Category Archives: VideoAssignments1874

What do you do?

Behind the Creation: I wanted to take a peak into Marie’s head and figure out something I could make into a short video that represents her life. I had previously mentioned that she is a mom and the first thing that came to my mind when I heard mom was packing a kid’s lunch. For this, I headed to CANVA (free) and used their text-to-video beta to create this AI-generated video since she is an AI. The text-to-video generator took many trials even to get something remotely what I was looking for but in the end, I settled on this one. I hope you enjoy my take on this assignment.

Link to assignment

It’s Everyday Bro

The last video assignment I decided to complete was called “What do you do?” The assignment’s guidelines instructed you to record a minimum of eight seconds of a certain daily activity. Find the assignment here: What Do You Do Assignment. I just opted to record myself cleaning my teeth, since I do that every single day. View my video up above! To be honest, I was sitting in my room trying to think of things I did every day, and brushing my teeth is definitely one of those things. It’s probably not the most original thing I could have done.

What do you do?

One of the assignments that we had to do this week was to create three different videos in relation to the video assignments on the assignment bank website. We were also tasked with creating two of the videos be related to our course characters. This first video assignment that I created was quite simple, however, it is not related to my course character. This first assignment is called “What do you do?” and it revolves around the idea of creating a video about something that you do in everyday life. For this assignment, I could have chosen a lot of different things to do for this assignment from me playing tennis, to my just waking up and brushing my teeth. However, I chose to do something that made feel a little more unique with my work and made me get outside. So I decided to film myself walking back to my apartment after my classes and lifts were finished for the day. As you can see on the video, the video was taken near the University of Mary Washington’s bridge that connects Eagle Village to the rest of campus near the Anderson Center. I enjoyed deciding what to do for this assignment because there were so many different options. I took my time with deciding what I wanted to do and was happy with what I decided on. You can find the video below.