character. She felt very fleshed out and was giving me Veronica Mars/Buffy the Vampire Slayer vibes. I commented: “This is great! The thought and care you put into your character really helped me envision her. I love that you tried to break the norm when you created your character. I also thought what you said about her liking flawed characters was very interesting. I wonder why she likes them. Maybe because she relates to them or because she knows they make for a good story? Either way, it was a great detail. I’m curious to know if you drew inspiration from other characters when you were creating Veronica. She reminds me of Buffy from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Again, great job crafting this character!” I also read Rylie’s goals from Rylie’s Riveting Region for this class, and what they said about lighting design, I completely agreed with. Lighting is one of my favorite aspects of theatre, so to see another fan was very cool. I also told them how I felt that lighting may subconsciously tell the audience how to feel which is so crazy that it can have that kind of effect on people. Lastly, I read ‘One thought on “Black Mirror: We Love Women Working Together!”‘ from Bloog. We coincidentally watched the same episode of Black Mirror so it was interesting to compare and contrast our thoughts. Additionally, because we watched the same episode, I was able to share my theory from the episode. I just left the comment this morning, but I’m eager to see if they respond and whether or not they will agree with me.

Final Thoughts

I’m grateful that I got to flex my creative muscle this week. I love creating and it’s to get in the habit of practicing. This was also a great reminder that the work doesn’t need to be perfect. My ‘That’s Not It’ edit wasn’t flawless but I still liked the way it came out. Other people must agree with me because I posted it on YouTube so I could embed it into the blog, and it got a couple hundred views. While I did have fun with the assignments this week, I’m glad that the digital bootcamp is coming to an end. I’m excited to focus on one project for the week

Week 2 Summary

Stressed Spongebob Squarepants GIF
Nervous The Big Bang Theory GIF someone using a paper bag to breath

This week was definitely a lot, and I felt pretty overwhelmed at times. But I got through it!

The Daily Creates were a highlight. They’re a fun and quick way to be creative and see what everyone else is doing. I jumped in on Monday, and the prompt was to create art about coincidences. This one took me a while to get started because, honestly, I see coincidences as random events, and I wasn’t sure how to translate that into art. It was a bit tricky at first!

The Assignment Bank is a cool idea, and I really enjoyed browsing through all the options. Doing the assignments was fun, but I did struggle a bit with the speech for Dr. Oblivion. I noticed he doesn’t always say exactly what I write, which threw me off a little at first. But then I realized he was still getting the point across, so it wasn’t a big deal.

I worked on my blog design this week too. Last week, I customized it pretty quickly, but this time I spent more time on it. I picked a theme I liked and spent some time organizing the menu, picking out colors and images, and playing with the headers and footers. It feels like it’s becoming my space now, which is cool.

Creating my course character was a lot of fun. The whole process was kind of tricky at first, especially figuring out how to introduce my character, but the character creation form really helped me stay on track. It gave me a good structure to follow, which made it easier than I thought.

This week, I also did the reading and wrote a reflection comparing it to The Matrix. That was surprisingly enjoyable, and it helped me improve my film review. I went back, added some images and GIFs, and dove deeper into the cyberpunk/tech-noir themes. It felt like a big improvement, and I’m glad I took the time to revise it.

For participation this week, I commented on some awesome blog posts and interacted with a couple of Daily Creates. Here are the links to my comments and the posts I engaged with:

Also, here are some of the Mastodon posts I interacted with:

Overall, it’s been a busy week, but I’m feeling good about what I’ve done so far!

P.S. I will be updating this weekly summary to include more of my participation!

Weekly Summary 1/17: Getting Set Up

Hi there, my name is Ethan, and this is the only personal social media I have at the moment. It’s kind of sad but I deleted all my other social media accounts this past year as a way to better my mental health and challenge myself to create healthier lifestyle habits. Blogs are so y2k though so I’m here for it.

I am excited to be able to share my personal journey in learning how to use various creative digital story telling tools hope to reignite a lost spark I once had for creating things online.

This week I learned that setting up a functional WordPress blog is much more complicated and time-consuming than using a simple drag and drop or AI website builder and that I am not the creative genius as I once believed myself to be. I am planning on scheduling a few appointments with the DKC this upcoming week to learn some tips and tricks around how I can build a more impressive looking homepage so that I feel more confident to showcase my creative journey and not get made fun of as much.

Technoir seems to be the new buzzword in this class. It’s like a detective story in a dystopian world where technology and robots have taken over the world. It reminds me of Blade Runner and Tron.

