This week was one of my favorites! I love designing, and we did a lot of it. First, I created a newspaper page for Hated in the Nation and wrote a little about it if you’d like to learn more.
We also got to design some propaganda, and I love the design I came up with and how I connected it to Finns tips. It was really fun to create and think about how to effectively convey the message!
For the character reaction portion of this week, I wanted to be creative. Instead of writing about how my character would react, I wrote quotes my character would say.
This is funny for anyone who has been paying attention to my blog for at least the past week and a half, which might just be me. Last week, I got my numbers mixed up and thought it was week 6, so I titled my weekly summary that. Since then, I have corrected my error and now we have posts 1-6, instead of 1-4, 6, and 6. I had an overwhelming amount of work this week, so I had to ask to get an extension, which is why this is a few days late. But I was really glad to be able to put in the full amount of effort instead of something that sucked that was in on time. Here’s what I did this week (I think you can sing it to the last 3 Twelve Days of Christmas):
The real challenge I ran into was uploading the TikTok because it contained copyrighted content, but I managed to figure it out.
Two Daily Creates:
I love my bike very much, I think about bringing it to campus but I would probably want to keep it in my room which would get annoying. Maybe I can figure out how to do a poll and see what readers think.
This is unfortunately a bit late as my illness caught up with me on Friday. It’s been a rough couple of weeks, I completely missed week 5 because of my health and I was only able to get two video assignments and my goals revisited complete. For the two video assignments I was able to get done, l chose to do a lyric snippet to showcase another song my course character would connect with and a video of who I am to further showcase my identity as it is something I hold dear to myself.
Physical disability and illness have certainly been making it very difficult to do most things lately, but hopefully I’ll be back to my normal self to be able to keep up with everything.
This week went by quickly and i’m excited that we finally made it to the weekend. This week I did 3 visual assignments with the majority of the editing being done using Canva. I really enjoyed creating the visual content for this week and appreciate any opportunity to improve my editing as well as trouble shooting skills. I can see myself using Canva in the future whether that is for an employer or to create my own content.
The first assignment I completed was creating my top ten list in which I decided to list my Yohan’s (my characters) favorite video games. Next I took the ‘walk of life‘ and created my own movie ending scene with the audio. This was by far the hardest assignment for me to complete this week and took a lot of trial and error. To end the week I saved the most simple assignment for last in which was creating a goofy tik tok of a pet using a viral sound. I decided to use Jaxx Yohan’s pet Malinois as the star actor and quickly finished the assignment.
Daily creates:
This week we were assigned two daily creates. For my first post I decided to show off my safe spaces where I know I can go and be at peace and relax like the beach and woods. For my second post I decided to recite the phrase in a Scottish accent, which I failed at horrible but did have a good laugh doing.
Week 6 was a relatively easy week, The daily creates were very intresting especially the one where we had to say “There has been a murder” in a scottish accent. I found that one a little diffcult because ive near tried to speak with any accent. The video assignments from the assignment bank were a little trick to find some that i could relate to the chracter DK. I used apples Imovie to create the 30 sec memory and put clips together using capcut to create the tiktok.
This week I got to get more practice with making and editing videos and I actually had a lot of fun with the process. I got to try out making videos with TikTok for all of this week’s assignments and I highly recommend it. It allows you to record, edit, add captions, add effects, and even add music all on one app! This week I also went over my past goals for this class and checked how much progress I made so far which I spoke more about in my post The Journey So Far.
New Discoveries and Experiences
Used TikTok to create and edit videos
Tried transitions in videos
Used Ai to create pictures
Video Assignments
I had to create 3 video assignments this week. For the first one I made a drawing tutorial in Draw a Flower in Minutes. The other 2 requires incorporating my character, so for one I made a book recommendation list video that has characters with similar personalities as Runa Starr called If You Like Runa Starr. For the final video I did a guide on how to cosplay as Runa Starr in How to Cosplay Runa Starr.
I went home this weekend! So I did not get an early head start to my work, but I was able to throw a few comments onto people’s blogs, as well as start looking at possible video assignments to do. After I got back to school, I was pretty motivated after my quick break to get started.
