Category Archives: #videoassignments2750

Become a Pinterest Plant Parent

For this video assignment, I decided to talk about the thing I can’t stop talking about: plants! All of the information included in this video is from my own experience becoming a plant parent this year. I included some pictures of my plants as a character witness.

To create this video, I used Microsoft ClipChamp and recorded everything directly in the software. Ideally, I would have been in a room that is not quite so echo-ey, but I didn’t have the ability to do that this week!

Tips for your characters

10 tips…so many different options to do. What do you have 10 tips on? You could inform me on tips when going to the movie theatre, tips to get through quarantine, tips to get through school, ds106….hehe. Anything you want! What are you an expert in? Link to assignment:

Alright, for this assignment, I wanted to use an AI avatar and a synthetic voice because it’s from my character’s perspective. I’ve included some of my previous assignments related to my character for anyone who isn’t familiar with them.

Instead of my usual Canva workflow, I used HeyGen. I had never used it before, I found it online, but I highly recommend it for anyone looking for an alternative to Canva. They offer a free version as well as different premium plans, but for this assignment, I just used the basic features.

It was pretty easy to use, most of it was drag and drop. You can create your own AI avatar, select a voice for them or use one of the available options, then add a script. They also provide options to include elements like graphics, images, videos, audio, and more. For this project, I added text, a script, videos, and my avatar. After arranging everything, I added transitions and edited the background audio to sound more natural. I also adjusted the voice, though I wasn’t completely satisfied with the selection.

Avatar Selection
Editing Section

Overall, it’s a great application and I would definitely use it again.

Tips From Your Local Femme Fatales

For one of the assignments that I chose to work on this week was the 10 tips Assignment from the Video Assignment Bank.

The 10 tips in this video clip are from my character Sapphria Mae and all of her femme fatale friends.

I created this video using Canva. I found a bunch of other femme fatale inspired photos on Google and used them throughout the video. Then I came up with most of the content for the tips but used google for some inspiration for a few of them as well. In Canva I found 10 video clips that I liked and tried to diversify each one with new designs that were fitting to the tips and the pictures I added to them. Then I added the tips and pictures in and then customized each page. Most pages already came with text boxes, the specific fonts, and the designs/art on them as well so I didn’t really have to focus on that too much.

After completing that, I did some final editing to the number of seconds on each clip. I did about 8 seconds per slide because I figured that would give people a decent amount of time to read the tips and view the pictures. I uploaded the video to my Vimeo account and then linked it here to this page.

I hope you all enjoy the tips from Sapphria Mae and her friends 🙂

10 Tips On What Not To Do

I decided to give you 10 tips on how not to administer a Turing test. A Turing test is a series of questions that are given to a computer to evaluate its intelligence. It was developed by Alan Turing in the 1950’s. I don’t know what the questions are and have no experience with the test or the questions. It was a lot of fun thinking of what wouldn’t work for such a test. I enlisted my children as actors. Enjoy the chaos.

When I went to upload my video on Friday the 26th I found it was too big to be supported on my blog. I had a midnight deadline and could not figure out what to do. I was so disappointed. I spent hours on this video this week learning how to use the software and editing the clips together. While I know it isn’t perfect, I am proud of the work I did and the skills I am learning.

I emailed my professor and asked how to get my video on my blog. Answer upload to You Tube. I now have a You Tube channel. It will now be part of my blog and my adventures in DS106.

I am happy to present my 1st YouTube video. I hope you enjoyed it.