I do not have a purse or a bag that I usually carry around (other than my book bag of course), so I decided to do a “What’s in my bag” for my course character, Veronica Malone. I go more in depth about her in my post, Meet Veronica Malone, but I will still give a quick rundown. She is a part of the hard-boiled detective archetype, who was raised in Boston, Massachusetts, and has a no-nonsense, quick-witted, fiery personality.
For the bag itself, I feel like she would treat herself to a high-quality, good looking bag, so I went with this black leather bag. Then, she would have a note pad and pen in case she needs to note anything that she sees when she is out and about, or maybe just to doodle in. Next, she would have a flip phone, as she believes she doesn’t need the new, updated technology as the flip phone functions just fine for her. Then, she would have all of her makeup products, in her favorite color red of course, in case she needs to touch it up throughout her hard work days. She would also have her sunglasses, which are a stylish, tiny pair, enough to keep the sun out of her eyes. Lastly, she loves gum, specifically the cinnamon flavored gum (which is very controversial I guess), so she always makes sure to have a pack with her.
This was probably my favorite assignment so far, as I was able to build on Veronica as a character, as well as get a bit creative with what she would like/carry with her at all times. I can’t wait to build on her character even more in future assignments.