Category Archives: week: 11

Week 11 Summary

After a tough week of grinding out the radio show, I’m glad that this week was much lighter.

I first did a reflection of the radio shows that we created, and the experience I had tuning into ds106 radio to hear my own show, as well as another group’s. I went into detail about how three different listens all gave me a different perspective on the radio show creating experience overall.

Next I had to do some brainstorming about what I would do for the upcoming video assignment. I decided on continuing to develop my course character, but ran into some troubles finding sources for my character. I had to do some potentially illegal improvisation from the Netflix show Arcane to fit my needs, and I’ll see soon if the project I’m envisioning will work after all.

And finally, here are my daily creates for the week. I got to do a coding one, which was cool for me to do!

That’s pretty much it for this week, we’ll see how the video project turns out and if I’ll be running into a lawsuit with Netflix in the near future.

Video Project Plan – Incorporating Hwei in a Different Fashion

For my video project, I definitely knew that I wanted to build more upon my course character and create more of his lore in a video format. I will be attempting to use Wav2Lip, since that is a piece of technology that I’ve successfully used previously. However, when trying to find a video of Hwei from Riot Games that can be used for Wav2Lip, I realized that there isn’t a video where Hwei is talking directly forward that can be manipulated by the software. Due to this, I may be taking a clip from the movie Arcane, which is from the League of Legends world.

Hwei is not a character in this Netflix series, as he is a relatively new addition to the League of Legends universe. Due to this, I’m thinking of using the character Viktor instead.

Viktor is actually a robot in League universe, but this film goes into the backstories of different characters, so he is portrayed in his human form before the transformation. Funnily enough, Viktor is a very similar character to my rendition of Hwei, as he is a mad scientist that is an enthusiast of augmentation and the use of technology, to the point where he replaced his entire body with robotic parts to free himself of his crippled state.

Looking back at it now, I think I should have made Viktor my course character, as he is literally what Hwei stands for currently, and I had no idea until looking back in hindsight. However, maybe trying to add a personality to a blank canvas gave me more creativity in my assignments.

For the narrative of the video, I will most likely create a monologue of the pivotal moment where Hwei turned to automation and AI as his escape from reality. I will show two phases where he is initially in human form, but then turns into the idealized, robotic version of himself after a deep reflection of his ambitions and morals.

The only concern I have right now is that there will be copyright issues or that my video will be flagged by Wav2Lip or Google or any other corporation, so I’ll have to see if I get any issues using this clip.

Video Project Plan – Incorporating Hwei in a Different Fashion

For my video project, I definitely knew that I wanted to build more upon my course character and create more of his lore in a video format. I will be attempting to use Wav2Lip, since that is a piece of technology that I’ve successfully used previously. However, when trying to find a video of Hwei from Riot Games that can be used for Wav2Lip, I realized that there isn’t a video where Hwei is talking directly forward that can be manipulated by the software. Due to this, I may be taking a clip from the movie Arcane, which is from the League of Legends world.

Hwei is not a character in this Netflix series, as he is a relatively new addition to the League of Legends universe. Due to this, I’m thinking of using the character Viktor instead.

Viktor is actually a robot in League universe, but this film goes into the backstories of different characters, so he is portrayed in his human form before the transformation. Funnily enough, Viktor is a very similar character to my rendition of Hwei, as he is a mad scientist that is an enthusiast of augmentation and the use of technology, to the point where he replaced his entire body with robotic parts to free himself of his crippled state.

Looking back at it now, I think I should have made Viktor my course character, as he is literally what Hwei stands for currently, and I had no idea until looking back in hindsight. However, maybe trying to add a personality to a blank canvas gave me more creativity in my assignments.

For the narrative of the video, I will most likely create a monologue of the pivotal moment where Hwei turned to automation and AI as his escape from reality. I will show two phases where he is initially in human form, but then turns into the idealized, robotic version of himself after a deep reflection of his ambitions and morals.

The only concern I have right now is that there will be copyright issues or that my video will be flagged by Wav2Lip or Google or any other corporation, so I’ll have to see if I get any issues using this clip.

Daily Create Roundup: Week 11

Here are my daily creates for week 11!

The first one was what I would be if I was reincarnated as a plant. As a self sufficient that isn’t dependent on excessive water, I thought that being an aloe plant would give me the highest potential of surviving.

This next one is if I was a flag. Just noticed that both this create and the previous one were both me becoming something other than human.
I looked up a GIF of a golf flag and a ball. Wasn’t very creative but I really wanted to use this GIF!

The last one is HTML code of YouTube pasted into my IDE. An IDE is an Integrated Development Environment, which is basically just software used to build and edit code. I thought that pasting it into this IDE made the code look a little more colorful, but this also introduced a lot of syntax errors, indicated by the red squiggly lines beneath the code. This is because my IDE wasn’t meant to be used for HTML; it was created for Java. For TDC purposes however, it worked out as an artistic choice.

