For this assignment I was tasked with making a video that represents who I am. However, instead of the video being about me I made the video about Leo Storm, my created Ai character. For the video I found pictures that represented Leo Storm. I used pictures of his hometown, favorite food and drink, education, etc… I uploaded these pictures to a software called Movavi Video and from there I created a video with all the pictures. The next thing I did was record a voice over explaining how each picture represented Leo. I used Audacity as my recording software. After that was complete, I downloaded the finished voice over and uploaded to Movavi Video. I made my final touches, making sure my voice over was in sync with the pictures. I downloaded the final product and that is what you see here. I hope you enjoy!
Category Archives: Video Assignment
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
For this assignment I was tasked with recording myself reciting a poem. I decide to put a twist on it, instead of me reciting the poem Leo Storm, my created character, is reciting the poem. I chose One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish as my poem because it was one of my favorite poems growing up. Another reason I chose this was because it is a classic poem written by Dr. Seuss. The process of making this video was quite simple. I used to upload a picture of Leo Storm, this website allowed me to make an image look like it was talking. After I uploaded the photo, I used an Ai text to speech to record the poem. Once that was complete, I uploaded the file of the voice over of One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish to and this is the final product. I hope you enjoy!
Web Gem
For this assignment I was tasked with compiling clips of me doing well in my sport and make it into a video. The process of creating this video wasn’t too difficult. I had some film from my high school season as well as my travel ball season. I took those clips and uploaded them to iMovie. Once they were uploaded, I just combined all the clips making it into one video. Hope you enjoy!