In order to flesh out Veronica, or as I like to call her Vee, as a character even more, I thought I would give a sort of backstory as to why she is in the field she is in now, or why she is the way she is. To give context (but not too much as you will have to watch the video to see), she starts off in the criminal justice system working as a detective, but realizes the corruption that comes with it, and decides to go rogue. This was a bit difficult, as I am not very good at drawing, so visualizing her as a character was hard. So, I decided to keep it ambiguous for now, but still include realistic images and videos in order to accurately recreate her backstory. I found most of these images and videos either from or from Canva and downloading it. I edited on ClipChamp which is included on Microsoft 365. It is simple and gets the job done as far as completing this assignment. After, I was proud of what I made. It isn’t perfect, but I think it doesn’t look too amateur and gets the story across perfectly.
Category Archives: VideoAssignments2387
the rivalry redefined: andrea’s story
Tell your character’s story or a story from their life through video. This can be as simple as adding images and putting a voiceover, or recording a bit from your character’s life. Use MovieMaker or iMovie to put together the video and throw in some sound effects if you’d like. It is up to you!
Image: Paper Writing Old Sound: Writing with pencil
Video Assignments
I decided to do the second option of doing three from the assignment bank becuase I didn’t really understand the first option very well. I did find so many fun assignments in the bank and I wanted to do two that were about my character so I can build more about them. I did three assignments, Tell Your Character’s Story, Character Movie Trailer, and #SixSecondArt.
My character is Layla and if you don’t know about her, she is a Manga Artist, who loves marvel, coffee shops, book lover, and she believes Everything can be interpreted as art.
I also wanted to do #SixSecondArt because it reminds me of doing a vine and that was my childhood. I never made any vines and I now thinking about trying to capture everything in 6 seconds is really hard.
I hope everyone enjoyed my video bank assignments! I worked on them all day Monday and Tuesday so I wanted to go back and write about them with a fresh and clear mind. I think it was really fun to base it off of my character! I also wanted to add my cats because cats make everything better! Overall, I love video editing and everything that comes with it.
-Reese Kubricki