Category Archives: #tdc4456

What Would Your Fit Bit Measure?

#tdc4456 #ds106 Idealized Data Gatherer

If you could have a FitBit-style device to measure something that can’t normally be measured that way, what would it be?

It would look like a hair clip to be worn as close to the scalp as possible. It would be measuring brain waves/activity looking at how much of the invisible load one is doing in running a household. The unseen stress of making everything flow. If you have children, it adds another layer. Is there a health problem in the family? The unseen important tasks would be tracked and measured. You may have felt you did nothing one day; this would show you didn’t.

MsMapex: “#tdc4456 #ds106 Idealized Data…” – ds106 Social

Think about it there is so much to do when you run a household. Maybe there are no kids; there are pets, houseplants, bills, food etc. There are still many tasks that have to be done for the household to run. Who takes care of those? I have read articles that state women usually carry the brunt of the invisible load. Would it not be great if this could really be measured? I think we would all see that on a day we got nothing done a lot got done.