Week 1 Summary

This week was more-so a transitional time with more housekeeping and preparation than actual creative projects. The majority of it was spent setting up accounts, creating this blog, coming up with my semester goals, and meeting with Paul. This week I also watched my tech-noir film, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, and wrote my review on it. Nothing this week was particularly challenging or stood out much. I did thoroughly enjoy watching my movie as I’ve been wanting to watch that one for a while and have never gotten around to it, so this gave me a good excuse to do so while also analysing it. I felt it necessary to take a much more allegorical approach to discussing cyberpunk/tech-noir which I did have quite a bit of fun with. Cyberpunk/tech-noir is not really my thing, I tend to find it very overstimulating and sensorily overwhelming, but I loved that this film didn’t have the hyper-futuristic neon dystopian chaos feel that many films in the genre do. This week taught me a few things: mainly that cyberpunk/tech-noir is a much more broad theme than I had realized and that this course actually utilizes many things that I already have a degree of experience in and I would definitely benefit from expanding on my skills and creative repertoire in those mediums.

My Creative Journey: Week 1

I am not going to lie, I was really excited when I picked this class because it looked really fun, but I struggled a lot this week and was overwhelmed. From setting up my website and blog to learning how to navigate everything was very confusing and sadly I am not fully sure if I completed all the assignments correctly. I am still trying to adjust to everything and hopefully become more familiar with all this new stuff I am learning so that I can fully understand and do everything correctly. The most interesting assignment this week though would probably be the film review of Cowboy Bebop. I have always had a fascination with stories, so having assignments where I get to fully share my opinions and reactions about them is such a fun activity. Since the current theme is Tech Noir and Cyberpunk I am very interested to see what other fun assignments will be given and I hope this will be a fun class that I will enjoy all semester.

Here is the link to my course goals:

Here is the link to my Cowboy Bebop Review:

Weekly Summary #1: Hello!

M. Marshall 1.17.2025

Hello, and welcome to my blog. In all honesty, this is the most technologically advanced thing I’ve ever done. When I was younger, I wanted to have a blog, but my mom wouldn’t let me. Similar to Ryan and Creed, from The Office, my mom allowed me to share my thoughts on a Word document. I guess the world was not prepared for whatever I had to say.

(Me, 2007) What would she have had to say?

Beginning this class was definitely anxiety inducing for me, as I have little-to-no experience in terms of anything related to tech. Maybe in my younger years, I’ve changed the color of a Tumblr blog or figured out how to use Minecraft, but those days are not representative of my current skill set.

I was able to guide myself through creating this website; however, pretty much immediately I hit a wall: I realized I had no idea how to edit the website or even access WordPress. I ended up booking an appointment with the Digital Knowledge Center. I met with one of the students working there named Feli. They were very helpful and I was able to give my blog a little theme which was very exciting! This was very helpful for getting started and learning the ropes. I do not have a crystal ball, but I see many DKC appointments for this class in my future.

(The Wizard of Oz, 1939)

I feel much less nervous and much more prepared for the class after that visit. I am now excited and intrigued for what the rest of the class will look like. I’m still waiting for the aha! moment for the name of my blog title, only time will tell, I guess.

I decided to watch Black Mirror (S3E4, San Junipero) for my Tech Noir media choice. I really enjoyed this episode and connected with some of the considerations about eternal life and whether or not to upload one’s consciousness into a cloud (side note: I probably wouldn’t). It was very beautiful and I really appreciated the LGBTQ+ representation.

I’m kind of running out of things to talk about, so this is where I will end it. I feel really good about this so far and hopefully I will continue using my resources and find a sense of confidence within this sphere.

Week 1 Summary

This week, I completed several tasks to get started with the course. I read through the syllabus and scheduled a meeting as required. Since I already use Apple’s built-in password management app, I did not create a separate password manager. I also already had a domain, but since it is still under construction, I decided to create a subdomain specifically for this class. I downloaded WordPress to the subdomain, and once the course is complete and I’m ready to add content to my main domain, I plan to migrate everything over. Here is the link to my subdomain:

I created a Mastodon social account, sent a greeting message using the #ds106 hashtag, and explored some of the posts shared by others in the community. My account can be found here: I also read the assigned articles, and my favorite was Sci-fi Noir: The Terminator and Tech Noir | 10 Updates to Film Noir. I’ve never watched The Terminator before, but I found the article fascinating and engaging.

Additionally, I watched The Matrix because I’m a fan of Keanu Reeves in John Wick, and I was curious to see him in a tech-noir film. I wrote my thoughts, reactions, and reflections in a blog post on my subdomain. Lastly, I created a set of goals for this course, which I shared in another blog post. You can view my course goals and movie review here: 

In terms of reflection, I learned about the theme of Tech-Noir, and I’m excited to see how this theme will unfold. As a data science major, I find it particularly interesting and a bit unsettling because I definitely have fears about AI taking over the world (jk). Working with this theme creatively will be a challenge for me, as I don’t typically watch films related to Tech-Noir and It’s new to me.

I enjoyed seeing everyone share their responses on Mastodon and getting to work with WordPress. The hardest part of this week, though, was deciding which movie to watch! I’m very indecisive, but I’m sure I’ll face different challenges as the weeks go on.

Week 1

Week 1 was a little difficult at first because I have never used any of these resources before to create anything. I have never even tried to create a domain before, so everything was brand new to me but once I understood how to use the resources, I was able to successfully set everything up. With time and the more I use the resources I will learn more about them and get better at using them