For this assignment, I decided to portray one of Bethany’s friends giving her a toast at her housewarming party. I fell curse to an echo-ey room, but it makes it feel like it really is an empty room! The assignment didn’t go into depth about how long the toast should be, so mine ended up being quite short. I recorded everything in ClipChamp and trimmed the beginning and end. I played around with adding crowd noises, but I felt like I couldn’t get it to properly layer with the audio from my video, so I left those out.
Category Archives: VideoAssignments2745
A Toast for Colleague🥂:
by Greta Hammen
It was my pleasure to give a toast to my colleague, Natasha Sidorov, at a small office party we had at the CIA. They had a large shrimp platter, vegetables, cut fruit, champagne and a cake. Natasha earned a promotion of team leader in our Division 4 and she landed a big contract with client, Aggressive Technologies! I used my iPhone 14 Pro to record directly unto YouTube. Then I emailed it to myself to have the URL, to paste and embed here.