Daily Create Roundup: Week 11

Here are my daily creates for week 11!

The first one was what I would be if I was reincarnated as a plant. As a self sufficient that isn’t dependent on excessive water, I thought that being an aloe plant would give me the highest potential of surviving.

This next one is if I was a flag. Just noticed that both this create and the previous one were both me becoming something other than human.
I looked up a GIF of a golf flag and a ball. Wasn’t very creative but I really wanted to use this GIF!

The last one is HTML code of YouTube pasted into my IDE. An IDE is an Integrated Development Environment, which is basically just software used to build and edit code. I thought that pasting it into this IDE made the code look a little more colorful, but this also introduced a lot of syntax errors, indicated by the red squiggly lines beneath the code. This is because my IDE wasn’t meant to be used for HTML; it was created for Java. For TDC purposes however, it worked out as an artistic choice.

Radio Show Listening Experience – Similar Format yet so Different

I tuned into the Monday broadcast of ds106 radio, where both our own show and another was played. I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of people that showed up to listen to the entire 1.5ish hours. It was fun to chat with other classmates as well as Professor Bond about the shows live, and it felt like a coming together of ds106 that we have periodically throughout the semester.

For the first segment of the show, we listened to Logic Pod, which was the show that our group created. This was my third time listening to the entire podcast with no interruptions or skipping, and my experience changed with each listen. The first time, I wasn’t too keen on the details and just wanted to pump out a completed show to finish the assignment. The second time, I listened to it with a friend and focused more on enjoying the show and taking in how it makes us feel.

During the third listen for ds106 radio, I began to be much more critical of our work. In terms of the editing, I realized that the audio could have been balanced much better, and a few of the cuts to different speakers were too abrupt. Definitely nitpicky, but good reflections regardless.

I got the chance to go on air live with Professor Bond and talk a little more about the process. Other than a few technical issues, it was awesome yet nerve-wracking to be on air live in front of almost 20 people.

The second portion of the show was dedicated to Ravioli Radio. Right off the bat, I noticed that their show was very similar to ours; a podcast style discussion where different topics are brought into focus. However, I quickly realized that their use of audio clips and the tone of the topics contrasted heavily to our own show.

From an overall vibe standpoint, Ravioli Radio felt like a few friends gathered together to have a good time. It was a breath of fresh air to have more lighthearted topics, while still keeping the format of a good podcast. It felt much less transactional than Logic Pod, where all of our characters meant business and each of us had our own agenda to push in a limited amount of time.

I really appreciated Ravioli Radio’s usage of sound effects, particularly the applause and the addition of a live audience. The use of these sounds never felt redundant, as each audience clip was slightly different from the others, and wasn’t overused. It added another element of depth and immersion to the show, and it made me think about the things I can add to my projects in the next few weeks.

Weekly summary: wk 11

This week was pretty nice. I enjoyed listen other students radio show and seeing what they came up with. As well as seeing my teams radio show being broadcasted too it was so cool. I started to brainstorm ideas for the next video assignment which Im excited to produce. Im just nervous that the Wav2lip wont work. which I hope it does. But I will do further research on other application to have my options laid out.

Video Project Plan…

For my video project I had an idea where my character will interview Dr oblivion asking his opinion on AI on a news channel setting and how Ai is adapting into the world and how us humans are effected by it. Or my second choice is having my AI character do announcement where basically the AI robots “wake up” to control the human race and for people to take shelter. In a 60s-70s style video. I hope this time the Wav2lip will work because I wanted to experiment with it for our last video project. I was having trouble using it because it took the whole day and it would always stop to an error, so I decided to do the second option that we were allowed to do back in week 5 or 6.

Radio Show: Audience perpective..

Listening to Three Point Chatter, I find it cool to listen and learn about Leo’s life. It’s interesting hearing about other AI character’s life in our class. It’s funny to hear real-life food commercials on other radio shows. These AI Characters live their life like humans do. I like how the audience can learn these AI characters’ backstories and get to know other characters in class. I like the end of Three Point Chatter the song is catchy. As well as listening to Pop’s perspective I like how they talked about AI crossing over the movie world and how they can help movies improve. I also enjoyed how Jacob Wilson talked more in-depth about how AI can affect the marvel movies and how they quoted a line from the Marvel movie on how AI could be good or bad. It supports their idea. I find it cool that they were able to connect AI technology to the Spider-Man movie on how Andrew Garfield used it on his spider-web shooter. Overall, I enjoyed listening to our classmate’s radio show, hearing their shows and what they talk about was fun!!