Revisiting Goals
The first assignment of the week was to revisit the goals we made at the beginning of the semester. I go more in depth in my post, Revisiting Goals, but overall, I feel that I have achieved becoming a bit more adversed in digital media and projects. Also, I have been able to think outside the box more and use creativity in order to make my projects stand out.
Daily Creates
Daily Create #1
For the first daily create of the week, we just had to post something about bikes! Whether it be our bikes, someone else’s bike, or just anything about bikes. I chose to add a photo of my bike (although it is from google but it looks similar). Also, I saw a fun fact that there are roughly about 1 billion bikes in the world. Which is crazy to think about cause thats about an eighth of the population.
Daily Create #2
For the last daily create of the week, we had to share what our “safe haven” was. My first thought went to the beach that is about 10 minutes from my house, Sandbridge Beach. If i haven’t mentioned it before, I grew up in Virginia Beach, so I spent my whole childhood by the beach. Whenever I am bored or need something to do or need a place to think, I always go to this beach.
Video Assignments
Assignment #1
For the first assignment, I decided to make a TikTok. The prompt was to just make a TikTok featuring your pets doing anything funny and to add a famous sound or music behind it. I decided to show my dog Jolene playing with one of her favorite toys. This was fun to do, as I miss my pets, as well as I love TikTok, so it allowed me to revisit some fun memories I have of them, as well as use one of my favorite apps to document it.
Assignment #2
For the second assignment, I made a video explaining a bit of Veronica Malone’s backstory, in order to flesh out her character a bit more. I go more in depth in the video, but she starts off working in the criminal justice system, but realizes how corrupt it is after losing a loved one to it. I used ClipChamp in order to edit the video and found free photos and videos from pixabay and canva.
Assignment #3
For the last assignment, to give Veronica more personality, I had her make a Top 10 Movies video. They mostly stay in the genre of crime, thriller, action or murder mystery, but range in time period and style. I voiced over acting as her, which was a challenge as I am not much of a voice actor, so it was hard trying to make it sound natural, but I did my best. I also used ClipChamp for this, as well as found movie posters on google, and other free images on pixabay. This was my favorite assignment of the week, as it was challenging, but fun to figure out her character even more.
Overall, I found the work this week easy to manage. The daily creates kept me on my toes, and I was quick to find some good assignments that I could do, but also would challenge me. Video editing is something that I have always wanted to work on, so I am glad that I could step out of my comfort zone for this week. Ready for next week!
This week was also focused on video media and video editing. I carefully chose and completed 3 Video Assignments from the assignment bank, those being: Advice to 16 Year Old Me, Signing Words, and Cold Winter Night. It was interesting and fun to create media using video because I also do it outside of the classroom for work related purposes. Shifting focus, however, was a good change of pace and creating different types through these assignments expanded my horizons. I also revisited my goals from the first week that I said I wanted to accomplish this semester, noting I’ve done so much more than I thought I would’ve without even being halfway through the semester. Lastly, I did 2 daily creates this week, which will be attached below.
This week had good options and was fine, just hanging in there till spring break. Still thankful we only had to do 2 daily creates class wise good week personal wise less so. Still hopefully everyone else has a good week. Got stuff done and spent time editing videos in bed which was nice cause I needed it my stress levels are literally off the charts. the norm is 1 I got a 19 I need to take breaks.. Anyways Um yeah work hard lots of work love college yippie I guess.
Week 6 is officially in the books. This week was relatively easy which was very much welcomed with midterms coming up. I chose to do the Talk to the Bot assignment so I only did one assignment, while most people I saw chose to do three. I think both options were equally time consuming which is another reason I’m glad that there weren’t many other assignments/
Daily Creates.
This week I did Tuesday and Wednesday’s Daily Creates. For Tuesday, the prompt was deciding what power a light switch had. For this prompt I chose to take it in a literal direction. When the switch was flipped down, the light was on but when the switch flipped up, the light turned off. In case it wasn’t clear, I wanted the light switch to dictate the time of day. It was the obvious choice, but no one else had done so I decided to take the chance. I used Canva to make the Daily Create. In hindsight, I wish I had made the background even darker but I was worried that if you couldn’t see the background, people wouldn’t understand what I was trying to convey.
The next daily create was showing off your safe haven. I have a few safe havens and I wanted to show them all off. The first one is Ball Parlor in Ball Hall. My friends and I hangout in there a lot and no matter what kind of mood I’m in, going into that parlor and hanging out with them for even a minute lifts my spirits. The next one is my Grandma’s house in Leechburg, PA. My family on my dad’s side is very close but my siblings and I are the only ones who don’t live in Pennsylvania. Anytime we see them, there’s always a family reunion. I love seeing them, and anytime I’m there, problems in Virginia seem to melt away. After that, I included my couch as a safe haven. I chose my couch to represent my house as a whole. When I’m home, I don’t hang out in my room a lot, I spend time with my sisters, my parents, and my pets in the family room. Whether I’m watching a TV, having a conversation, or chilling with my pets, my couch is where I’m at. On top of that, it is the best place to take naps. Lastly, I included the stage which I’m aware is so cheesy but I don’t care. I did theatre and chorus in high school so I love the stage in that sense, but mainly I’m more in awe of how a good production can make me feel like I’m in that world with them. An example of this is I hate New York City. Times Square stresses me out like no other, but once I’m in a theatre, I feel like nothing bad can happen to me. So those are my safe havens! Very cheesy explanations to go with all of them, but I’m a cheesy person.
Video Assignment
I chose to do the Talk to the Bot assignment. I chose to use Sims 4 to animate my characters which could have turned out really cool, if I had gotten the lip-sync videos for Dr. Oblivion to work with it. Maybe I’ll try again another day with shorter clips so it doesn’t take so long to load. I ran into a few road blocks with this assignment with the formatting and scripting but I’m proud of myself for persevering. I also want to be clear that this assignment wasn’t all bad, when it was flowing, it was really easy and fun to work through. The roadblocks were a bit frustrating, but nothing impossible. I used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the video and audio together which didn’t take me too long. To substitute the lip-sync video, I downloaded a stock footage video of audio levels.
This week was easier to find things to comment on than last week. Many people chose to do the three video assignments as well as the goal revision everyone had to do, so people had already posted some stuff by Tuesday afternoon. I commented on Live It Up With Liv’s revisiting goals and I said, “I also appreciate the freedom this class offers. It’s so enjoyable to decide how I want to apply what we’ve learned!” This is true, I’ve been telling my friends that I really enjoy the assignment bank because it allows me to choose how I want to apply the lesson of the week. I think people revisiting their goals started to make people feel sappy because I read a few touching reflections. On Sam’s Club’s goal revisiting, I commented “This in-depth reflection on your goals was a really great timeline to show how your skills have developed. I really like your website; it’s very organized, so all your assignments are easy to find. I think aiming to improve your skills in sound is a great goal to set, and I hope you find success in it!” Sam talked about his goal about web design which is why I included that I liked his website layout. I appreciate anyone with an organized web layout which is something I hope to implement into my website at some point this semester. Flower Bed’s goal revisiting got deep and so I told them, “I appreciate your honest reply. I agree that it can be hard to challenge yourself when life already presents so many challenges. However, I love that your work reflects who you are, and I think that’s what matters most. ” Their reflection was touching and I respected that they were proud of their work at this point in the semester. The Digital Canvas made a video where they talked to their 16 year old self, I said, “This is such a sweet idea. I love the thought of being able to talk to your younger self to reassure them that it gets better. Especially in high school, it truly feels like everything revolves around those moments, and we often lose sight of the fact that we move on and grow. Great job!” I can relate to wishing I could go back and talk to my younger self and fill them in on how life turns out; it’s probably for the best that I can’t because I wouldn’t want to jinx anything. Finally on Noir You Didn’t’s goal revisiting, I commented, “I can’t believe we’re already a third through the semester. That feels unreal! I love how you reflected on your goals but still want to push yourself to improve. Good luck with your goals.“ I think it’s important to acknowledge, even if you meet your goals, there is always room to grow. I appreciated that Noir You Didn’t recognized they want to continue to better themselves. Everyone did a good job this week!
I did enjoy this week, but I think I liked last week better. Getting to watch the Tony Zhou videos and a Black Mirror episode was a highlight. This week had more freedom, which was good, but I think because I already had an appreciation for video essays, I had more fun working on that. However, this was still a good week, and I look forward to next!